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San Francisco thread
Anything on TheHil@ryBuff on Twitter?
Anything on this couple (cl@ys@der & essfl0)?
Anything on J0n@th@an D3@s0n ?
>>424115 bump!!
>>424115 Joe S?
>>425799 yes please
>>424185 would love to see them too
You might recognize health care worker and Oakland resident Kh13b3r V@n Z@nd+ as cumslut “Dylan” from Drunk on Cum.
>>425799 bump
>>429252 someone married that cum dumpster? lol there truly is someone for everyone.
>>429252 hot
Anything on him?
>>430563 bump
>>430563 from his Grindr profile
Anything on ssm@c82?
Anything on this SF tik tok guy?
scoop / nudes on this couple?
Heard Bryan’s d is huge. Any pics?
we hope that serial fraudster 𝓢𝓬𝓸𝓽𝓽 𝓑𝓻𝔂𝓪𝓷𝓽 the NYC conman doesn't try to scam them
>>432151 saw the one on the left at marshall beach; nice dick
>>432537 any deets about his dick?
>>432547 anyone got pics of the nice dick from Marshall beach?
>>432151 let’s see the dicks
>>430563 met him through Sniffies. We fucked a few times
>>435639 How was he?
Anyone have rsme@se
Met him at club like a year ago kind of standoff -ish but hot
>>435817 Oh he's hot af
>>435817 he's married but used to be on grindr and was thinking about an OF. I'm sure he has nudes out there.
They're open aren't they? Pretty sure I've seen both him and the husband on Grindr recently.
Wouldn't mind seeing her pussy or cock.
She worked for Apple. Must be good friends with pathological liar Mike Cam.
>>435788 he topped me every time. Surprisingly dominant in bed
Yeah talking to him in person feels really off.
I don't think he is actually rude, just awkward as all hell.
What kind of steroids does he use?
we need a steroids info thread
>>436400 You think he is on the spectrum? Or just poorly socialized?
Don't know, don't care? It was just a turnoff.
He's lucky he locked down a cute twink before expires.
>>436516 anything on the XXL dom top opera singer?
>>436274>>435817Who has this guy? Beautiful body seems like a top. Would love to see him naked. Does he have an OF?
Anything? Is she really huge?
>>460758 this is him. Got any more pics? Been wanting to see his nudes for ages.
R y a n M e @ s e
>>460817Nice, where are these from? OF? Does he have any fuck vids or at least jerking vids?
Imagine them sucking/fucking. There must be a Twitter or OF?
how about this guy?
how about max?
Anything from this SF couple?
>>424115 bump!!!
>>460968 guy on left has OF
>>460968 Brian separated from Peter?? 😳
>>461691 yes !
>>461692 Does anyone know why they divorced?
Definitely a racist gay
>>460787 it's super thick
>>461693 AIDS
>>461892 Don't invent something very serious.
He's slutposting again. Love how he shares the meat for us all. Huge fan. Hope he does OF soon. Love the comments section on his photos too. Great place to meat other horny fags.
No idea if he's racist but I've met multiple guys (all white or white-adjacent Latinos now that I think about it) who he has sent nudes to and all say he acts holier-than-thou while also desperately seeking out sexual attention. Met him at a bar years ago and was awkward and standoffish.
> craves attention by exploiting his sex appeal> acts outraged you're objectifying him
He gives major histrionic + autistic vibes. His BF was nice + normal though.
>>461945 but it's true.
>>462029 How do you know it's true?
>>461892 Who has it? Peter or Brian?
>>461892 Don't invent things. They separated because Brian fell in love with his best friend.
I’ve hooked up with him and he definitely has a big ego. Very aware that he’s a good looking guy and he does take advantage of that. Also he’s very much a clout chaser/only hangs out with a very specific type of guy though it’s definitely more about those with wealth and nice bodies rather than racism.
Also, he really knows his angles. He looks a lot bigger in photos. He’s a twink with some muscle definition.
There is enough rich asian/middle eastern guys out there that he could prove this wrong by whoreing himself out
so yea, he is everything you said AND a racist.
>>435817 no she isn't. her pits stank.
>>462402 how was the hookup tho?
>>462550 ha!
Can you imagine being this pathetic?
Does anyone know why this gay couple from SF got divorced?
>>461978>>462402Be nice he looks super cute and very rape-able in these pics. Imagine raping his pits or shitter or having him choke you and spit in your face while he rapes your shitter.>>462474>>460758
>>466926Are you capable of thinking about sex in terms that don't involve rape? You need a very good psychiatrist.
>>466893 pitstank?
>>466885 this is very pathetic. Cringe central. Some people think very highly of themselves and are immune to our critiques. I’d say good for him but nah. He’s not even cute lol
>>466893 yea, they broke up
>>466988 reason ?
>>467002 pitstank
>>467018 What does that mean?
>>467020 sweating is a normal human mechanism to control body temperature. If you don't lead a hygienic lifestyle and your pits are bushy, sweat can get trapped in them. Normal microflora of the skin can then feast on this sweat and their metabolism can produce byproducts that are stinky. This is known as pitstank and is one of the most lethal weapons known to man. A little known secret no one would tell you is that the secret ingredient X Oppenheimer used to build the atomic bomb was pitstank.
are there any good SF telegrams?
not well endowed, cut.
Anyone have neonandnaked who turned into b8_area bottom slut with a huge cock that shows off in public
>>471779 any pics? I’d love to see. He’s so cute lol
>>471584 ID?
>>424470 need more of him
Do you have anything from this couple?
>>472785 🤩🤩
Anything about this couple?
Pictures of this couple?
>>472800 do they have an onlyfans?
>>472876 yes, anyone got them in action?
>>472806 I’d fucking die to see some vids of this dick in action
Do you have photos or videos of this handsome boy?
Anyone hookup or have any x pics of this SFO italian stud?
>>474058 great body, is he a bottom or top
>>474083Not sure. Bet he got that Italian sausage ready to go tho
>>424115 it’s weird that I’ve lived here a decade and literally don’t recognize anybody on this thread. I still go to the Castro, meet up with friends, go to Delores park when it’s warm… and have never heard of a single person. Can we actually post up real people?
>>474211Dolores, not Delores. The action is at the former. 😎
>>474211 well no one’s stopping you from posting other people lol
>>472785 OF and X is plugmikein
>>474057 SFO is an airport code
>>474211 it's more weird that you lived here for a decade and spelled the park wrong
>>474229 it was the spell check, freakin sue me. I stand by my comments. Someone post up some IG faggots from SF. It’s not that hard, everyone is friends with everyone else on IG. All of the guys here on this thread don’t actually live in SF or only used to live here.
>>474231 why don’t YOU post some IG faggots instead of bitching and demanding other people do it for you
>>471580 Louisacra
>>474918 who is that
>>474211 right?! I dont recognize any of these bitches. Except one and that was the ginger.
>>474979 ok so who should we be seeing here then
What's Colin's story?
>>472801 damn. we need more!
>>475099 Really pretty dick, above average but not huge, top
Horrible personality.
Not that it matters in this site, someone bait him and post
>>475797Who? >>475099 ?
Any more castro boys?
>>475099 He likes guys
>>474057Anything? Anyone hook up w him? Leaks?
>>461692 I think this couple has already separated.
>>474057He on gaytok (tiktok for homos)
>>478315 what else?
>>474058He has to have fucked someone at the SF Pride pool parties.
>>478501 Doubtful you’ll find proof
Do you have a telegram group? So to send Nudes of all those who live in SF?
>>479383Also interested in tele group and baits.
Someone have the pride orgy vid?
>>479712 ??
Anything in this guy? Something about him is so familiar
>>481282Is this the guy above? Vittorio Monteverdi?
That vittorio is hot af. But he’s not jackcoloradoalt on twitter. Would love to see some nudes of him and see the face that is attached to jack’s hairy ass
>>481345He has a social?
Is there a tele?
>>482948 He looks like he can take a good pounding
>>481284 the real san francisco treat
>>482948 How can you find him on Instagram?
>>483081 I can vouch for this
>>483248 Did you make any vids?
>>481580His TikToks are such bait
>>483401 meh not that impressive
>>483398 hot
>>483398 is this supposed to be an example of bait?
>>483401 HOT
What’s the tea on J@ke L@hr?
Looks like a massive rice queen.
>>483401 is this really the best of sf
>>484048Dude I’m just waiting for Vittos OF to drop lol
>>484503 is he releasing one?
>>484503 I am ready to subscribe
>>484683 Me too, cant wait
>>473126 Peter, do you still post hot photos on your Instagram?
Looks like he’s got a nice butt though. Who’s got the front? 😜
>>487023 nice
Anything on this coulple?
>>484457 yes. That’s pretty much it
Joey was a little slut in college
>>488058 thats what we like! Well done Joey
Has anyone hooked up with him? What's his type?
Someone pls post pics of J0ey. There should be some out there. He’s on Grindr constantly. There were pics of CK on here a while ago when he was fucking Tyl3r.
How about photos of this whore? Anyone sub to his OF yet?
>>488149 its huge
lmao are there no hot guys in sf? this thread is so sad
>>487463 Easter Sunday ass swim trunks
Anything on Brendan g
what is it?
>>483398Which of you scared Vitto off Tiktok?! Accounts gone
Who is he?
Anything on M1chael? He used to live in Austin but now lives in SF.
What's up with this couple and especially the younger guy? Stories? Pics?
>>490499who’s the younger?
>>425799 what do you have on him
>>490483 looks hot
Anyone got nudes of these two?
>>491210 Fuck, the were at La Demence.
>>491209 more of the guy on the right please
>>460865 looks like Vasili put on some muscle. Anyone ever get the goods?
>>491210Fuck, any more of the guy on the right?
Want one have anything on this guy @drian
>>488149 What's the OF?
anything on him? seems like hes into findom or whatever feeds his ego @/€dd1ey1ng
he cams as j0ckb8t0r
0's as o
anyone have this guy israel
Can someone please share the link to the telegram chat?
t. me /c/1923653104/3140
remove the spaces
that TG link doesnt work
>>482948Anyone find his IG or regular Twitter?
t. me/ +hYFlT2rVX2BiZDkx
>>494719 this one worked thank you!
can you post you own invite link if that's how it works?
this one isn't working for me and I'm always too late to find something active?
can you re-post an active invite?
been trying to join but I'm always too late!
got plenty to say myself
got plenty to share myself
it still works take out the spaces
>>494844…The linked expired.
>>494864 it isn't you must be typing it in wrong
>>494864 worked for me today you probably just got banned
>>495027…That’s what I thought. However, how does one get banned from recently joining the group without any type of interaction?…LOL….Thanks for the heads up!
>>495057 I was told if I didn't "contribute" within a few hours of joining I'd be removed. I think it also bans you. That's what happened to me anyway lol
Anything on this sexy muscle daddy? 🥵
any nudes out there on him?
>>495057 upon joining you have 8 hours to contribute nudes or you’re banned.
The telegram is totally useless and dead. Just a few ugly fags promoting their OF. Fail
>>495390 it's not super active but it's not what you described.
>>495279 who's this?
>>494719 expired
take out the spaces
>>495585 Jeff in sf
J3ff 0'N3i11
please post his sex vids again
>>495926second this!!!
>>495926 begging.
>>495390 you just lurked and got kicked out.
enjoy TG while it lasts it's going to be either shut down or heavily moderated soon
>>495674 worked for me
Got more of the this twunk ?
if you contribute then you're fine
>>487023 druggie
>>494719 do you have this video?
>>496624 yes we(dot)tl/t-2ARH4uCJae
>>496624 who is this boys?
>>496756 The top is M1ke Herschel
any of this guy? he’s in the mission
>>496871 bump
>>494719 doesnt work
>>496734 may I have it again?
>>495926 who is he? So hot!
>>496871 hung and muscular apparently
>>497348 it's in the LA/SF TG
>>496734>>495674> it works you just have to contribute and your'e fine
>>494719 please add me.
SF scruff anyone got him?
Anyone have this one?
Pier$ hugh $mith? (right in group)
>>497978 UK guy living in SF
>>496734 repost please
Anyone have this cutie? There’s gotta be something
>>494719 broke
>>498288 he should escort!
>>497979 ive seen him before, def has nudes out there
>>498404 Hope they show up, either solo or with the bf
works take out the spaces
>>496871 anything on him!!!
Can anyone post Bl@kes pics again?
>>495880 any stories on Jeff?
>>498563 Blake who?
>>494719 waste of time only 80 members dont bother
>>494719 expired.
>>475099 please post anything on colin
>>424185 bump!
any of him with his husband?
>>499826 fuck off with this TG shit
>>499996 more of the asian please
>>494719 add me please
>>498563 bump!
>>499996 more of both of these guys they are both cute af
any good SF discord groups?
>>499996 Their other threads
>>499826 expired.
>>500225 worked just fine for me
anyone have anything on this boy? jack eidson
>>500216Kyle is a real hottie in every sense of the word but he's completely wasted on these chinks. The guy is basically single-handedly responsible for bringing the WuFlu to North America from his digusting yellow fever obsession.
I genuinely assume if a top likes this type of creature he just enjoys it because Asian boys know they need to be totally submissive and obedient to hold down a white man and receive the white dick they covet so much. Chinks really have a strong sense of filial piety and deference to authority so it is natural for them to essentially be slaves (as sex partners to real men/white men or as workers in a sweatshop).
>>500310 great body
>>500311 Could you keep your chinck fantasies to yourself no one is interested in your obsession
>>424115 anybody know who Kingversatile_ and Sincitypapi are? Both dating and on OF. The black guy used to be on IG as dblack_fit94 pretty sure I followed Kingvers at some point also but can’t find his handle now.
>>500310 anyone know what happened to him and his ex christian?
Kingvers is Scott Dim0nd
Mind resharing? I’d posted hella photos of guys, but was kicked out one day. :/
it was taken down by TG someone snitched as the mod
"ask the mod"
Anyone know who this is?
any clearer pics of essflo?
anything on Phil?
>>501479 YUM!
Anything in this one?
>>500704 new SF/LA group link https:// t. me/+_ RLf4iAbk8xmZTRh
>>501588 him or his twin did porn Brent Rivers
Anything on this hot gym owner daddy?
>>501706Expired link
>>502168 worked for me
>>502168 same
>>501930 is the hot daddy in the room with us
>>502335 yes
remove the spaces https:// t. me/+_ RLf4iAbk8xmZTRh
it's a good active group you just need to moderately contribute and you're fine
>>501341 Buck T0w3r
Why? Got his dick pic?
>>502568 I wish. Just looking for stuff on him.
>>488149 What's the Twitter / OF?
https:// t. me/+_ RLf4iAbk8xmZTRh doesnt work help?
>>502842 you were probably banned it works for me
anything new on these two I heard they're in a throuple
Bryan B. I know he’s been shared here before. Let’s repost his nudes. He’s a real whore so they’re out there
>>503702 need another video from those hung studs
503706 - brown hair / blue eyes is my weakness! any social media 411 on Brian B?
>>503938 brybroc on IG. He has nudes and sex info in these archives. Couldn’t find them though
>>503702 the third
>>502842 can you give us a new link that works?
>>500310 broke up with his boyfriend recently, anyone have the tea?
>>503986 https:// t. me/+_ RLf4iAbk8xmZTRh should work
don't join the norcal or LA telegram they're run by someone who is absolutely fine with letting P3d0s post for hours on end.
>>504141 "norcal/sanfran" and "LA/Guys" are p3d0 friendly
>>504140 new invite link?
Anyone have something on Connor Moon? Maybe a frontal?
>>504140 doesnt
https://t. me /+VdUlsca6F b0yZGNh
>>504971 expired
>>505073 it still works you just need to not be a lurker
ttps://t. me /+VdUlsca6F b0yZGNh
>>505233 Submitted some stuff there and was still kicked the next day. Don't contribute to those hoarders
so yes, if you telegram someone from here you're mentally deficient and just asking to get scammed etc, but also posting telegram links distracts from porn being posted here, which is the whole point of the site.
thoughts on deleting/banning telegram links in future?
>>505238 100% agree
>>505248 one vote is enough for me. it starts today.
Anyone have advice on sex parties or other venues to meet hot Asian men in sf?
can anyone share a new invite to the group please?
Got any dick pics, muscle nudes, or action shots? He's so hot
it's expired. new link?
t. me /+VdUlsca6F b0yZGNh
>>505398 this uncle Naren Hazareesingh seems to be doing some messed up shit. Maybe you can DM him on insta and he'll tell you. He's super nice too.
>>503702 is there stuff on them already? the one on the right is cute
>>505771 LOL I love your sarcasm
>>505834 but I wasn't kidding.
>>461945 oh honey it's already there. Since the 1980s.
>>506207 ig?
>>506223I’ve been looking for any social media of Colin’s for months but haven’t found a single thing. I’ve had most of these pics from last year but only posting them now because he seemed to have fallen off the apps during the latter half of last year.
>>506212 not Colin
>>506250This was from his Grindr, so I don’t know what to tell you.
He’s had this haircut before because this pic is from his profile (not his album).
Anyone have anything on him? He's not necessarily SF only, but seems to travel through the Bay Area. Currently his Tinder says he's in the San Jose area.
>>506253 share vids
I only ever got the video from >>506214. I never got the chance to fuck him let alone string him along enough to show/send more.
Anybody have anything on Taylor?
Anything on ksanok10? I see him TikTok too