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Sometimes a man just makes you grunt "jesus fucking christ" when you see him pic
And then Jesus said to the man, “Arise for now of your hair you are fully shorn. Go forth and serve God in all hygiene.”
(John 11:7–11)
He looks like a typical low class gay porn star...the type Sean Cody has been resorting to after Onlyfans cratered their business model of seducing hard up, actually hot, hunky, men.
Imma pass.
He’s not as hot on his IG. He’s like the one instagay that isn’t filled with Botox and filler
>>446411 100% agree. Low-class. Ink covered trash that Sean Cody loves to use these days. Probably uncut. Doesn't seem to tan, occassionaly uses the gym, completely unremarkable facial features. This sort of looks like a self post IMO.
He still looks pretty rape-able to me