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Why was the current active Austin, TX thread archived?
The yearly purge. The whole site gets archived. Everything that Was was put into archive 2021
>>418455 9 months into 2022 lol…
>>418454Seems like a fun time. Anyone have more on him
>>418581 his name? IG?
>>418583Holy fuck. I've been curious about him for years but never saw anything. Damn I really want to see more now
Bumping up for hot UT boys
>>418583 oh wow that's nice
Yay just in time for ACL too
Yes, let’s get more on hot Austin gays before ACL pls lol
Any updates on the crazy, but impossibley beautiful, teensy, Br@nd0n Wh1tt?
Anything on this guy? Runs around in a Speedo a lot apparently.
>>420825 Yes! Fuzzy midget cutie Brandon updated! Pleeeeease!
Anything new on this one? Low quality pics have been uploaded in the past. Any stories or info?
>>422557 the old pics weren’t super clear but he looked hot
Anything on this guy apparently he recently split with his boyfriend… anyone have photos or videos and who is his ex
I know there’s stuff out there. Anyone have anything on him?
Anyone have anything? he hops between Dallas and Austin all the time from the looks of it
Let’s not forget our favorite Austin twunk with anger problems
austin is filled with zionists and islamaphobes
im boycotting this
>>425731 what is so great about islam exactly?
>>425734 what is so great about being a racist, xenophobic, genocidal, colonizer exactly?
>>425736 Like he said, everything. Considering how our customs and institutions seep into nearly every corner of the planet, and the places that have do not have them tend to be unsanitary, hyper-religious, overly corrupt hellholes, I would say our colonizing served the human species well.
Nothing on Brandon Whitt?
>>425694 he's a moron but I would love to see him get fucked in half
>>425770 lets see - slavery, genocide, apartheid, fascism, systemic racism, inequality, climate change, islamophobia, zionism, are just a few things that you have done none of which you should be proud of
>>425939 hear hear
>>425939The islamophia is 100% deserved.
>>425939 Advanced agriculture, public eduation, the RULE OF LAW, public trials, civil rights, capitalism which has provided material comforts to people outside society's elite, vaccines, the idea that Kings and rulers are not Gods, the idea that rulers should have limits and accountability to their own people, public healthcare, public libraries for those outside of society's elite, exploring space, modern plumbing, international entertainment in film, television, music. Food so deliciously addictive it kills them over time. The internet. I am sorry your people have contributed so minimally to civilization that you can claim purity. What you claim as moral superiority we see as intellectual inferiority, weak social cohesion and generally primitive. Deep down you know that is true, which is why you spout off about of nauseating, whiny academic concepts IRONICALLY generated in a bunch of decadent, bourgeois institutions that are yet again a product of the culture you claim to despise. Without our contributions you would have probably been executed by your tribal peers for being a sexual deviant, assuming you were not a product of infant death, disease, and even had time for pleasure when you were not hunting local wildlife, fighting other tribes over land, or foraging for berries or fishing. Accept the fact that power is power and be grateful your betters have some sense of conscience and prefer to trade with your people, or even let you immigrate and assimilate with their cultures as opposed to outright slaughtering you for your land or enslaving you.
>>425939 Oh yes. And slavery and genocide were ineventions of Europeans and have no precedent in other cultures. Nooooope.
>>425984I came for porn.I got the New York Times editorial instead.
>>425988Ye is right
>>425984 paid israeli troll collecting his shekels
>>426216 Nope, just a white guy tired of the insipid contempt from a poster whose culture's entire value is derived from the random good fortune of the easily extracted fossil fuels from their soil. Well...I take that back, the Ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians had stuff going on...but that was like a REALLY long time ago.
Fuck, post cocks, pussies and cum. No political bullshit.
>>426357 pussies? Gross. No one should ever post pussy here. They are foul disgusting things that don’t even have rights in Texas. Keep them locked up!
>>418581 I have fucked / fisted Wes a bunch. I’ll find some pics in my archive.
Any Austin gay telegram group? Something like chicagogays?
Anything on this elusive stud?
B0bby H3rr!ck
No one has anything? He's so hot...
>>434448I’ll trade Bobby’s for ….
For what?
Anything on our favorite, crazy, little prude nugget?
>>418454 what happen to all the hunky UT boys? Have not seen the normal spread out anymore
>>425694Don't know her but always nice to me when I run into her, out of all the little queens this one is the one I'll give the pass to
Anything on Luke?
Anything on this cutie?
>>443277 would also be interested in him, I think they are either friends or together. In lots of pics
>>443637 Jesus Christ yes please
>>443637 wow hot
>>443277 I have his nudes but I would have to find it...
>>443277 so cute!
>>443637 who is this?
>>443636 wayy too hairy
>>425694 anger problems?
>>435806 Nothing on Brandon?
Anything on @l0g4n3atsbu++3r? Swap the numbers/symbols for letters. His ass is out of this world but I wish he’d fix that damn gap
Anything on him? dmcconnell9 on IG
>>425028 bump for him. Any pics or stories?
>>444397 some of you queers go fucking overboard on the morse code.
The dude's IG is loganeatsbutter, and no I don't give a fuck that I didn't hide behind code. BFD.
Anything on Alon?
>>443635 whats this guy’s name?
>>443635 who is this handsome guy? Insta?
Anything on the guys over at the Atheist Community of Austin (ACA)?
Any of this guy? Heard he’s quite the slut when he’s not life coaching or whatever.
>>446788 he’s cute
>>446823 very. He does some new agey woo woo stuff for work but I’ve heard he’s pretty much a cumdump bottom when he’s not doing that
Austin has the most amount of ugly gays as a close second to San Francisco. This is the problem with "gay meccas"
Nice cute, rape-able ass. Meaty!
>>443724 bumps for c0ry. :3 he's just so cute and that ass.
I'll be the third here to chime in that her shitter looks super tasty.
I'd love to cream in her. Give her the good ganache.
>>418454 So did Brandon die or something? Totally quiet.
Let's go Brandon!
>>444891Isn’t he a circuit druggy?
>>443071Show that hole
anything on luke? hairyhimb0 on twitter, recently went private. UT student
any pics/tea on this stud?
Anything on Felix
>>451785 i've seen him out and about before, very very hot in person. never seen him on any apps though sadly
>>444805 he has a monster cock
Hung top
m_glick on insta
>>456236 m_glick
Hot. Any face without sunglasses? His insta is private
>>456239 very nice pics
>>456209 tell us more
>>443277 Anything on him?
>>443071 anything?
Anything on Wesley
>>458989 ew! stinky! 🤢
>>443319 bump
Definitely need more now.
>>443724 you ever find his pics?
Any chance we can get a repost of M G L i c k nudes? Hottest dude around.
Does anybody know who this guys is? I have a feeling that he’s a catfish but I can’t find anything to confirm or deny… he says he lives in Austin