Archive/Dongs 2021

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No.416060 : Anonymous [2022-08-19 18:30] [Report] 1660948208093.jpg (1660573 B, 1125x1408) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
1660573 B

All US circuit parties and prides are over (still nothing from Market Days hasnt leaked yet :( ). Now it is time for Mykonos. Every prominent gay insta fuckboi is there. Are we going to get any footage from there? I bet loads of orgies and US-EU monkeypox strain exchanges happening in villas.

No.416252 : Anonymous [2022-08-21 10:20] [Report] []

I’m here now! No orgies yet but had an amazing 3 some two nights ago. Will be up on your dad’s OF once we’re done editing it.

No.416727 : Anonymous [2022-08-24 12:26] [Report] []


No.416768 : Anonymous [2022-08-24 19:44] [Report] []

>>416060 how do these instagays afford to go to these parties like every weekend. Jesus.

No.416769 : Anonymous [2022-08-24 20:07] [Report] []

>>416768 Probably a quarter mooch off off of family wealth, half use credit cards and are drowning in debt, the last quarter is a mix of those with good jobs that use PTO, those that mooch off of friends in the other categories, and those that have their expenses paid by older men. Then you always have locals and people from the region that only have to drive a few hours to get to that spot.

No.416802 : Anonymous [2022-08-25 02:09] [Report] []

>>416768 they just drop their pans. Their 🍆and 🍑 pay for their vacation.

No.416838 : Anonymous [2022-08-25 11:57] [Report] 1661443075652.png (95840 B, 1592x414) [YIS] [GIS] []
95840 B

Good luck to these sluts.

No.416841 : Anonymous [2022-08-25 12:30] [Report] []

>>416838 OK. And?


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