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His name is Gabe. No idea his socials. Got exposed when he was a football player
vid of him?
What a hot man! His face is amazing.
>>427133 damn, i want more
g4briel betts
ig is: bettsg _ 41
Nothing is coming up under that name for IG?
>>427868 I think he changed his username lol, I also think it said on his hudl he just graduated high school this June
What a dumb jock
Dumb whore
Jesus. Really? I had no idea he got exposed that hard. Poor dude. He has a great cock though. He could become a professional gooner fag if he wanted easily, though.
>>427901 link to this? - is this him too?
Who has the other vids?
These dumb jocks getting baited and exposed are so much fun to watch. I always laugh at their DMs to these “girls” telling them they’re gonna destroy their pussies. Bitch, the only thing you’re gonna destroy is your reputation 😂
So hot knowing all of their family and friends have probably seen them jerking off and dirty talking. Bet their dads were proud.
>>427940 and some of these jocks even show their holes and play with them. Every inch of their naked body completely exposed
>>427937 dude go away
Their gay classmates must feel like they've won the lottery.
>>427956 you go away, asshole. Let people enjoy their fetishes.
>>427940 Well, I am sure pops was either proud or jealous of what these little sluts were exposing to the entire planet...depending which side of the family tree those cock genes came from. ;)
Anyone have the video in the OP? Or a full compilation?
>>427974 Fuck you and the freaks obsessed with exposure, y'all legit sound fucking insane - and no doubt are.
>>428007 this site is 95% guys getting exposed. You realize that right? Of course its gonna attract people who get off to that
I love this idiot who stuck chapstick up his ass 😂
Looks so cute in the face in that pic on the right
>>427937 I found another photo. This must be so humiliating for him as everyone saw all of this 😔
>>428039 should be his drivers license and plastered on the walls of his college dorm building lol. That way everyone will know how much of a dumb jock he is and objectify him even more. We should force him into prostituting himself. It’s all he’s good for
Jealousy is an ugly thing
>>427901 Just need to get it so searching his name alone brings up these top results.
>>428098 Isn't this a little bit much. Like this is doxing and invading his privacy and ruining his life
>>428121You must be new here, kek.
>The file has been removed because of a DMCA/copyright violation.
>>428121 Not really, every gay man on the internet knows his face, his name, the size of his cock, the fact he has some heavy loads, and recognizes his voice. It ain't doxing when nothing about you is private anymore.
>>428013 Uhhhh...has nobody ever told him that his body is not really built for football? Sort of twink city there.
>>428121 oh stfu and log off then.
>>428121He loves it.
More straight jocks exposed please
>>428098 stop it with this exposure shit - don’t you know employers and stuff google this shit? It’s messed up.
>>428220Don’t you know what kind of site you’re on?If you want to have some type of moral high ground this isn’t the place for you.
>>428220 Agree. Some of the psychos on here are out of fucking control. "EXPOSE HIM EXPOSE HIM!" You have to figure they had pretty fucked up childhoods to end up this way. No doubt sexually abused, bullied, and subjected to severe psychological abuse. Would kill themselves if they were ever exposed. Please do the world a favor...
>>427131 Wasn't this guy underage in this bait? Read that on twitter.
>>428265Even if that is true, you'd be naive in assuming that most people here would really care about that
>>428278 I just assumed that most people would care about potentially distributing cp
>>428279They should, but they probably won't, since it's a teenager and a lot of people view teens as different to prepubescent kids. Of course, if he was underage and that could be proven they might be more inclined to care, and certainly the mods of this website would be forced to take action, but without proof I doubt anything will happen.
Of course we care but when someone comments it on every single post about a guy who looks 18-24 it gets old.
>>428284 cute justification to turning a blind eye to child porn
>>428309There is no child here, just annoying people derailing a hot thread as always.
>>428309You don’t have anything to back up what you’re saying do you?
These videos are reposted on every gay porn site with no issue but as soon as it comes to MG, suddenly they're apparently underage. Get a real hobby.
Expose all the jock whores!!!
Yeah people love to claim anyone who’s young looking is under age. When the same video or pictures will be posted on countless sites
That because teenagers are sexually mature people, often times already having had tons of sex. Whereas a prepubescent child is literally that A CHILD. It doesn’t take rocket science to figure it out
>>428400I agree, but as far as the law is concerned, a nude of a 17 year old is the same as those of a 7 year old. Both are classed as CP. Crazy, when you think about it. But my point was even though a 17 year old is technically underage as far as naked pics are concerned, most gays won't care.
>>428098 did anyone saved those videos?
>>428466Nice try FBI.
These guys deserve to be breezed one by one. Punishment for being idiots and falling for these “girls.” Fill them up with multiple loads until their holes are oozing with cum.
>>428797 breeded LOL
agreed. their holes should be ours to do as we please with
Crazy bc most people have sex before 17 lol
>>428804I know. It annoys me when people refer to 17 year olds as "children". Like yes, they're "minors" because they're under the age of 18, but they are categorically NOT children. All children are minors but not all minors are children. Teenagers are not children, they are adolescents.
Tell that to the judge when you are busted for fucking a kid under 18. I am a lawyer and your axiom is flawed and the sign of a bigger problem if it truly annoys you.
"a young human being below the age of puberty or below the legal age of majority."
>>428821 in plenty of states, the age of consent is 17
In the states that elected Trump. Sure. But even in those states, there can't be more than 5 years difference in age. So all you pervs justifying pedo sex in your twisted minds...get a good lawyer.
>>428841>>428821The age of consent is 16 where I live, and it annoys me because I am an actual victim of child sexual exploitation, so when people say those who have sex with 17 year olds are "paedophiles", of course it annoys me.
>or below the legal age of majority
So according to this definition, someone is a paedo if they have sex with a 17 year old (which is below the age of majority) even if the age of consent is 16. Absolutely ridiculous. 17 year olds will never be children.
>So all you pervs justifying pedo sex in your twisted minds
In what sense is a 17 year old a prepubescent child? Considering the fact that paedophiles are attracted to prepubescent children specifically, not "minors", which is a fluid concept and varies by country as different countries have differing ages of majority (the most common one is 18 but that isn't universal).
>>428823>>428826Spoiler alert: There are other countries in the world besides the United States!
>I am a lawyer and your axiom is flawed and the sign of a bigger problem if it truly annoys you.
So you think raping a 7 year old or having nude pics of them and having sex with a 17 year old or having nudes of them are morally equivalent? Wow. That says far more about you than me!
IG: g betts 22
>>430621 you claim to be American but use the British spelling for “legalise” when Americans spell it “legalize” 🧢
Elliott’s reaction to this thread:
>>430639 Don't claim to represent America then. We have more than enough assholes here and don't need you.
>>430646 don’t clog the feed with your white supremacy garbage and covert homophobia every fucking day, por favor
OMG been looking for ages
Everyone should be spelling it legalixe to be more culturally sensitive. Thank yxu :)
Any more from this guy??
>>428372 Pretty hot the way he just presents himself to us.
>>442698 share the video where he fingers himself
>>502114 It’s posted above: >>427680
He’s started posting on TT again.
>>502138 the original video! Share more videos
>>502285 What is TT ?
>>502289 TikTok.
>>427839 thanks he is hot
>>502291 thanks
He is perfect. Woof.
>>442698 That facial expression at :28
>>428366 Amen! Make it so seeing them naked and jerking online is the default.