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1. If a thread is locked and images are removed, reposting the media will result in a ban.
2. Dongs archives Archive/Dongs 2021, Archive/Dongs 2020, Archive/Dongs 2019, Archive/Dongs 2018, and Archive/Dongs 2017.
Images like this! Non-professional nudes and real identities.
Previous thread was archived.
Where is the archived thread though? It disappeared...
It was banned for revenge porn
>>439542 wait I thought it was mostly just voyeur content? seriously wondering who got revenged LOL
>Non-professional nudes
Very first reply is professional nudes
>>439586 not sure what you consider "professional" because those ain't
>>439613 Yeah I often get photographed against my will naked in the woods with only my boots on
>>439613 Dumb fuck, those are literally professionally taken modelling pics
These amateur real-identity threads are the hottest things on here. Please keep it going.
>>439667 may I suggest you put the phone down, and I don't know, go get laid. Clearly you are overdue... I'm sure you can find someone to fuck your irrationally aggressive old ass.
Please post more. I love these threads. Please.
>>439802 is there anymore on Cho? I've read before there are videos
>>439841 yes would love to see more of him if anyone has anything!
>>439843 why do we want more of his tiny rice fed cock?
>>439826 More?
>>270153ha ha
>>439663 🔥🔥🔥
>>439855 Here’s the mega file
>>439852Why do the people who don't like asian guys need to be so fucking loud about it? Let people have tastes that differ from yours you loser.
Also his dick is bigger than plenty of other non-Asian guys posted in previous iterations of this thread and you had nothing to say then. Pathetic
>>439928 Damn thank you!
>>439720 wasn’t there a t e l e gr link at one point for these?
>>439852 it's ok, YOU'RE going to be ok even though his cock is bigger than your ignorant racist ass
>>439997 t. me/ +ham94kz lLbw2ODdh
take out the spaces
>>440028 Can you reup the link I have some things to contribute
>>440031 sure no prob, just take out the spaces
t. me/ +BRskkbx KwggxNThh>> 440031
>>440102 The link does not work for me; I hope to contribute as well
>>440174 Now... this is hot. We've been seeing this guy on the net for ages, and now we know he's a grower! LOL.
Link to the old thread?
>>439803 we need more of this man
Anyone have more? Gay or str8, doesn't matter.
>>439663 I hope his patients and colleagues will see this lol
Keep this thread going
Sorry I accidentally created a new thread when I really should have just posted it here. Does anyone have anymore of Isaiah?
It’s been crickets here lately
>>439663 yum i want him
Scott MacLean aka u/handsomebritishboy
Thanks Pimeyes
Dylan Pordugiel aka u/Tampafun5 1/3
Dylan Podurgiel 2/3
Dylan Podurgiel
Tampa based photographer lol what an idiot
>>441772 hotttttttt pimeyes is amazing
>>441771 what a moron! Someone should just take all the top/hot ladybonersgw posts and do a pimeyes search and then post the shit out of them here!
Nathan B
Reid England, power lifter from California. U/Aviselafinn7 on Reddit lol
youtu. be/ ptF 1HxKFo_Q (no space)
>>441815 can we get more of this guy!!
Fucking love these Pimeyes exposures. Keep it up!
>>441769 Hot guy, thanks for posting. You write "what an idiot," but he just sent some traffic to his IG profiles and gave himself free publicity. What a few cock pics will do....
>>441817 that cock is so hot
>>441817Thanks a lot 4 sharing!
>>441980 agreed!
>>439516 can we get some more collage pics in here???
>>442034 also can someone explain to me what pimmeyes is?
👆 spoken like a true creep
>>442197hahaha .....yup! Some guys don't think before they write. LOL
>>442104 Can it work the other way: If You input a social face shot, will it find any nudes if they're out there?
>>442222 yep
>>442104 is there a pimeyes request thread out there? i have a subscription but i'm not using it a lot - happy to help sleuth for any requests out here
>>441844 is he on IG or any other social media?
>>442549 if you can extract a still image of his face maybe
>>442560 ah damn
>>442560 anybody know how to do that?
>>442512 Can you find more on this guy Levi?
>>442578 there is nothing more on him than the shower vid
>>442587 where can I find the vid?
>>442574 uh there are pics on the u/ profile dude LOL
>>442591 uh did you click on the pics? NO you didn't because if you had you would see they have been deleted, DUDELOL idiot
>>442594 1- nope, 2- u talking about the Reddit guy? 3- chill
>>442587 so... the shower vid?
>>442512 run him through there please, even though he’s making this stupid face in every pic he sent me
>>442610 revolting shitter
>>442587 yeah, dude is there even a shower vid?
>>442675 be nice to the pimeyes wizard MG, jfc
>>442675 it’s on telegram it’s an old vid I don’t feel like figuring it out for you maybe someone else well
Anyone have ID on this cute hick from the couple having sex at NYE in New Orleans?
https://youtu . be/0ugg7-wy_4Q
>>442685 well alright, thanks for the help. Is there a certain telegram group I gotta look for, or city by chance?
aka u/Mischievous999
>>439803Wow. God's body.
Hunter Crouse aka u/xgayastronautx
>>442805 Hunter Crouse aka u/xgayastronautx
Evan Neugold, hockey player aka u/Gonewilder8686
>>442830 Evan Neugold, hockey player aka u/Gonewilder8686
>>442831 great catch
>>442825 so? Some of us like a little fat cock
>>442684 oh fuck off brown noser
>>442657 “shitter” you’re such a fuckin freak
>>439516 does anyone have nudes of the congressman George santos? He’s looking fine on his one america network interview 🥵
Don't act like you've never eaten out a tasty shittoris.
>>442869 lmao why you wanna see that fat fuck??
>>442878 he’s not that fat he’s actually not that bad looking in that interview. Really strong jaw line and I’m sure a fat ass to fuck
>>442868 im a very freaky girl
Those are hot reddit finds. Any more?
Anything on this guy?
>>443317 forgot his name but his nudes have def been posted here
>>443346>> his name is Au*tin Alexander, I seen other posts on him but no nudes
>>443422 How many threads are you going to get deleted with this bullshit?
>>443425 what do you mean?
>>443427 he’s a minor delete it. Even if he isn’t delete it anyway because it’s super iffy at best.
>>443428 He is not and was fucking minor you idiot. Peyton if that was the was the case YOU committed a felony by sending that video. You can't have it both ways. Plus we know a college dorm bathroom when we see one. Own you thin, above-average length penis and get over your complete and total exposure.
>>443442 yeah they don’t usually prosecute the child victims of sex crimes. Usually the people who relentlessly share and promote the material. You’re a fucking loser delete it.
>>443442 everyone’s tired of you and your autistic special interest being this fucking ugly white boy. shut the fuck up and pack it up
>>443446 He is not a victim, he created it and distributed it! It won't get deleted, I didn't post it. P3yton, you need to deal with your fucking shit and stop thinking this genie is going back in the bottle, it ain't, because you are the was the one who started it. If you don't knock off the name calling and homophobia people on here will start using your real name so this shows up in Google results. Stop blaming us for your choices.
>>443428 Super iffy is not a legal concept. He was in college. It is very much legal but he doesn't want us to think so. It stays.
>>443456 you’re talking to thin air sweetie
Can we get back to posts now?
People are still going on about this “underage” stuff?? It’s already been noted that Peyton was either 18 or 19 when he sent those, stop with the bullshit.
>>444008 Peyton wants us to think otherwise so he can try and erase his stupid mistake. His cum-spewing dick is online for eternity. He needs to come to terms with that.
Oh my god shut the fuck up
Let's see some good shitter pics in thsi thread
>>444113 Make me, bitch.
>>439663 Someone can send more of this doctor? Please
Bring back this thread
>>440102 new link
Link does work
Link does not work
>>444545 wait but does the link work?
Who is the Peyton people are referencing?
>>444637 Peyton bush, he’s a young, dumb and nuts full of cum college twink who sent nudes to someone and they got leaked and is now using every tactic to get them down lmao
I just cummed on my self so hotly thingking about this himbo's bush
Can someone please ID this guy with Pimpeyes: ?His snapchat states his initials as PTThank you!
so proud of you
>>444785 absolutely amazing, thanks man!
Can we do the same exercise for this douche with a small penis:
>>444785 And just add an "x" between first and second name for his instagram !
>>444798 gay porn actor no interest there. I can search for gay doing amateur porn and wanting to keep their identity secret and expose the fuck out of them tho.
>>444785 you didn't destroy anything. He had an OF for a while and showed everything.
>>444802 link ?
>>444800 He is a gay porn actor? Link? I agree that if he is, there is no interest anymore, only exposing dumb straight turns me on :-)
>>444813 For example
Dudes, don't let this thread die. Post more.
>>444858 It's up to all of us not to let this thread die.Some of us can help locate good set of pics (like this one, dying to know who the guy is: )Some of us with a PimpEyes membership can help ID them. Teamwork lol.
How about this cowboy?
>>445047Nothing interesting + he's ugly as fuck
anyone got the pics of the 3 brothers??
OH he used to post on Reddit eons ago. Can't remember his name though. Had lots of content.
Can we get back to the collages instead of endless requests?
He looks like Corey from BMW.
M@++hew K@1mund is Perth’s biggest nerd and slut. See more of him on Reddit and Twitter as @He$$op93 and P0lypus.
>>445089ugly? he is handsome
>>445478 Tom Waller! His nudes are all over Thisvid, Twitter and other porn sites, seems like he’s not shy of his thick cut teen cock being all over the internet lmao
>>445504 do you have links to any of those vids
>>445506Christ you’re a lazy.
>>445510 he's probably a top
>>445437>>445438 nice!! Post more Vancouver guys!!
and #3Couldn't decide which I liked better
Keep the hotties coming
>>445853 ahaha found him. Football player from Georgia
>>445853 ahaha lol. Expose this dumb slut. Every new girl he sees should be able to see these pics, the thread and the full video before dating him.
>>444785 just came to this, thing aboht you for the first time exposing someone and getting off on it. Reputation: ruined. Glanced over to the far right, his bit dick and face superimposed next to his IG “be humble” lol and just cocked my head back and came so hard it busted through my cum rag
>>445870 who is she? Where is her dingdong?
Pics gone???
>>445898 hmmm
>>445870 what was the deal with this dude?
>>445870 pls repost this guy
>>445870 Can someone repost the previous post on this guy?
Anything on him?Redditor bambam boomboom 1234Can someone Pimeyes him? Hes such a freak 😈
>>445870 here
https:// www.g /video/ 1408332/football-str8-boy
>>446147 i just came two buckets worth to this. Congrats bitch, you’re exposed. I also saved the video. I’mAlways gonna own this tool
>>446150 remember to stay hydrated
>>440028 Can someon reup the link?
>>446141This is so hot, thanks for sharing.
Would love to see more chaturbate guys exposed with names.
Any idea where to find videos/caps of straight chaturbate guys? I could search some of them on pimeyes if anyone has a good place to find their recordings.
>>442578 stfu you've been spamming for that dude in multiple threads on malegeneral for months. I hope no one ever shows you that video. JUST STFU.
>>446179 dude why are you bringing that up. Those comments are weeks old. Wtf. All of the comments here and you choose that one, not the stupid "shitter" comments?
Just posted a video of Tom Waller the other night! I hope you all enjoy!
Where’s the video of him getting fucked?
>>446121 Hes hot af 🔥
>>446234 for posterity[]_tomwallervids.torrent
>>446254 nice cock
>>446264 what’s this supposed to be? The link doesn’t even work lol
Who can find this guy please:
maxxlifts was hotter before he cashed out slutted himself out
Looks hot still
does anybody know who this is? This is very humiliating for him I would be so embarrassed
The characters here are really subtle.
They read:Qing qongling longting and then tongbing bongding dong
It essentially means something along the lines of "professional gentleman by day, freaky slut by night"
>>446379 austx.xn
>>446403 Aw. That’s less fun if he has an of. Still hot tho
>>439516Love these threads. Post pics if you want a pimeye search!
does anyone got him ? he was posted on twt
>>446519Nothing showing up for him on pimeyes
>>442578 did this shower video ever get found? i'd love to see it so much
>>446519 i would huff those pits like poppers
Some more?
God you’re annoying af
>>447431 Nah he's not so bad
Voros Twin
Where did the recent go
What happened to this thread? More to share?
>>446458 Can you try him, I saw his pics on twitter but didn’t get a chance to save them
Top tier thread.
>>446234 fantastic!!
Keep the guys coming
He’s tasty af
>>446379 no way, holy shit I know this guy. Did not know he had an OF. Anyone have more information?
>>450998 youre pathetic
Would appreciate if anyone with pimeyes could identify this hot guy. Apperantly he is Swedish. Thanks!
Another guy that would be sexy to get identified. Sadly i dont have the uncensored images but his ass is amazing.
>>450998 So hot, keep posting baits from QC please :-)
>>446519 Where are twtr pics?
Boo$ting this thread
>>451024 yeah he was leaked his nudes are everywhere rn
>>451358 Really? I haven't seen them anyplace
Are there more pimeyes guys?
Can anyone give a go at Pimeyes on this guy? he is a german cop.
Hes a cop in Bavaria....just got him to send stuff.....hes very reluctant to send ass stuff
>>451691But I managed to get some though 😛
Name is Luka btw.....
The Guy site Zach and Johnny?
More from this german cop?
Let’s get this thread back on track.
tiny dick boy from austin
slutty dallas teacher
>>440102 reup?
>>452626haha i follow him on twitter. this is hot
>>452626 what’s his tw?
>>452706h@d3sxplut0@=a, 3=e, 0=o
>>439663 more pics?
New channel
t me +-yfaQDle6Xw2OGRk
It doesn’t exist
>>452832 invite link expired
>handsomebritishboy>Is neither handsome or British
Michael Frank, Philadelphia
Let’s get back to this one
>>439516 his dick is thick
>>454066 ID? Front?
>>454067 yeh, there’s a front pic with that thick dick
any luck finding this?
>>454066 🥭
>>454122 Please share the ID,
Damn I want that awesome dick, soo good
Who has more guys to share?
Anyone have any guys to share on this thread.
>>455752 Hot guy
So hot.
>>455752 Does he have pics or videos out there?
Bring this thread back
You can have it back when we get our Elliott thread back.
Who has more of these posts?
Post nudes and I'll share
>>457500 who is he?
Who has more guys?
>>458143 this exposure fetish is out of hand. What the hell do you get out of doxxing his name and socials? You’re a sick fuck
>>458170 shut up you dumbass piece of shit. What are you doing here???
post more
Jack Derry, straight UK actor!
also friends with Tom Hollands brother lol
>>458172 looking for a husband you bitchass. You have someone in mind?
>>439879 Same guy?
Keep this thread up
>>458702 not hung but hot to see him exposed
slutty gay twink lmao
>>459153 hottie
>>459395 YESSS this kind of expose is SO HOT
Another one of the german consultant Sebastian Buchholz
>>459531 so fucking hot!!!
>>459395 The way he is just hacking with that razor along his dick is making me so uncomfortable but fucking hot
>>459531 this thread needs VIDEOS
So hot. Keep the guys coming.
>>459531 Is this from the german collection of shower vids that was sold on thivid?
@ch.schO4 (O = 0)
>>459395 He looks so different than his Linkedin pic lol
Hot, has he responded? Where was he originally exposed?
>>459975 not a cute butt
>>459910 more of him please!
>>459983 Who is he?
>>460777 Request seconded.
>>460777 Would some kind soul out there please check to see if there are any other nudes of this guy? Thanks!
wow where can I watch this?
>>460777 This Mi11er guy has it all. Who has more on him?
>>462306 I think he did those songs “The Joker” and “Abracadabra.”
>>462355 Ha! Talented guy, but nowhere near the hottie the guy in this thread is.
>>462616What a beautiful, meaty rapestick. I want him to noncon my shitpussy.
>>462618 love this style of posts. Thanks for sharing them!
>>462698 Hot, thanks for sharing! Any more of Antoine?
Loving these BC content, hopefully I will bump into someone I know soon ♡
Such hot studs
New channel t me +NCTHwjJfDEE2NGJk
Link not working
make one that people can actually contribute to lol
straight boy nathan here wants to suck a big daddy cock, I hope you guys can keep his secret 🤭
>>464352 that’s hot. Proof?
Why has this thread dried up?
Did anyone ever identify him, he is part of the William & Mary Shower vids
>>464542 second pic
Can anyone do a pimeyes search?Saved this pic a while ago. Ran it through pimeyes and it looks like theres a video of him on a few sites and also a social media account
Anyone have the telegrm link?
fraser watt
>>466227 is he closeted or bi? Seems like he’s getting married to a girl
>>466227Doesn't look anything like him.
Same. Where is the telegram link?
>>459909 Sooo hot, has anyone else ever contacted a guy from one of these threads?
>>466109 There you go. There's a video of him on a few sites.
Telegram link does not work. Is there a new one?
Anyone know who this guy is? Obviously a coach, but beyond that?
Another one
>>466320 Also found his fb and some more pics in this gallery
Does anyone have the telegram link? I was in the group and either was kicked out or the group was removed
>>464352 we need more of him :0
Who's the man on the red carpet?
>>466672 Das Jojo, me 5alto Lolo's son.
Those are some hot guys
>>462616 just blew a load to this. Anymore, please?
>>462616 big muscles so often = making up for small peen. I still want to see more of this slut though....
>>467092 lots of big dick muscle
>>467095 sure jan
>>467092 let’s guess, you’re probably fat or a skinny twink.
Possibly dumb q. How were these shower pictures obtained?
once again asking for the telegram link :(
from a Calgary thread
closeted purdue twink Sam
Anyone have more of M1tch?
>>467864 Looking good, Sam
Bumping for some new guys
Hey anyone know or have any infor or videos on Jay Ryan Krivsky or his pals nick and david? Been looking everywhere for the videos
>>468840 more of William please! 😍
What do you guys do with these images? What's the use of them?
>>452756 I am new to Male General, so I don't understand why special characters are used for usernames as you used here for "h@d3sxplut0@=a, 3=e, 0=o" I would appreciate any insight from anyone. Thanks.
>>469095 It’s to minimize the chances of whoever is being posted/talked about finding these threads and getting them taken down. When special characters are used, the threads won’t pop up in google searches if they search their name/username.
>>469096 Thanks for explaining. But doesn't that hurt our own chances of searching for hot guys here on Male General if their usernames are disguised here with special characters?
>>469034>>469034no video?
>>469104 Daaamn, need more of this guy
>>469127 mmm got more of Dalton?
Who was >>469104?
>>466348 got a higher-res version of this? will be easier to search in pimeyes
the collage of kyle hayes keeps getting deleted?
Anybody ever find the identity of that "I'm just a hole sir" boy?
Cutie on the streets cootie in the sheets Dario is ready to serve the country helping to steal oil from Eye-rack.
>>469480 full name? socials?
>>469480 who is this?
>>469480 he can bum a few sand niggers while he's out there
>>469103Any chance you could link the video of him?
>>469682 who is this?
>>469672 who?
>>469719 yow would like to see a lot more of him !!!
>>469722 me too!
>>469717 Would love to see more!
>>469941 yikes 😬
>>469719 where is the link for this one
Who is this guy? Did he do porn?
anyone know or have any info or videos on Jay Ryan Krivsky or his pals nick and david? Especially the jerk off videos?
Zionist terrorists caught with their pants down.
>>470258 MORE of Ran please!! WOOF! Love exposed guys
More dudes?
>>470241 he would be perfect uncut
>>470689 bitch please! She already stank way too much as she is.
Hot one
>>471030 shitty meme format aside both the dudes participating in sodomy look pretty hot. where's the vid?
>>471030 gonna need name of video
>>471054 I only managed to get this much. The guy who promised to send me the video got his home bombed by Zionist terrorists and his family members died and everything. So I can't ask for it no more.
>>469480 Hot
>>471030 Oh, a bottom.
>>469480 need more of him
I have a video comp of all of Jay Ryan Krivsky's and his friends videos... or at least as many of them as I could find. IM extremely broke so I plan on sellign them but idk... I also belive porn shoudl be shared. Consider it desperation for now
>>466227They certainly aren't the same guy. But I am really keen to know who the nude guy is. He's hot.
Nude Martin 🔥
>>470241 >>470241 post more expose more of these terrorists
>>469717 omg post some more of him
>>471030 this is hot
Joe Dedomenico
Full collection:
(46 files - 23mb)
Kerry Scruggs
Full collection:
(150 files - 1.1gb)
Ryan Gibbons
Full collection:
(34 files - 55mb)
Tadd Cosentino
Full collection:
(105 files - 333mb)
Trey Hixson
Full collection:
(21 files - 67mb)
Cody D'Amico
Full collection:
(136 files - 1.3gb)
Dominic Cattera
Full collection:
(20 files - 3mb)
Jesse Schwenker
Full collection:
(62 files - 192mb)
Shay Dineen
Full collection:
(40 files - 113mb)
Tyler Bornstein
Full collection:
(194 files - 20mb)
Barry Wilson
Full collection:
(30 files - 2mb)
Colin B.
Full collection:
(31 files - 71mb)
Rich Gebert
Full collection:
(23 files - 160mb)
Robert Lee
Full collection:
(23 files - 6mb)
Tyler Fierro
Full collection:
(26 files - 35mb)
>>471992 oh hell yeeah, I remember watching this guy jerk off on cam sites back in the day. doesn't look like he's aged all that well, but it's still a hot find
Woah did Christmas come early this year?Whoever you are, thank you for sharing!
>>468004 yeah I have the full file, dm me at lc_2929 on tg
many thanks. I've taken the liberty of putting these up so they'll seed forever, to avoid the "plz reup" messages that will come in a week. Kerry and Cody were both big enough files to need to be their own uploads. the rest I pooled together for convenience.[]_dump1.torrent[]_Kerry_Scruggs.torrent[]_Cody_D&%23039;amico.torrent
>>471030 What is the name of this video? Where can I watch it?
>>469672 yum
Chandler Brayton
Full collection:
(23 files - 9mb)
Douglas Noah Macfarlane
Full collection:
(14 files - 1mb)
Joshua Schottlander
Full collection:
(44 files - 26mb)
Nate Tracey
Full collection:
(45 files - 74mb)
Tanner Herron
Full collection:
(26 files - 8mb)
>>472103 God damn I love dumb muscle jocks with tiny dicks.
please keep these coming. consolidated this batch and posted to anonseed so they'll be available forever[]_dump2.torrent
Don't you feel bad for these guys who are being posted forever without their consent?
>>472112 lol thanks for bumping this thread please keep doing that
>>472112 also super rich coming from someone who's actually directly helped spread pics on other threads 🔮
>>472123How Would you know?
>>472112 Beautiful men have no business in covering up their bodies or hiding the size of their cocks. They are clearly breeding stock and we should be able to appraise what they have and admire it. They are doing our nation a service by helping offer realistic nudes in contrast to porn.
>>472161I couldnt agree more
>>472163 <3 Always nice to find comrades in thinking in this filthy corner of the internet.
For that matter. Would anyone turn any of these pretty sluts down because of their cock size? This is just me, but I will reject on tats and uncut status before I will the size of the D. Small ones can be fun and not painful. Plus they feel like they need to prove something and can be very aggresive, which is hot from a muscle slut.
Anthony Tedeski
Full collection:
(12 files - 2mb)
Jacob Wolfe
Full collection:
(20 files - 9mb)
Kyle Barnes
Full collection:
(35 files - 4mb)
Tom Ingram
Full collection:
(10 files - 34mb)
Tyler Robinson
Full collection:
(32 files - 18mb)
Any vids from this guy?
Can confirm he escorted. I took his photos for his listing on Jockboys. Some of these never been seen before. He was an insatiable bottom and very sub. He tried to have a couple gfs again soon after he stopped escorting and they never lasted. Last time we spoke he said he realized he's more gay than str8.
Thanks a lot 4 sharing!
absolutely amazing! thanks for the new files
>>472192Anyone find the video this came from?
>>471996 any update on this guy? hot as fuck but his ig hasnt been updated since 2015 lol
Alberto Campos
Full collection:
(22 files - 21mb)
Aryeh Katz
Full collection:
(13 files - 7mb)
Augustino Camacho
Full collection:
(11 files - 23mb)
Christian Pickens
Full collection:
(10 files - 32mb)
Christopher Cox
Full collection:
(9 files - 3mb)
Dakoda Pizzarusso
Full collection:
(11 files - 56mb)
Dane Cretella
Full collection:
(8 files - 13mb)
Daniel Herlihy
Full collection:
(23 files - 318mb)
Dominick Colianni
Full collection:
(24 files - 8mb)
Elias Manesis
Full collection:
(60 files - 126mb)
Hunter Suppa
Full collection:
(26 files - 96mb)
Joseph Bouchard
Full collection:
(23 files - 38mb)
Joshua Ammons
Full collection:
(13 files - 1.5mb)
Justin Sosa
Full collection:
(15 files - 53mb)
Logan Hamer
Full collection:
(16 files - 13mb)
>>472139 so you're saying I'm not wrong 🔮
whoever is posting all these is a fucking legend. please keep them coming. I'll keep compiling and uploading to anonseed.[]_dump3.torrent
Most of these dudes disappeared off Sex flexible a longggggg time ago and was never able to find them anywhere, thank you, like person above said your a legend
Do you have any of these from sex flexible that were scrubbed:
Steve c00kJason b0rishZack t@ppC0lin w@yneJ0sh 0hl
oh and do u have this guy who was on there but got scrubbed, i think this name was alex.
And theres another different alex on there still, do you know his full name or socials - hes this one
I have two Steve C nudes.I have Jason B pics but not the videos that people are searching for. I saw the videos but didn't download them at the time and have never found them again.I have all the Zack T ones.Never saw anything of Colin W on there. Wish I had.I have all the Josh O pics and vids (and more) but he has very diligent lawyers that go after everything that gets shared.I'll try to put a collection together of the requested guys and share.
The first Alex is Alexander Scott (alechhko_ on IG). I have his stuff from there and what he posted on SnapWithStuds many years ago. I'll add him to the collection with other requests.
The second Alex is Alex King. He's kingcommaalex on IG and Tiktok
>>472291 anonseed is immune to lawyers, another benefit of using torrents. just upload there directly 🌞
>>472292>>472192Tom I was with SnapWithStuds too. Anything on him from there?
Wow thank u! How do u find who all these guys are
theres this compliation
>>472295He was also on Privoy as Ryker S. 2 videos - 1 solo and 1 with a chick
If you on a plane and hear he is the captain, run fast cuz she ain't earn her wings in the cockpit.
Alejandro Acevedo
Full collection:
(8 files - 1mb)
Anthony Costa
Full collection:
(10 files - 1.3mb)
Carl Walsh
Full collection:
(10 files - 1.2mb)
Clifton Flowers
Full collection:
(14 files - 21mb)
James Aspengren
Full collection:
(18 files - 43mb)
Jerrel Larkins
Full collection:
Jorge Hojas
Full collection:
(15 files - 28mb)
Matthew Selezan
Full collection:
(18 files - 1.7mb)
Mitch Wallace Decker
Full collection:
(31 files - 24mb)
Nick de Graffenreid
Full collection:
(13 files - 42mb)
Ray Cappola
Full collection:
(13 files - 16mb)
Tony Hazboun
Full collection:
(13 files - 1.6mb)
Tyler Cocklin
Full collection:
(9 files - 75mb)
Won-Suh Nordquist
Full collection:
Zack Tapp
Full collection:
(46 files - 250mb)
>>472403 yum! Love the skin
keep em coming this is amazing[]_dump4.torrent
Don't let this thread wither! More impossibly gorgeous muscle sluts need the size and aesthetics of their cocks shown to the fucking world. It is what they are good for.
>>472107 Thanks for allI m too late, could you repost tanner ?Thanks
Briceson Asher Moore
Full collection:
(57 files - 1.1gb)
Jae Johnson
Full collection:
(12 files - 45mb)
Matthew Mori
Full collection:
(34 files - 81mb)
Mike Oerke
Full collection:
(12 files - 9 mb)
Nick Puleio
Full collection:
(7 files - 1mb)
Nolan Graham Kerbs
Full collection:
(17 files - 32mb)
Preston Bishop
Full collection:
(15 files - 13mb)
Ray Jones
Full collection:
(10 files - 7mb)
Rodney Smith
Full collection:
(14files - 1 mb)
Stefan Rube Woosley
Full collection:
Stephen Lee Wise
Full collection:
(10 files - 1mb)
Tim Mannion
Full collection:
(23 files - 67mb)
Tristan Junus Turner
Full collection:
(19 files - 2mb)
Tristian Gatt
Full collection:
(30 files - 32mb)
Tyler Roth
Full collection:
(9 files - 1mb)
>>472587Those old Tumblr rumors were true. He really did beat a puppy to death.
>>472604 🥰
anyone can repost Jacob Wolfe?
He's also Peter from Beefcake Hunter
>>472639 "Oh fuck yah baby!" His deep voice as he strokes that long penis while he ejaculates and we see his O face...and how it is will never, ever disspear from the net. Awwww.
so good[]_dump5.torrent
>>472617 yes pls! someone pls repost jacob wolfe's
>>472664How do I use this? I tried uploading it to the web version of bittorrent, but it's showing 0 B/s. Something about seeding? I've never torrented before.
I'm just looking for>>472105 Josh>>472276 Hunter>>472279 JustinIf someone would be willing to upload them to a wetransfer.
the torrents are downloading fine
>>472669Ok, it worked eventually. Thanks for uploading them. It turns out Josh, Hunter, and Justin aren't as hot as I thought, but still appreciate the pics and videos.
>>472587>>472608Where do these videos come from? Did he post these publicly on tumblr? Does anyone know what his tumblr url used to be??
>>472664 Thanks for sharing
>>472603 thank you for sharing!! he was also on Corbin Fisher in 2021:
>>472797 One of my favorites
I hope we get another flood of hot leaks soon!
>>472884 Who else do you want to see?
>>472940 Looking for more ID content on voyeur pics/videos!
Anyone know th guy in this edging video's name? I'd love to see more of him. Clothed or unclothed.
Sorry link
>>472940 What a kind and accomodating question for a provider on MG. <3 :) Are you on the wrong site? XD. Seriously though. I seek musclar guys that are cut, zero tats or piercings. Race or notoriety does not matter. Just that they are hot and stupid enough to show the universe their hot self and the size of their pretty, cut cock.
>>473002 Yum love this
>>471991 Any chance this can be re-posted?
Hot guys
>>473009 That doesn’t really narrow it down tho lol
>>473145 Agree can someone be a good samaritan?
>>473462 Who is that?
>>473676Name is literally at the bottom of the pic...
>>473462 HOT
Tennis cubs have changed since I dropped out of college.
>>474578 She uggllyy.
>>473462 are the ass pics leaked or from a private Twitter?
Whatever happened to Peter Donald?
Too much ugly ass white trash.
Not that I’m surprised, those site loves generic wonderbread
>>475069 Did he use to make porn?
>>475669 WOOF! Thanks! Followed him on IG so I can stalk him, knowing I've seen all his bits
>>475796 Agreed. He looks dirty and scuzzy. No appeal.
This is awesome and thank you for posting the torrents but they are all dead right now. Any chance you can reseed?
>>475866 when you say "dead" do you mean there's currently no seeds? what OS/client are you using?
>>475927 Yeah no seeds when I first started the torrents. I got a few to start. I've got like two remaining. Thank you for seeding
>>475927 Sad the wetransfers are done - they all in the torrent?
Are there any more nudes of 53b R055 than these?
>>476186 oh these are nice
>>476186 yum thx for sharing
>>475945 yes most if not all of the wetls in this thread should be in the torrents linked here
Wait who is Ro55?
>>449219 did anyone get the chance to save his nudes? Please 🥺
5e6 was the only one identified by name among three brothers appearing in a number of nude collages here on MG.
>>476567 Always questioned this pic. Why is one clearly cut, another clearly not...and the other...who knows? I mean the sizes are similar, but that is all.
>>476617 you could clearly see that the two of them are cut
>>439516More Camer0n Br0wn content i stumbled across.
>>442512 Can you check for Ch@rlie R0we naked pics? He played in Judas kiss where he was naked.
>>472584 any chance there's one more repost of Tanner. I'd be mighty obliged!
>>446234 Can anyone re-up the vids? They're all gone, and the torrents don't have any seeders.
>>446234 this all i got
>>477837 I lost Tom’s videos and pics, if I get them again I would absolutely reupload them
>>477938 Morality-less Cubische Junio Barrueta who took money from genocidal Zionist coloniser terrorists to play in their club built over massacred Palestinian village.
>>477859less hot when you see this isn't a leak or exposure, but just him, being another whore
>>478158 fuck yeah expose that zionist whore! Hey guys look I found his shithole.
>>478160 he's literally ALL. OVER. ALL of him. Exposed. Boring
>>478163 does she get pounded senseless like the useless piece of fag meatsack she is in that shitter?
>>478125Literally nobody cares about the stupid words you’re using. I hear Zionist and just roll my eyes. Next
Ron Fisher of Fisher Sign & Shirts (Southampton) blew 60k hosting various Adonis Lounge strippers to participate in a Survivor-style sex-competition.
More pics and vids on LPSG and Company of Men.
Forgot to edit yourself out of this one Ron!
>>478191 Goddamn Ronald! What have you done?!
>>478191 HAHAHAHA. Amazing
>>478191 anyone caught monkey pox from this?
>>477901yes please!!
>>478185 hope they get stuck up there you nazi hoe.
>>478191 were the threads taken down? i can't find them!
>>478191 lol
carlo fajardo
>>478270 oui mon deux c'est tres unhygienic!
Whats The Company of Men? Link???
>>478270 great vid and cum shot
>>478191 >>478284 I found a forum but it's all locked down...
oh Carlo, you bad, bad boy
Awww! He's married!! The entire internet knows exactly what his wife is getting from him
>>478332 damn. beautiful dick
cant get over how fucking dumb it is to spam this group with loads of WeTransfer links as the only exposure for dozens of dudes when it expires in 7 days. Just post an exposure pic like the OP and leave.
>>478332 Hot, anymore of this bearded sexy?
Keep the hot collages coming.
really, a combination of the two is what these studs deserve
>>478368 that's all I have... the two pics, but his IG is posted... maybe others know/have pics before he got a wife??
>>478511 is he bi
My contribution ;)
>>478668 nice dick marty!
these collages made me cum so much MORE
>>478668Thanks a lot 4 sharing!
Did someone ask for a horse cocked college football player 😳
Whats his reddit username?
>>478709 I probably have more of his Reddit stuff but can't remember his name
>>472267 can anyone reshare this guy?
No self posts plz
>>478773 then this board would dry up lol
Any more pics of this guy from the previous thread? Or videos?
>>479033Sorry this guy, image didnt upload
>>478270 ROFL i work with him
>>479062 drop his insta dude. He cute.
>>479067 his insta is private
>>479068 I'll try my chances.
>>478270 bump for his ig
>>478250 >>478284 >>478308 Found some screenshots. N@te_h@rris96 thread on LP$G.
we. tl/ t-lXN I92O P9K
The WT link is Mike's full exposure vid, please feel free to post far and wide!
>>479155 thank you!
>>479155 thank you!>>479155
>>472398 can you please re-upload his files..
>>479165 they're already here: >>472436
>>479166 How does this work? sorry I'm new with the torrent
Fuck man I love Mike's exposure and humiliation. Are there any other pics or vids of this stud?
>>479236 This man is a fucking stud! handsome, nice body and cock. I suppose having gays all over the world jerk off to my naked vid would be humiliating haha
Mikes instagram is private, any chance you have pics from there?
>>439516 Anyone have the link to the telegram group for pics like this?
>>479155 Is there more videos? or is this the only one?
>>479155 are these some kind of hidden camera setup? …because the vid combined with the other non-gym nudes has me wondering if Mike was filming himself? Did he really get catfished AND filmed unknowingly AND someone put it all together?
t. me /+W jKt7 3ych4 k5Z jkx
Well, I put it together so that answers that. Second, his voyeur vid and name were already known, so I'm guessing that led to him being baited (not uncommon for these exposures). given his background as a hedge fund manager and the fact that many other guys were filmed/exposed in this gym, I highly doubt it was intentional on his part
>>479256 that one has no sound so you missing him sniffing his underwear and saying "pee-yew!" :D
Lol I have the original vid and pretty sure he doesn't say anything like that
>>479267 it does though. The panty had poop in it (because white people don't wash after pooping). He smells that and goes "pee way" and faints for the fraction of a second.
>>479267 share it!!
>>479274 here >>479155
>>479279 guuurrrrllll that poo must have been 3/4 day old.
The Insta profile is a mismatch. Follow the link to the Threads profile and you’ll see it’s some chubby Latin American dude with only a superficial resemblance to fit sexy Asian C@rl0.
>>479337 looks same to me. Age is cruel.
>>479337 you're right it's a mismatch. carlo still looks good
Will is a DL "straight" boy in indianapolis
>>479973 fuckkkk where can I see more of his stuff?
>>480054 That's all I got, the dude is insanely flakey. his snap is will(DOT)611 if someone wants to bait him. He's only into jerking w dudes tho
>>471030Can someone identify the top that looks like an OF video?
Anyone have a new link for the tg group?
Can someone figure out who the fuck this big dick stud is? And if there qre more vids?
LOL his username is in the first photo.
>>480886 hi. Could you please post the full file if you have it? Thanks!!!
>>480886 but is it tho? because that doesn't look like a valid ig name
>>481048 obviously he changed it after someone messaged him about being exposed
>>481484 Hot architect! Hope there’s more out there someone wouldn’t mind posting. 😬
>>472591 can anyone repost he's hot!
That thick dick looks pretty binary to me.
>>439516 Best thread ever! It proves that fifty percent of men jack off, fifty percent lie about it -unless there are pics, and then they admit it, LOL.
Anyone have access to the guyswithiphone link of Carlo? Looking to see as much of this guy as I can, he’s actually a friend of a friend I know irl so a bit surreal his vid of him blasting cum is just on the internet for me to see LOL
Anyone have a new invite link to the tele gram chat?
>>482073 im sorry but being depressed because you know you have an inheritance and then becoming a life coach for other people who struggle with knowing they have an inheritance is ridiculous! (nice enough cock though lol)
Some nice men of late. Are there links to R@m1’s, Ch@53’s and G10v@nn1’s videos?
>>482073 Money doesn't buy happiness. It provides security, luxury, opportunties and entertainment, but in itself, it is empty and something coveted by everyone else that is not wealthy, leaving you surrounded by rich assholes or people you question their motives for liking you. That said, the Life Coach thing is a bit cringe.
>>482108 money cant buy you class come through
>>482099 Just type it out like a normal person.
>>482196 so sexy n so cute
>>482196 pls share the vid
I pr0m153 n3xt t1m3.
telegram link for these?
>>482382 hot thanks
Liberty university? LOL
>>482073 who were these of? David B? Gone now...
No, posts 482073 and 482083 were of Ch@53 C0££1n5 and G10v@nn1 v@n £33uw3n, respectively, since deleted.
>>482734 were they hot? guessing someone on here told them and they reported it
Vietnam 🇻🇳
>>482767 very hot indeed
>>482767 I was not impressed
>>439663 What a stud
>>482087 who was this about? this sounds so funny
>>482883 Chase Collins
>>482968 Oh meh he’s mid
Does Crest Real Estate know their nigger afrocentricist wannabe project manager John Naphier IV is a failed man used bottom?
>>483125 I wanna fuck this twink.
>>483235 You sound mental. And racist.
>>483125 post more of him
>>483235 link to video so I can download?
>>483235 just followed him on instagram... love all these exposed sluts
>>483311 Right??
>>483314 someone pay and expose him here that cocks nice af
>>483311 tell her you know what she did last summer. Wink wink.
>>483392 Where's your jacket Barry? Don't you see? He's got us now, okay this is exactly what he wants, we can't go to the police, not now, he's made sure of that. He's just out there and he's watching us and waiting. What are you waiting for huh? What are you waiting for????
>>483311 then maybe you can tell this dindoo loser that she ain't Arab or Coptic and her nigerian fulani rejected passed around from care home to care home arse can stop appropriating Egyptian culture.
>>483572 what did he do? Hot cock regardless
>>483574 he was trying to scam people by offering money for the chance to to expose one of his nudes to his mom... and then someone found his family on facebook & people were saying they'll just expose him for free lol. He got mad about it and started calling every1 slurs. And then i think he deleted the post or it got taken down.
>>483575 damn that’s hot as fuck dumbass got caught trying to scam and gets what’s coming. His family are gonna see him in a new light haha
>>483572 damn how did you find the other photos didn’t he only post one
>>483572 Richard should be made the new male general mascot. This is insanely hot.
>>483572 you should like post the photos individually:)
>>483572 I need to see more of that dick
>>483589 he posted a ton of nudes on reddit under a couple deleted accounts
>>483575 I wonder why he’d want his mom to see it
Uhh oh found Richard cumshot vids.
>>483235 link to video download?
>>483572 his brother Nate’s is kinda cute tbh
>>483616 someone bait the brother so we can see who’s got the bigger cock
>>483620 I wanna get Eiffel towered by them
Someone make a thread for Richard he deserves his own this is so hot
>>483572 did anyone expose him to his mama
>>483626 Might have been a catfish tryna revenge porn him
>>483628 then shouldn’t someone reach out to him what happened
>>483125 where's the video?
>>483657 fuck I love him so much
>>483360 is there more of this guy?
Why yuck?
>>483925 there was an ugly piano teacher posted then it got deleted. Probably a self post.
>>484324b LOL a piano teacher?
Spanish slut J0n@th@n Yrul@ Hurt@d0 is into the BNWO kink and never met a black dick he didn't want to submit to.
we.t l/t-DU BkX O60Fm
>>484543 yessss tysm
>>484543 thanks for reposting!!
>>484536 meh we deserve better
>>484324 Liberace?
>>484536 What is BNWO kink?
>>484536 He may prefer BBC but looks like he won't turn down any dick
we. tl/t-y 2y9j 8tn34
>>484886 if you're gonna self-post or expose someone you know... at least post the vid on anonseed or upload as a Webm file (like this) so it doesnt expire on WeTransfer
>>484536 He has a thread on LPSG. lpsg(dot)com/thre ads/jyr ula-ne rdy-sl ut.991 7991/
>>484919 nobody cares
lmao you cared enough to comment
>>484995 caring enough to comment that "nobody cares" does not equate to caring about some random ugly nerd in spain who likes black cock. take a seat, cunt.
>>470996 hot. Any more of him?
>>478709 can we get more of him?
Anyone know how old Jack Gaukel was when he got baited?
>>439516 Still waiting for the savior that will reveal one of the last SC originals. The original Dylan or his brother. Either way, one will lead to the other.
N31£ is actually quite handsome, too handsome to keep his face covered, but this thread is about seeing attractive men naked, not about seeing their sex partners naked.
>>485369 what are you on about? the guy in the mask IS neil lol
Yes, exactly, which is why it is disappointing we don’t get to see him naked, only his partners.
>>439516 bump
Hot!! love that he is fully exposed
I imagine the gay boys who knew him in high school and university are squealing in delight now that M1k3 T. is a global naked celebrity.
>>486491 Now we just have to combine his baited pics with his spy pics and then it will be perfect!
Already been done, I think there's an anonseed link above. Mike's fully naked body and baited hard cock will be online forever!
here are Mike T@nzer's files, some might be redundant.
we. tl/ t-17E WmC nK1s
and here's his hard cock.
Wow thanks so much. These should be posted everywhere
>>486536 whaatttt was he baited???
>>446234 does anyone have Tom Waller?
>>486535 Thanks so much dude. Has anyone managed to follow Mike's instagram and have it be accepted? if so, any one can upload pics from there? Doesnt matter if its non nudes, just want to perv on his pics
yeah, but there's just those two pics as far as I know
hmm it wasn't private before, I don't think. maybe he found out about his exposure?
>>486712 Yeah its private for at least Jan. Ha if he wasnt private before, he probably knows he been exposed.
Fun fact: Even though he is completely naked in nearly every photo of him on the Internet, and even though everyone who knows who he is can see his private parts, M1ch@el I@n T. nevertheless continues to wear clothing every day.
>>486695what is his IG?
>>486721 My favorite part was actually when he sniffs his panties and unfortunately the skidmarks go right on his nose and he goes "whoooaahh!!!" from the stink. And this is in the public domain for everyone to get comic relief from. I have heard this man gets no respect on the streets because his pantysniffing habits have been disclosed.
You “heard” that? Who could have possibly been the source for that rumor? It is evident that such a fit and muscular man as M1k3 is must have caught a whiff of sweat, especially as he had literally just worked out when the video was recorded, but you apparently have some sort of poo fetish and want to repeatedly malign him as being unclean. The participants in this thread want to know who these men really are and see what they really look like under their clothes, not read fiction about supposed skid marks.
>>486784 Firstly, the source was Oscar. He is an upcoming musician but also works at Tangier's residential complex. Secondly, Tangier is fat and just because he works out doesn't give him a free pass to sniff panties. Thirdly, if you don't was after pooing, that IS unclean. And lastly, what are you on about, bitch?
Anyone remember J.R. Kr1v5ky?
>>486744 That's gross, lol
Khamas rape apologist and Queers for Palestine activist Reesh Ismail gets used like the loose bottom slut he is. He has been excommunicated from his family for being homosexual. Fire him from his car selling job and send him back to Eyerack. And send this video to Khamas and see how they feel about this homosexual.
>>488042Ranting bitch gets railed while high on chem lolSource of the clip??
>>488042Looks nothing like him lol
Can someone reupload the Shay Dinneen files?
>>488167 they are in the Dump 1 anon seed link >>472062>>488167
>>486515 I looked but don't see it. Can you link again?
Can anyone identify him?
Let’s get back to the collage posts.
Anyone have the video(s?) of Fl0rida lacr0sse player M@xw3ll Dr3w3tt, or know where it is online?
>>488537 yes! @EthanHar10 on tele
>>488690@thekinkykushCraig Muir
9" cock JO vids[]_zack_hilton_zackarias.96_bristol_uk.torrent
Don’t let this one die.
Was this gentleman identified?
>>489000That dick is massive! Prob rounding up to 9", might be more like 8.5"
Anything on his bf?
My favorite thread!
Can someone reupload Michael?
Enjoy Luc4
>>489199 That's a hung cock.. Mind sharing the full size nudes?
>>489199 more of him please!!!!
I love how we tip the balance for these men. Whatever they do in life for which they are best known, we change it so that they’re much better known for being naked on the Internet, turning them into naked celebrities unable to hide their private parts from anyone.
>>486535Would anyone mind reposting M1ke T@nzer's files? Maybe a torrent so they'll never expire? Thanks!
>>489387 Here you go[]_Michael_Tanzer.torrent
The first guy on the left? He was on cb ages ago, he's so hot
Yum give me more men having their body exposed
>>489199 we need the full file pls!!
Why’d this thread get so slow?
>>489749Thx for sharing!
>>439516 wonder where Cameron Brown is and how he’s doing lol
Who is good at b8ing? Fresh 18yo committed to W&M baseball
Avneesh Jain is a indian faggot who moved to norway to beg for white dick and show off his rapable pussy. If he cant be white like he wants he might as well be filled with white seed
>>489931 seek therapy.
>>489749 damn
Anything on him or an alt or onlyfns
I subscribed to such a good TG group where this guy is posting his IDd fag baits w socials yall should join. @mastsush2002 is the owner
>>489990t. me/ +er3NJeT JCw1iYjYx
>>490192 thank you kindly
>>489990 Link?
>>489990 no such group exists
anyone got the Ross brothers?
>>489990 you have to pay to be in the group lol. So most likely this dude is just a scammer
>>490505 hes not, i joined and its been worth it tbh
>>486721Hey guys, have you found anything on M1K2 T Instagram, like sexy post or just something to perv on. He still has it on private, lucky the ones who have access to such an amazing well built hunk
>>490192 Thanks for sharing
>>490683 What's his @?
>>490725 he goes by tr@dy0gi
>>490561 Only what was posted before he made his account private.
>>490839 awww. Thank you. Please keep us posted if something happens
My fave Ivan Tomitz exposed
Uhhh where's this from girlies...
>>490882 Weren't there a bunch of videos too? Anyone have those?
>>490839Thanks! he is so manly, do you have more, or can anyone upload a torrent with some pre-private Instagram pictures of him.
Does anyone have the videos?
Dylan Geick loves big dicks
>>490947 if you had read the thread you just pasted you'd know that do not exist. One has been proven to be fake (well at least rational people agree on that, others pretend to see tatoos that don't exist) and the other is probably nothing more than edited captions.Only th JO vid is legit.
>>490952 I know but that member has screenshots of the videos that's why I asked.
>>490952 The one with him getting railed by Jackson is clearly real.
>>490987 True
>>490987 "clearly", I see nothing clear there lol. You're of course free to believe they are ;) but I'm still waiting for actual proof, so, something else than blunt affirmation. For now no one provided that, and until that the bottom in that vid can be anyone
>>490952 the "screenshots" have been around for years, if there really was a vid it would've surfaced by now
>>490839 is this the man that got caught on camera sniffing his panties and then the skidmarks go right up his nose and he screams out wheaowww! Is this him?
>>490882 I would fuck his hairy as so good
>>491034 Nope.
>>491065 uhm, Mister Sir! Why is you lying?>>491034 Yes, anonymous. This is your man. Here he is sniffing his panties like ain't there no God watching us from heaven. >>479256
>>491171 ahahahahhahaha this is some self posting if I've EVER SEEN self posting hahahahah
>>491379 wow
>>491404 where did you find that? Awesome
more of him?
>>491171 lol wtf? That angle makes his cock look even smaller! xD
>>491459 anyone got more of this one?
>>491404 MORE OF HIM!!!
anyone know if this or any of the wetransfers were reuploaded anywhere?
Bruss3ls asses
>>491503to whom does this ass belong to?
>>491459 do you have his jo video?
>>491391 Thank god for the wayback machine...(June 7th)
>>491510 exactly. Wow again.
>>491510 what is this machine? I need to travel back in time too. How can I use it?
>>491560 hunting! Different dates might reveal different treasures
>>491563 finally! Thanks been wondering about this one for a long time
Did anyone ever get the c0lby file?
Anymore of R1ley???
>>491563 lol at the irony of being a devout Christian while making porn of yourself
>>491576 I’d worship him greatfully
>>491563 wow, does anyone have his video?
>>468707 Why is this man’s name not stated?
>>468004 salesforce m1tch
>>491565 Oh my! >:) So many stupid cocks believing they could hide from the world.
>>491563 can we get the whole file?
>>469034 Model Goyes 1, Photographer Goyes 2, Videographer Goyes 3....
>>491739 Man I miss his OF, but he can't escape his past that easy
>>491740if there a leak of it somewhere? i can't seem to find it. someone had to back it up....right?
>>491740 Wait - this guy had an OF? What was his OF name?
What is his real name?
>>491790 Thank You
>>491796 who is he?
anyone have this florida stud? Ik hes been baited before and used to have an OF
@ad_boothy(5 ys, the spam filter doesnt like the full thing)
>>491796 Anyone know his name?
>>472587Any chance for a reup of Briceson?
>>491563 Damn anyone got the full vids?
>>492245 Ah, I see he has a little notoriety.
>>492124 Ah, I see he has a little notoriety. (This is the post to which I had intended to respond.)
Bring back the collages.
>>486721 Something more on vitamine Mike T please, he is so hot
>>491454 Damn it, he's gone. Probably got too humiliated haha
>>492861 Yeah. I think he got called out for self posting and ran away with his little cock between his legs.
lol. Praying for some collages 🙏
>>492473 Yeah we need more of him. Anyone managed to friend request Mike T on instagram and can share any photos?
anyone got the telegram link for the exposed guys group
Or just share them here :)
Anyone have this full video?
https://www. Gay boys tube .com/galleries/exposed-guys-1429762.html
>>493462 so hot! Nice start to posting and exposing all these dudes...
Why has this thread gone cold?
Slightly off topic, but can you help identity this guy or his bf
i need m1k3 t's tele group link please
Straight jock Chris Okicki. Dick pics and videos are welcome.
we are so back.
Hot video of Chris jacking off into his underwear
College jock Chris
Any wrestling videos of this guy?
Here’s a screenshot from one of his videos. Tight little wrestlers ass.
>>494918 Love this edit XD
I saw this guy wrestle and play volleyball in high school. He's definately straight. I had no idea I would ever be able to watch him jacking off and cumming. So hot.
>>495170 Ah, good ol’ Stow Munroe Falls HS. Those were the days.>>495170
Did you know Chris? Got any videos or pics of him? I would love to see some wrestling videos
Shot of Chris cock covered in jock juice
>>475669>>Are there any more of him?
>>475953 Can you repost the link? I’d love to see it
anyone have more of Tony? he has new pics out but i want the told google drive collection
For a straight guy he sure likes to show off his ass
>>495328 new pics? He’s been baited again?
not sure why the first one was deleted…cl@yton f0ster?
College wrestler J0sh K#le
I've seen a lot of older videos of this guy jacking off. Obviously baited by a fake girl
>>495374Wow so sexy. Is there a thread on how-to bait straight guys
>>495374 so fucking hot seeing Josh again, Can we get one for Jack Gaukel?🥵
Here's a younger shot of Bradley when he was still getting baited.
Se@n Mc@llen - hot football jock
>>495470 Wow, really nice find! Thank You!
Mmmm. Love how he jacks off into his game worn Underarmour. Hot!
Cum rag from Br@dley N@ber
>>495470 wow unbelievable. First time I found anyone on this degenerate sub that I actually knew. Hot
>>439516 does anyone have any more of this muscle n!gg£r?
>>495793 he's a scammer
This skinny top loves to breed hot asian guys. Looking for a fuckvid but that's a longshot, so please care to share anything.
Bradley and his hot buddy Bo
Chris 0kicki and some of his wrestling buds. Wonder if they knew he was jerking off on Omegle for the whole world to see.
Any dick pics or videos of this hot little hunk? Bo Orr from Cincinnati
Plenty of hot G rated pics of this guy. Any thing R or X rated?
So hot. Any more pics or videos of 0kicki?
When he’s not providing therapy to his clients, he’s showing off his cock and bussy on Reddit and Twitter for all the world to see.
Chris 0kicki from Stow Ohio. Dumb straight jock must be easy to catfish. At least three videos of him on line jerking off and shooting cum
College and professional football player Aaron M@ddox
I saw an Omegle video of him. He was obviously being baited. Showed off his ass hole and jerked off. Not a big load of cum but still pretty hot. Post more
I went to college with his dad Brian Okicki. He played soccer at Ohio Northern University. The guy was a jackoff machine. He used to leave piles of cumrags on his dorm room floor. Here’s a recent photo from a straight dating site
Somebody bait this stud! I love the father and son stuff! Brian 0kicki and Chris 0kicki
>>496295 Oh yes, I also love this dad and sons stuff. I want to see these aging fathers bring their son to the camera and explain that life isn't gonna be easy with all their tax dollars going to foreign wars instead of helping their citizens and partaking in degrading shameful pornography is the only way left to earn bread and butter.
Forget the politics. This is about hot straight guys exposing themselves and jerking off.
Somebody PLEASE post pics or even better a video of Brian Okicki. Love to see both father and son
I’m pretty sure I’ve seen at least one video of the dad. He rubbed his cock thru his underwear and shot a load of jizz
Gone so soon. Who was this? Do we know his name?
I’ve seen some hot vids and pics of the son. Anybody have some for the dad? I’m ready to cum right now just thinking about it
I’ve got a stash of old selfies of this guy. Skinny dude with a fat dick
These photoshops wouldn't have fooled anyone twenty years ago, wtf
>>496381 Maybe if they are nauseated from the stank from those unsanitary axillas then they might be fooled.
>>491459 Can we get more of this?
>>491589 so fucking hot!
>>496290 Thanks for the collage of pro football d!ck
Brian 0kicki
Chris 0kicki
>>496294 lmao wtf this is quite possibly the worst photoshop job I’ve ever seen someone try to pass as a real pic
Nice! Chris 0kicki
>>496641 lmao don’t go around responding to your own comments pretending like you’re someone else
Chris 0kicki shows off his ass hole and jerks off for a catfish
>>496641 vnhygienic AF
>>488044 the first top is Dom Llamas
Yup. I know this guy. I used to go to the same gym. From North Royalton OH. Divorced with (I think) three kids. I met his son Chris. I never thought I would see one or both of them shooting cum.
>>496666 holy fuck stop responding to your own comments, no one gives a shit about this ugly ass old man
Dude rubs his hard cock and cums
Gotta get this thread back on track.
Please help me to recognise him, anyone has PimEyes? He is young cam guy from Finland and his account in chaturbate is uijiujuiI really want to know all information of this great shooter.
>>496795 sorry, only pics of his CB shows no other pics nor information
>>496998 Fuck love seeing studs exposed
>>496998 Fuck yes
>>472587 >>472587Hi can you please post updated wetransfer link with Briceson Asher Moore
Who has more montages?
>>439880 Can't seem to find his social media anymore. Wondered what happened. Know he just got married
>>497602 Maybe he died from the american brain damage inducing barbaric "sport" he partook in. I believe it is called the superbowl.
This hot 18 yo twink slut has a porn twitter where half his photos are actually other people or his cock modified in photoshop. But if you’re not an idiot you know which are actually him. Should I unblur?
>>497675 & of course we know how name socials too
>>497676 what a good boy when he actually shows his real penis
Hot guy with massive meat. Who wants more info
>>497679 and he has 2 vids. Fuck I love studs like this
>>497675 Show him off!
>>497678 He's so hot! more please!!!!!!
>>497678 hell yeah show why he’s grinning
Any pics of this hot Dominican papi
>>497680 pleaseeee
>>497680 show im please
>>497736 this is x: carterflex2. most pics aren’t him on his X, def not the cock pics / they’re majorly edited. I’m sure he’s little lol. His Instagram is linked somewhere
>>497781 this is arghammer on fetlife. He has a Reddit too, maybe an X. If someone pays for fetlife, please download his videos and share
>>494922 wow look at that tight little hole, would love to see him getting mercilessly fucked
>>489749 if he can take a hairbrush up the ass, I'm sure he can take a long hard gang bang
Where can I find the video?
>>498230 Yea we need more info
>>489749 a hairbrush seems like a bad idea
>>498363 not necessarily. Maybe he is very hairy down there and everytime he poops, the shit gets caught in th hair and goes everywhere and so he wanted to brush them up to keep them tidy.
>>498370 Omg you are wild
John "Jack" Callis went viral this weekend for randomly assaulting rivals football fans. Now he is being exposed for sucking dick on onlyfans
>>498666 lol this is humiliating af Orgasm face, guzzling down cum. Sorry buddy you’re exposed for life.
>>498666 heard he has so much content floating out there. Wish we find out more
>>498664 please expose more
Please definitely expose more of him
I want to believe but all white people look pretty much the same. need more proof
It is 100% him. The video was found through Pimeyes, there is a mole at the base of his neck in the exact same spot in the video as in his roster photo from his college lacrosse team, and the OF creator he's with in the video is based in Baltimore, where he lives.
>>498716 Love this sleuthing
>randomly assaulting rivals football fans>hurrr you like what me no like!!??!?!? Me hurt you now!!!
How fucking retarded does someone have to be to act like this?
>>498860 what team does he support?
>>498664>>498666 >>498667
Never have I ever wanted moar. Account name, gifs, even stills please
>>498947 despite everything, this person is back on instagram. He now has a following of 16k (was previously 10k). Love the fact that he is accepting all those new requests.
Just wish that someone exposes all his porn past and expose the true slut that he really is.
>>493269 ?
So hot. Love cum covered underwear
>>498009 What's his reddit?
>>499298 please tell me there are vids of this sexy fucker!
Its so hot watching Riley Haine totally exposed and sucking cum from a cock before shooting his own massive load! Welcome to your fame Riley!
>>499358 ???
>>499298 is Riley gay? Seems like it based on some comments on his insta
Ha! Love the caption! So true!
His balls are so ugly lmao
>>499423 Why do you think he is gay?
>>498664that's a trans woman's dick though
>>499480 S@muel R0ss (l.) and M@c@ul@y J@m3s R0ss (r.) show their sphincter prints.
>>499480 post the video babe
Anyone know this guy or have his stuff?
>>499480 Wow, submissively presenting their holes to the international fanbase they didn’t expect to have. I wonder if any of their old schoolmates are seeing this.
>>499501 Samuel
>>499621 Macaulay
>>499622 Seb
>>499623 :)
>>499624 Thank you. I hadn’t seen all of these before. Amazingly, three of four brothers were successfully baited. S3b has the most boyish face but is ironically the oldest. S@mmy has the long hair and rower’s bod. And, wow, bearded M@c spread his cheeks to present every crease of his hole to the world.
Roel Funcken
>>499624 Can you anonseed their stuff <3
someone baited s@mmy with a pic of his brother m@caulays hole lmao
>>499633 lekkere ring
I always wonder why do the photos of the r0$$ brothers got deleted so quickly. Does it mean that they are aware of this post?
Very nice video. Love the cum rag
yeah they must be aware to be getting it taken down so quickly. At least one of them is anyway. That means surely they have seen each others holes and cocks. Its so hot to know Sammy has seen macaulays hole and surely jerked off to it!
>>499712 S@mmy is on the UVic rowing team, but really, they are celebrities only to us, as internationally famous nude models.
>>499654 Macaul@y did a great job with the photograph of his hole. The angle, the lighting and the distance from the camera make it look like a topographic map. I jerked and came to it more than once, though S3b probably has the best buns of the three.
>>499714 How old are these baits?
>>499329 must have missed uploading this but thank you for your service this is hot af[]_john_jack_callis.torrent
>>499632 I’ve been looking for this full file for a damn while. Tg a_batl anyone who has this and down to trade
hello, this is 1 out of 2 bvlg4ri4n PTs i met this summer while traveling there in the gym, anyone willing to try to bait them, both guys have gfs tho, thank you and also sorry if this is not the place to ask for requests, also id gladly give you some of the guys from my collection if you manage to bait them
>>499808 bvlg4ri4n v=u; 4=a2nd guy
>>499298 anyone have more of R1l3y??
>>499937 Ah, Edw@rd J0s3ph G0ldschmidt III, M.D., of Mayw00d, Ill. I’d love to see those vids too.
Peter Albright
What about Mas0n Dep0y?
Smart enough to be a doctor, but sends video after video of his face and cock to a fake girl. Oh, Dr. Goldschmidt...
>>499423He's Bi
htt ps : // we. tl / t- CrCQVTde9h (remove spaces)
St8 doctor humiliation porn past exposed in film.
>>500203 stinky pits.
>>500240 Yes, C0dy J3r0m3 C0nn0r’s twin brother Luc@s Bl@in3 C0nn0r has also done modeling. Are we certain it is C0dy and not Luc@s in those pornographic videos?
>>499423 what kind of comments?
>>500222 and how do you know he’s bi?
Either way, we've seen his cock lmao
Damn Dr. Connor must have had the vids of his small pp removed
Damn someone re-upload this please
Connor Crosier. The Hotest bait video I’ve ever seen
>>499626 I ❤️ Macaul@y R0ss’ hole. I still jerk off to that famous anus of his. That sphincter print can be used to identify him much like a fingerprint.
The Ross brothers were all deleted :(
>>500465 Didn't this guys used to go by James Wilcox a few years ago?
>>439516How do you search for guys in photos via pimeyes in 2024? It says region block for me.
>>500265 Hi could you repost this please?
>>500497 Fret not, fellow MG user. Their nudes may be gone from this page, but they must still be somewhere else online, and there is apparently an army of computer users ensuring that the nudes of all the men in this thread are aggressively disseminated. The R0ss brothers are best known for being naked on the Internet and I doubt that’ll ever change.
>>500552 correct
>>500629 It's such a dream come true when you used to go to school (and had a crush on) with one of the R0$$ and now getting to see how their cocks and assholes are like XD
I knew Connor in college at Kent State. Looks like the video was taken when he was still in high school. Love the dirty talk
Anyone seen any more of Patrick since these (almost) dissapeared?
>>500846 my god dude! That page is the slowest shit since 2004 internet
>>500203 Unhygienist alarm! :O
>>500849 This is why I love ginger boys so much!
Redditor u/only_echo_5309 his real name is Maximilian Hintermayr
His Facebook:
>>500866 can’t find his Reddit :/
Damn, Maximilian Hintermayr has a nice big uncut cock
connor reidy
>>500465Is there a place where all or many of his videos are uploaded? If I'm not mistaken he posted on reddit sometimes as well and once I talked to him with my bait girl account on Kik...
I posted his Reddit wrong. It’s u/only_echo_5039. Maximilian Hintermayr.
>>500938 Nice. Are there any more?
>>501050 His cock is perfect! Damn!
>>439516 I did a reverse image search for Cameron Br0wn, and found over 270 pages full of dudes! Anyone know who any of them are, and able to make collages?
Please help
>>501155 he’s hung like a horse. I wonder where he is now. He’s been the front pic for awhile
Looks like Maximilian deleted his face pics, but I'm still gonna nut to them in like 5 minutes lol
Does anyone have Localhotguy / Loloverruled ?
>>501285 this is amazing, thank you! Do you have anymore photos or videos?
>>501331If they had anymore I’m pretty sure they would share it.
>>501344 woooow tysm
>>501342 yeah forsure my bad. Just wondering about videos mainly bc I don’t know if you can upload them on this site.
Censor fail! Anybody know who he is?
is there a link to his file? seeing him in uniform has me lusting more lol
is there a link to Cameron's file? Seeing him in uniform has me lusting after him even more lol
>>501393 A number of C@mer0n’s photos were posted in a thread since archived.
>>501326 Thanks for the pic of the 2022 Bu!!dog QB
>>491459 So hot.
I have a fantasy in which one of these guys gets dressed up to go out to a party or community function when it dawns on him that one of the gays present has recognized him and is using his smartphone to show the nude photos and videos to other guests. He sees the looks of surprised delight on their faces as they look up at him from the smartphone screen and then look back at the screen, and his good time socializing and talking about his job and family and hobbies is over as other guests are seeing him naked and even watching him masturbate at that very moment. And he suddenly feels very naked and exposed despite his nice clothing.
>>501708 Pick a guy and write something short but hot using his name, please!
>>501708 In a heartbeat, his mood changes from confidence to embarrassment.
>>501708 this but with the ross brothers lol
Does anybody have this video?
Does anyone have the latest private Instagram account for 3r1c T (T@nn3r from Sean Cody)?
It seems the arrangement with the fiancee came to its inevitable end...
Wondering if our home gurl's on Grindr or has stepped back onto the sugar daddy circuit. We know she got expensive tastes.
Muscle nerd, with whore face finally exposing himself to the world
>>501977what's his name and social media?
>>502010 need this vid. is it anywhere?
>>501977 completely ruined and exposed. Hope every single one of his friends sees this.
>>502030 Doubt he gives a shit, he has an alt and OF
>>502010 OMG WHAT
Nah, if that were true he'd post his full name and social media
>>502030 Why just his single friends? Shouldn’t the married friends see it too?
>>502033 please tell us the alt account i want to see more and wank off to this daggot
>>502010 this is that fruity TikTok famous nurse guy right? let’s see it
>>502010 why are people simping for this ugly Asian queen? Nothing against Asians, there are so many who are hotties out there. But THIS one? Give me a fucking break. Ew.
Vid please
>>500353 can you link the video?
>>501977 who is this
>>502010 anything more?
>>501708 No matter what he does, where he is or what he wears, he can always be seen naked. It would be like being able to undress him right there in front of everybody.
anyone have a tel group for this stuff
>>501344 do you have the video of this?
Got these two straight boys, Joshua and Hudson. Who wants them? Childhood best friends I knew in highschool
>>503159 post them
>>503159 unless they 69ing we don't care
please post. baited straights are crack to me
>>503165 uhm? Yes we do! (But fingers crossed)
>>503187 yes because poo comes out of the butt crack and gays are turned on by the smell of poo.
>>503217 "gays" includes you too for just being on this site regularly, fagboy.
>>503220 really? I didn't see the disclaimer on my way in. You sure?
Does anyone have the tik tok lawyer @loloverruled nudes? He’s hot
>>503359 His video:
>>503360 fucking woof
>>502010 anything else on him??
>>503359 He’s a cutie. Thanks for the identification.
Is the (apparent) video of Al3x H@mb0y@n online somewhere?
>>503398Stop being a greedy bitch and say thank you.
its never that serious you really had to do that? relax
>>503761 You sound aggressive asf…
Is he gay?
>>503352giga-mid with an astounding lack of sexual appeal. somehow fat with a flat ass
>>503772 No, he is not.
>>503873 is this Loloverruled?
Wow didn’t look up thank you so much
>>503847 idk I think he’s so hot respectfully
>>503874 yes
Does anyone have the R0SS brothers pics?
>>504751 bump
Need more on Alex
>>504958 Ugh, the inclusion of pronouns is such a turnoff and the photo of Mrs. Emhoff is a real boner-killer.
Imagine putting in all the work to finish law school and pass the bar only to spill your purse out and reveal yourself to be an unstable headcase.
>>504962 Ugh, people complaining about 3rd grade grammar on a porn site is such a turn on. 😩🌟
(Not actually. But you just know they would be thick enough to self post any moment now. Go ahead please.)
>>504963 He’s an attorney? The Insta profile says he works at a restaurant. I assumed he waits on tables.
i’ve got all of these DKE frat boys if u wanna see lol
for example but also baited content lol
>>505099 hot, please share more. love seeing frat boys bare it all
>>505099 love the uncut one
>>505098 Would love to see everything you've got on these hotties ;)
>>505101 yep need em all. How to get em boss??
here’s the chubby blonde
cute fat fuck :)
id be down to trade baits with you on telegram lol
>>505144 lol what’s ur tele then
>>505140 Is he the biggest of the group? Or are the other guys growers👀
Feast your eyes on the cock of this handsome gay Mexican guy
>>505218 From San Jose?????
>>505222 Yes, he's from San Jose
There are some attractive men in recent posts, but if their names are being omitted or obscured, then you don’t understand the point of this thread.
>>505218 got more?
>>505247 There's a very short clip of him touching his dick, but I can't upload vids.
>>505250 post to anonseed
>>505218 Recently surfaced photos of Gust@v0
>>506495 more pics like this
If anyone has more of M1k3 T@nz3r, I would love to see itPreferably as a torrent instead of WT incase I miss it
Does anyone have the full set of R0ss P@ll3y? All I have is a small version of only one of the images.
Who is this flight attendant porno bottom?
Presenting “Dr.” Jan Hardinger doctor of nurse anesthesia. He apparently was at a big hospital in LA but I think his home porno came alight and the fact he was seen on camera stealing a bunch of stuff probably did him in.
>>506806 Just found this pic of him. Looks like he had work done.
>>506806 more
Here’s one. Also his family seems to have money. He has a twin sister and every Christmas they go on vacation at a resort. Anyway his twin sister seem a bit close like sitting in a bathtub (as adults) in bathing suits, being others dates while looking at each other creepily.
Okay, let’s try this again. Does anyone @n0nv3r5j0ck name? There was a post on LPSG saying he scammed someone out of private bottoming video starting last June - he said family issues, then blamed medical, work, all the usual shit.