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Anyone get fucked by Max in SF?
>>441413 who is this?
>>441413 what's his @?
>>441413 hot af
>>441413 NO CHINKS PLEASE. These threads have been great lately with no Asians do stop bringing them up
Jesus fuck. Some rice queen always has to ruin this fucking site with fuggo asians.
Ching chong ting ting motherfucker. Nobody wants your wu flu. Rice queen is truly the most vile mental illness.
we need to start being more aggressive with bullying and deterring rice queens and asians from visiting this site at all!
Stop ruining a beautiful thing.
>>441899>>441921>>441922show us a selfie and that should scare people off. who hurt y'all lol. silly fags
>>441924 You just gotta ignore them mate. They'll eventually go throw their tantrum somewhere else.
First you pathetic fucking rice queens, chinks, and spics got the ethic filter removed from Grindr and now you want to ruin everything else until every sexy/hot thing is useless.
Only white, black, and a small minority of Arab men are hot. Period. Chinks, Mexicans, and especially Indians need to GTFO. You are not welcome in the gay community at ALL.
>>441899 You got flawless skin that tans nicely with few moles? Low body-fat percentage? Easily built muscle body. A thick, wild bush and an adorable little cock? Did you do well in school and end up with a nice job? No? THEN SHUT THE FUCK UP. RICE QUEENS ARE HERE TO STAY BITCH. These hot little bitches are as high quality meat as you can get and your pathetic jealousy does nothing to deter us.
This is so delusional.
There is nothing desirable about chinks at all besides maybe their potential as ultra submissive bottoms. But at the end of the day you'd never want to shack up with them regularly. There are much higher quality races out there and you can find ones that have a submissive fetish too but are actually desirable beyond that kink.
If you're white and fucking asians it just reeks of desperation and I really wonder why is wrong with you. Even most asians feel the same way that it is a huge red flag if a white guy seems into them because the white guy almost definitely has something wrong with him.
>>441934 k fatty. your mom should've hit you when you were a kid while your uncledaddy was too busy raping your sister. keep crying no one will touch you...not even your precious whites lol. stop yucking people's yums. love the entitlement that you represent the LGBT community and gatekeep. you're completely delusional and need serious therapy.
Ching chong ching chong ting tong.
Me love u rong time. Sucky sucky five dorrrah.
It's true.
even most of us don't want to date/sleep with other asian guys 😅
i only want to date a white guy
sadly most of the hottest ones are racist.
makes me think all of these racists aren't just fat trolls but hot those hot roided circuit queen types that you see all over IG, never posing with anyone outside their own race
>>441942 lol like that does anything to me. I'm not even Asian. you're a complete child that shouldn't be on this site. You're never gonna live a full life or amount to anything. You're worthless. You're a nobody.
>>441944 sheesh the cultural self hate is strong with this one. you need to surround yourself with better people
Says the rice queen. You literally posted earlier how great Asians were because they could do things like go to school, get good jobs, and put on muscle. All things us well-adjusted whites do on a regular basis. Just admit that you can't do better than fucking chinks. It's okay. If they exist for one thing it's to be treated like commodities for the lazy and slovenly among us.
not self-hating just being honest lol
I like what I like and what I like is white guys
we shouldn't police peoples right to chose who they find attractive
Ching chong u Rike sucky sucky ching chong
>>441947 womp wrong again. I've slept with different races. I'm just accepting of people, unlike you brainwashed fucks who are so full of hate and deluded with this American "otherism" that you've forgotten gay history where lgbt were also persecuted.
Lmao fuck off with that false equivalence. You didn't live in the fucking 60s. The worst prosecution you've probably faced was probably not having enough time to watch every season of fucking RuPaul's.
>>441948 and thats what the argument here is. Don't yuck people's yum and move on with your life.
Sorry you can't find a white lover, loser. Enjoy your chink sex!
>>441951 lol yikes this is probably why I'm not very close with "gay culture". its very very sad to watch.
Sorry but we should absolutely yuck some yums. Like when yellow fever starts becoming the new pandemic online. Like I said. Your side already took away a lot. Like the ethnic filters on Grindr. Literally said that having a preference or self agency is inherently wrong. What if a chink wanted to date another chink? They can't search for that anymore either. But you losers would say that it's perfectly fine for ethnics to want to promote purity in their relationships and community. The gay community is built on the backs of American gays. Americans means people who have been here long enough go have history. White and black men.
>>441953 ha
>>441955 lol man, we need a real global flood and get rid of the humana race. y'all are hopeless. you're allowed to discriminate in private, just keep it to yourself and not put it outwardly. Who people sleep with has 0 effect in your life. so keep wanting to suck white guys dicks and let people want to suck other races dicks.
So why did you all cry all over Twitter that ethnic filters are racist? Perfectly private choice to be made, but again. Your side only applies that kind of BS against whites.
>>441959 im not on grindr or twitter so I have no clue what you're talking about. You need to put your phone down and meet actual people outside of the internet. I'm sorry PrEP was created, I think mother nature was on to something