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Starting a new REAL NAME ThreadPrevious thread:
Any info on William from corbin fisher? He had 6 scenes.
I ran william on pimeyes but nothing!
Looking for the real names of Cl@rk Re1d and J@ke Pr3ston. Does anyone know?
Looking for the hot Colombian "Alex" from SC. He only did a solo in 2011.
bobby kanne from bel ami / freshmen
Anything on Drake from corbin fisher?
I ran Eli I (from 2010) who only had a solo scene on corbin fisher and it looks like something came up? Any idea what his socials are
Happy to have this thread going and on to 2024!
>>476860 Alex III from Sean Cody was absolutely gorgeous! Shame he only did a solo. I'd love to know who he is.
SC’s Nathan is fitness instructor $c0++ M@r+!n and was living in Sarasota but recently relocated to Copenhagen. That’s his BF.
Anything on Palmer from corbin fisher he only had a solo scene
Yall have any leaks from greaserb0yj03y?
Anyone know the real names of…
N1ck Fl0ydC0le ChurchC@meron NeutonCJ P@rkerS3bastian CruzD@kota Lov3ll
Does anyone know CF Harley? Their name or sm?
Anybody ever identify the ripped vers Russian Liev from Sean Cody?
i want to request classics
Does anyone know the real name of JR T0p D0g?
His pits are so hot
Anyone know mason Wyler’s socials (ig)
>>477039 Spence is restaurant owner +ed P@!z!$ of Rochester, MN.
>>477041 Branson is engineer $h@wn $p3nc3r of Columbus, OH.
>>477048 fucking woof where do I find more of this?
any info on Alan Mosca from Bel ami online / freshmen
Rusty from SCPimeyes couldn't find anything other than his porn pics
Before you even waste time asking for someone’s name or sm check this website pbc(.)xxx/wiki/Main_Page
I've been asking for this going back 5 threads so I'm hoping Pimeyes will finally find him like it has others:
Sergio Valen BSB/CD:
Sergio Valen's first solo
Sergio's flip fuck with Jake Tippton
Anything on Chet II from CF?
>>477365 Just watched his scene with Bryan Cavallo. Both tall, handsome dudes. Would like both IDed.
>>477369 Bryan Cavallo is Dy1@n C0uturi3r. You can find his music on youtube. I have been searching Serhio Valen forever.
>>477143 you are the best thank you
>>477394 Thank you so much. Bryan's scene with Sergio was great because you could see him let down his inhibitions and reveal how much he was enjoying getting fucked, which was offbrand for BSB/CD. Sergio did the same in his CD solo interview where he winked at the interview about liking Italian sausage in his private life.
Anything on Derek Thibeau?
Anyone know the real name of Ad@m R3id?
Or his boyfriend Sebati@n Cruz?
for anyone interested, Christian from BeefcakeHunter (BCH) is Matthew QuinnFB: you guys can share his insta, i'd appreciate it
>>477649 You think he's at least bi?
Two longshot guys from French porn:
Kameron Frost?
And this guy Guillaume?
Here are a few older that I've found that aren't on PBC(.)xxx, starting with a couple that have passed on so full names given:
Árpád Miklós = Peter Kozma RIPBrenn Wyson = Michael (Mike) Fox RIP 2018 Broward FLWilfried Knight = Wilfried Jean-Pierre Chevalier RIP
Fr4ncescO D’M4chO = Olivi3rO Fr4nc3sco MOri K3nt NOrth (UK) = B3n Gr3yS3rg3ant Sl4t3 St33l3 = Jus+1n COx - has a fitness company in San Diego S34mus O'R31lly = COdy Tr4c3y (programmer)MOrg4n Shades = P4tr1ck G4lt3n (see Model Mayhem)R.C. Ry4n = C4s3y R1n3h4rt (living near where he grew up in OH)BrOck M4st3rs = A4ron F1sh3r (mug shot)Bl4d3 ThOmpsOn = Andr3a4s Kub3 - looking rough from a podcast
I'm considering a list of in prison (such as DF Hun+er C0n4n - underage) and Sex Offenders (Brock)
Any info on r@unchy b@stards GR@NT P0RT3R?
Does anyone know CF Jace? Or Harley?
>>477756 Please do the prison sex offenders list. LOVE that shit.
SC’s Murr@y/ NDS’s @tt!cus Hendr!cks is Fred Chr!st0pher C@b@rle Jr. He also briefly performed on CB as re@lfet!sh123. Though he goes by CJ for short. Dude may be hot but he is baaad news with a history of vehicle theft, driving with a suspended license, grand theft and even domestic violence. Looks like we got a straight up grifter/sociopath/ narcissist on our hands. You know its bad when someone makes a word press article about they’re horrible experience with dating you and that’s it. Nothing else on that page but you baby girl lmao. This fucker should have just stuck with gay porn I’m sure it pays better then whatever job he’s got now.
>>477821 CJ showing off his best ass-ets here
>>477821 What part of the country is he from?
The PBC guy/owner should just come here and comb through the dozen or so threads we've done. Would make his site better.
>>477821 NGL, he has a beautiful dick. Just perfect.
>>477824 So Cal. San Diego area I believe.
Anybody know why the images of Alex from SC were removed?
Anyone know what happened to Chance Logan from H3lix?
>>477839It's really strange. They were promotional images of Alex from the SC site, those kinds of images don't usually get pulled down.
>>477839 He's probably on the DNP list. Or he requests them to be taken down himself. Every time he's been requested on other boards it gets taken down too. Either way he's most likely fully aware that we're looking for him.
>>477842 Not sure what happened to him but think I found his socials:
>>477931 thank you for finding him and the update!
>>477649One of my top 5 sexiest guys in porn ever, but wrong site. I wish he'd go somewhere else. I don't mind hot young guys fucking older guys (in fact I like it), but the BCH owner is a self-hating f@g who still sells the old gay = bad, ugly, unattractive, dirty, diseased myth. The fact these guys are letting him blow them and enjoying it proves they're curious at least.
As for Christian/M@tt, I hope he's gotten more experience off-site.
>>477928Weird that he can have promotional shots for his SC work pulled though. He doesn't control the copyright to those.
>>477941 I've seen a whole thread be taken down because someone from the DNP list was posted so it's really not that surprising that he can get his images taken down.
>>477928 I guess so. I just think it's weird to ask to remove publicly available images. It's so odd...
>>477548 J@$0n L@ngl0!s-M0r!n
>>478139 Thanks! You're the best.
>>477821 He's Latin? Don't know why I thought he's black biracial.
>>478170 C@b@rle is not a latin surname. It's filipino.
>>478170 I believe his dad is half Filipino half Black and his mom is White. So Tri-Racial??
A@r0n (CF)Al€x F!c@ch!f0rVm.b0dybV!ld!ng.c0m/s€@rch.php?s€@rch!€xf!c@ch!€xF!c@ch!R!z0
J@s0n M00r€ (HGF)Sp€nc€r G@rc!€nc€r.g@rc!€nc€rg@rc!@20
C0n0r D!v!n€ (HGF)N!cky McCr@ck€!gd@ddyn!!nst@.n!cky/!cky.mccr@ck€n
R!ck J0hns0n (HGF)D€r€k M@mm€€r€k.m@mm€n/€r€k.m@mm€n
P€t€r Gr0m (HGF)Chr!st0ph€r!!!!s.b@rnh@rdt/!sb@rnh@rdt
D@n€ (CF)C@rl0s P€r€!mVsB@ckmodelmayhem (dot) com (slash)!l€.php?!!l€.php?!d=1828330972
Is@@c (CF) / I@n H0ll!st€r (SG4GE)J0n K@k€€rF!tn€€f!tstVd!0s/€k@k€sh0w/€r
Er!c C@nt0r (HGF)J@s0n V@rg@selpasotimes (dot) com (slash) picture-gallery (slash) news (slash) 2019 (slash) 07 (slash) 28 (slash) photos-el-pasos-most-wanted-fugitives-week-july-28-2019 (slash) 1844029001
Adr!@n0 (CF)J@r! P!!p!gn@t@r0/!.p!gn@t@r0
D@ll€n (CF)Kyl€€€k@pl@n12
Tr!st@n D!@z (OF)Kr!s!nsfr0mg€€bs/!!s.0dd0
Not sure if this is Dallen from corbin fisher:
I'd love to know who ripped shredded curly headed hottie Cody/Codi Kaladin is. He mostly does stuff at HGF but has a couple solo vids at GH.
>>478241 love his body
>>478241 Nich0l@s @lex@nder Dulm@ge of Houston, TX
>>478337 he s tasty
Taylor Shift from GH and HGF? Anyone got his real name or socials?
ActiveDuty Scott https://www.insta 0 with o
MaverickMales Jared/Muscleboy Wrestling Artemis Iron - MICH4EL CHI4PP4L0NE
>>478376 So cute but he ruins it with that stupid tattoo
>>478337 Thank you so much!
Been asking these for years now, so maybe I can try my luck here again and hopefully anyone here has the power to know who this guy is in real life!! PLEASE!
Stage name from EnglishLads is J4K3 F!NDL3Y
>>477821 Dude reminds me of one the hot guys from Nickelodeon's early boy band show, BIG TIME RUSH, forgot their names though. Lol
>>478189 WOW!! Amazing finds mate! Love'em!
Hey, since you're so good at finding guys associated with HotGuysFuck,
Would you ever be so kind to look up the real names and social accounts of these HGF Models would really appreciate it.
Z4ch D!cks0nBr3nt S4v@g3V!nny T3s0r0
Thank you
>>478456 Seconding this. Dude was an MMA fighter at the time of his shoots so he shouldn't be too hard to find.
Anything on Alan Mosca from bel ami?
I'm still looking for Luke Wilder from Helix. He was so sexy.
Any info on Viktor Jones from titanmen?
>>478506 yes please!
>>478518 unhygienic unfortunately.
>>478589 ???
>>478600 do not feed the trolls. ignore any posts that contain the word "unhygienic" etc. for your own good
>>478518 Real name is Luc@s L0tt
>>478241 looks to also be on r3ddit as consciouscreator96
It's probably a long shot, but anybody ever discover Gregg? He only did the one solo in 2013. (Yes, I know he is not to everyone's taste. You do not need to comment about it.)
Anything on SC Tim?
>>478672 There was Tim and Timmy who only did a solo at SC
>>478602 Noted. Will not engage further.
>>478664 Real name Sean, me thinks.M0d3lm@yh3m (com) portfolio / 2932886 / viewall# / 31610170
>>478456 this dude is so hard to find, like for real, and his profile on ELs said he's a cage fighter, there should be a profile on him or something right?
>>478691 Wow thanks! I guess his real name is Sean and the other one is some sort of professional alias?
I'm looking for the ripped Russian Liev.
Z@ch D!cks0n = D@v!d
Any info on Joel birkin from bel ami?
Anything on Leo Alexander, who was with Lucas Entertainment a while back.
Anything on W3s from redhotstraightboys?
Mason LearJeff Powers from RandyBlue?
>>478990 This sex offender was identified in the previous thread.
>>478933 Johnny schilirò
Canadian "Ace Adams" from OF. He used to post on Tumblr under his real name, years ago, and I can't for the life of me remember what it was.
SC’s Todd is photographer Em!1 R@jk0w$k!. He and his anti-vaxx wife life in Montana. If his photography clients could only see him taking Nick Hauversburk’s cock in his younger days…
>>479051 Damn this guy is handsome. It's a shame his wife is a piece of shit, but that's what happens when you're straight...
>>479051 this is so fucking hot and EXACTLY what this thread is all about... seeing a now married guy, fully exposed AND getting fucked in his younger days
>>479054 not getting a vaccine = piece of shit? why are you guys so mean/judgmental? i'm flabbergasted at people these days.
>>479051 Wow. That's one SC guy I always thought had to be gay. Kind of shocked he isn't!
>>479076 I believe the anti anti-vaxxer comments are against anti-vaxxer who want no one to get a vaccine, not just themselves.
>>476859 No one knows their real names?
>>478391Thank you!Seems that Jared closed his social media accounts except X
anyone knows who is the Martin from BCH?
This hot military guy, any one knows who he is?
>>479131 no his insta is up too.
Here are more photos of him.
I'd love to find out anything about Zach of Cockyboys. He only did a few scenes but he was so sexy.
Anything on the original post, William?
Did anybody ever find anything on CF's Dylan III? Not a super great performer but really hot to me
benjamin from island studs?
Anyone know who Br@dley Wh!tman is?
The closest thing I found (on pimeyes) were pics of him at someone's wedding, but then I couldn't find social media of the bride or groom :(
>>478942 how about duke Campbell who took Jeff powers like a champ?
>>479338 love those abs
>>479534 internettrolls be internettrolls
>>479534 where?
Been posted before but for those who don’t know…SC Jake is @d@m Cumm!ng$ of Woodstock, GA. Married DILF.
IYKYK. Ru$$311 N3@1 D!V!++0r!
>>479743 For those of us who don't know, care to share the name he's better known by?
>>479751 SC’s +0mmy
>>479743 Dude! The Holy Grail of S C early years, flip-flo with L. Thank you!
>>479743 The only model to top L@nd0n (Fr3dd!3 L33 P@+r!ck). King shit.
BSB Jordan Grant currently serving 18 years for a fatal DUI. He has a crazy backstory.
Anything on Jeff/John twins? (SC)
>>479802 Oh yeah. And check out Landon's grip. ;)
Looking for the real names of…
T1m J@mesCl@rk Re1dJ@ke Prest0nN1ck Fl0yd
I'm hoping that someday we'll find out who hot Canadian smokeshow Levi of AAB really is.
>>479741 Jake is still my ultimate SC fantasy guy. He has the best face/body/dick combination overall. He also managed to bulk up without overdoing it, which is so rare. I actually love his bigger muscle sex body. I really wish he had done more scenes.
>>479852 like a vice
No updated social media but its M@tthew and Chr!s Peterk@
Anyone here knows what the real name of Ukrainian porn actor M4tth3w M3!3r?
Always a good time to re-expose SC superstar C@lv!n. Ky13 W00d is a total DILF and one day his sons will see that pic of their dad on his knees drenched in Jess's cum, worshipping his cock.
>>480088 I will never tire of this part of his scene with Jess. Iconic gay porn moment. 🙌
>>480090 which video is this?
>>480093 Well the caption next to the gif says this, "I will never tire of this part of his scene with Jess. Iconic gay porn moment. 🙌". So using our critical thinking skills we can figure out that it's probably the scene with Jess that's mentioned in the caption. So maybe try looking up Calvin's scene with Jess. Hope that helps!
>>480088 does he have any socials? IG?
Has anyone identified CF Jace? He bottomed for Rocky and Nash (aka Kyle Dean)
Still hoping for this one.
J0n@th@n from SC is gay in real life and lives in the SF Bay area. He had several scenes where he topped and bottomed. I'm sure $+even $+0ller's gay friends jerk off to those scenes.
>>480430 One of my all time faves! Great top, even greater bottom!
>>476879 Bruce Harrelson from belami?
>>480430hot friends too
How about Spanish Stud Adult Film Actor T0mmy C4br!0 ?
>>480842 No evidence of that. But I wish!
Looking for the real name of J0rdi M@ssive. Anyone know ?
Davis from SC is in the Air Force and lives in the Norfolk/Newport News area. He and his wife got married last spring in Asheville. $+u@r+ C0rbe++’s superior officers probably aren’t aware of how he used to earn money as a horny young man. Wonder if they know how hairy his bussy is and that his cock has a wicked curve to it.
>>481192 Or even that he has a really long cock, not the girthiest, but I would have fun with it.
Doug from SC is Bry@n Gund3r$0n
can anyone with pimeyes ID this cute european cop! It's from the street photography from YouTube.
I hope the other scientists who work in the lab with D0m!n!c $@nt0$ regularly eat his gorgeous brown bussy while he sucks his own dick. 💦 This biologist is sex on legs and obviously super smart.
Jordi is a hot muscle stud Love watching him take a dick.
I heard S@m L3dg3r had a fledgling YT channel before he modeled. Anyone know what it is?
>>481246 what was his porn name? The image is gone
Still looking for Ford at SC.
Does anyone have @n0nv3r5j0ck?
Kyle Denton is Billy Lee Lashley. He was a marine who was a body bearer in Arlington and was named DC’s marine of the year.
The Salty Boy’a bottom forget his name but he’s tattoo’s and wore an ankle bracelet’s name is Brandon Hagan a sex offender. He had images of young kids on his computer.
>>479838 One of their names is Matthew Peterka. IIRC they were competive swimmers in HS.
>>481396 no lie this guy looks a lot like a straight jerk off buddy I have. maybe I'll ask him if he's ever done work for sc haha
126997 BDoes anyone have @n0nv3r5j0ck?
The Salty Boy’a bottom forget his name but he’s tattoo’s and wore an ankle bracelet’s name is Brandon Hagan a sex
>>481444 He can’t be all that straight if he’s jerking off with a faggot
info on Drake Von from HGF?
>>481643 D@wson Y3oman from Las Vegas. Twin brother is J0rdan (aka S1las Br00ks).
One of the myriad of D@wson’s conquests is Kyl3 Nich0ls (aka M@x C@rter), whom he fucked while Sil@s and M@x were dating. Sil@s forgave M@x cause they are still together.
However, the brothers hate each other.
>>481644They're twins with different last names? Interesting
>>481690 They have the same real last name (Y3oman) but different porn names because they wanted to have careers away from one another (since they hate each other that makes sense).
I find it funny that they film with the same people, one after the other. I fully expect Sean Ford to release his scene with Silas very soon.
Anyone have anything on SC’s walker? Country Texan guy who had the best ass, took two massive loads, and then disappeared without a trace
>>481891 For SC W4lker I find 2 possible names on my list, Dan1el Lab0e or Sh4un T4nsey
>>481897 The first of the two. I love how he lists that he's husband, father of three, his religion, etc. Just like sc-jake. He really must've needed the money back then. Looks like a good guy.
What about SC's Arch1e? Can't find him anywhere
Willing to trade for CF Dylan
CF boyfriends:C@l@an = Br@ndon S0k0l0wskiBryc3 = M1tch St3ncel
>>482057 Oh really?
>>481957 hit him up on scruff
>>482226 what are his deets
>>482000 Speaking of Dylan. One of the very few original SC hotties, the original Dylan, he has never been identified. Anyone got info on him?
>>482380 dylan was so gorgeous
Still looking for the real names of J@ke Pr3ston and Cl@rk R3id. Anyone?
>>481915 so hot. Yeah he really wanted the money this bad
>>481915 so hot. Yeah he really needed the money this bad and we love to see it
Anything on Cade from CF?
>>482513J@s0n 0liv@ari, orginally from Boston and now in Las Vegas. Occasionally shows up on rentmen. I always loved his thick cock with the right amount of foreskin so all of it pulls back and looks cut when he's hard.
>>482520 sounds like the perfect excuse for a Vegas trip to me
>>482520 googling his real name, an address comes up in Henderson where another famous CF model lives. Hmm...
>>482526 who?
>>482535 D@wson. Though I doubt Cade actually lives there. Probably uses the address for his mail or tax purposes. And stays there when he’s in town.
>>477756 Thank you! Been looking for Sla+e forever. Glad to see he is still hot as fuck and contrary actually gay (his fiance is a dude).
Does anyone have any info. on the straight pornstar Br@nn0n Rh0des?
Anything on Helmut huxley from bel ami?
>>482976 this dude is a porn star???
>>483151 Yes, Br@nn0n Rh0des is a straight porn model. Apologies in advance for submitting proof.
>>483415 oh baby you never need to apologize for providing receipts, it’s the stuff that masturbatory dreams are made of. admittedly he looks less impressive in that pic but i have seen worse.
Anything on drake from corbin fisher
>>483590 M@rc Arr@z01@
Starting a new thread on this hot Reddit guy who used the username w_y_n_t36 (no underscores) and later k€vinb_f1t (€ is for e and 1 is for i). He deleted his accounts in 2020 and 2021. There are several threads on him: and and Maybe there are more threads that I haven't listed, but nobody has any real info. on him yet.
CF Harley?
>>483590 agree more pls
Here is Corbin fisher "Drake" socials:
>>483703 Fuck yesss exactly what we need
Anything on Van wilder / James kickstand? I know there is a thread on him but i odn't think anything came up
what about Palmer from corbin fisher? he only had one solo scene.
Anyone have info on Holden from corbin fisher. This site shares his name and socials, but that isn't him. xxx/wiki/Holden_(Corbin_Fisher)
>>483755don't you know they reuse the names in corbin fisher?i guess you want the names of Holden I
>>483778 it’s confusing how they recycle names
>>483778 no I'm looking for holden ii
Anything on william from corbin fisher?
>>483853Yeah, Holden II has been misidentified elsewhere on the internet. It's one thing to be harrassed if your porn past comes back to haunt you, but to potentially be harrassed because you are confused for someone who did porn would suck.
>>483874 He should take it as a compliment
cf dylan please? the tall one who snowboards
>>483959 agree! I tried finding him by looking at Rocky Chris and Liam IG pages but nothing
I know a long shot but anything on isaac iii from corbin fisher? He only had a solo and a straight scene with broke
What's Liams IG?
J03 Park3r? I know he's been in FL forever
J3ff P0w3rs?
R3x Lima anyone?
>>483744 curious about palmer as well
>>484086 for a minute, i thought that was Hunter Biden when he using drugs
>>484172 who is this?
>>484215 Looks like Craig from SC
What happened to Mac from Sean Cody? Any info on him?
>>484172 do you have his socials?
Anything on Graham from corbin fisher? He only had 1 solo and a straight scene
>>484253 thanks, shame no videos of him getting railed and dumped
>>484253 is sean / craig gay?
>>484262 Nope he's married to some bitch
Am hoping someone has some info on Derek Kage, and two that have already been mentioned, Clark Reid and Jake Preston.
>>476859 Bumping for the real names of J@ke Pr3ston and Cl@rk R3id. Does anyone know?
Does anyone know the real name of this hot Canadian T1m J@mes?
>>484337 Don't know her name but she ugly
I wouldn’t call that ginger UGLY but that poster def picked a generous photo lmao. He doesn’t look that good in the rest of his pics.
Anyone know Austin Averys real name? Socials?
>>484337 those crotch bumps
>>484434 exactly. 🤢 and the face just looks off. No thanks.🫸
>>484376 Diego Luna
>>484376 Aust1n Pl3tscher
FB: aust1n.pletscher (change the 1 to i)
>>484490 Denise Richards
Reposting Dominic Santos. This gorgeous slut is both smart and sexy. And he can suck his own enormous cock while you fuck his brown bussy. What more could you ask for???
Info on Palmer from corbin fisher? I don't think other threads found or shared anything
>>484540 Oh wow good for him
>>484627 He vanished
>>484654 I've seen other porn starts who only had 1 scene years ago and someone still is able to share something. Hoping someone has info on Palmer
>>484676 A kind soul will
>>484540 fuck YES this dudes such a fucking horn dog
>>484862 Right? I fantasize daily about doing what Austin Wilde did to him.
Blond cutie Sheldon from SC just had one solo and did a scene for a foot fetish site. Today he works in the hospitality industry.
Always fun to admire the big dick and pale white bussy of Myles from CM. Do his colleagues at Meta know he’s got a fat, juicy cock?
>>484490 Funny I think he looks more like if Michael Cera and Tom Holland had a sexy faggoty love child lol
Lol yep that's Josh from SC
moth erless .com/2F70 B52
Was info ever found on william from corbin fisher? He had a few scenes
>>484913 what's the middle picture from?
Does anyone know the socials of Brice Jones from BSB?
I forgot when or how, but someone had found these images. It is the closest we seem to have come to finding him.
Any things about Nico Sky from randyblue?
>>485283 disappeared from social media a few years ago unfortunately
lol supposedly straight?
instagram . com/p/C1lOf3mg3u0
does anyone have s@m l3dg3r?
>>485297 sad
D@nie1 10tu$ B0r0v!k jerked it at $e@n C0dy as @nth0nie. He survived blood cancer only to become a crypto shilling Zionist/gym bro. He recently got married and lives in Ohio.
>>485663 Nice pic of D@n's cock for you all xoxo
Anyone knows Clayton Foster's real name or socials? Probably the hottest bottom I've seen in a while.
>>485419 His real name is R@ymond Hugh3s
does he have any socials?
>>485682 James Pflumm of Fishers, Indiana
That’s the hottest bottom you’ve seen in awhile? You need to look up more bottoms man
>>485778 he’s definitely hot but him being so submissive makes him hotter
Not op just agree with them
>>485759 he’s all grown up and found a sugar daddy
>>485759 >>485876 Thank you! And somebody gets it!
>>485878 what his porn name?
Anything on Brock Kniles AKA Mason, or Blain O'Connor?
Anyone know colby from CF?
>>485996 Would love to see
Happy birthday to Calvin!
>>486189 He's my ultimate SC boy!
>>485759 Watch him take a COVID test!
Facecheck has gone the way of Pimeyes, guess we'll be getting less ID's now :(
Can we identify william from corbin fisher
Anyone know Gavin sevin from chaosmen?
Anyone know mike 2 from CF? He's a fucking cutie
Stephen Perry (stephenperry91 on insta) gained mild fame a few years ago for having a hot mugshot. Instead of fully capitalising on it and doing Onlyfans, he made a shit flop clothing line and is now just another nobody.
He should've done Onlyfans because he had already got his dick out and cranked the fuck out of it a few years earlier as Jack F0rbes on 3nglishl4ds.
>>486713 He looks like he could be the brother of Mikey Butders.
Anything on Thomas ii from corbin fisher?? He had 1 straight with Ashley. He was also known as Carlos on MiamiBoyz?
Anyone know the real names of Brandts Boys Jordan, Troy, Kyle and Alek?
>>486972 check the previous thread anyone subbed to his OF? I heard he’s on Grindr
hi. was lane's id ever been shared here before already?
>>486964 looks yummy
Anyone knows SC Cl@y's name? please
Does anyone know Taylor Shift's real name? I've been trying to find any social media for years :(
>>487424 where did you get this ? the background does look familiar
>>487423 Super hot. Real name? Social?
>>487423 I searched him on facecheck back when it was still free to use. And even then there were no hits except for his porn stuff. He really has no presence online whatsoever, kinda impressive in this day and age.
Happy St. Patrick's Day here's a redhead for you all! $3@n C0dy's +h0m is +yl3r Chr1$t1@n of Nashville, TN. Wonder if the misses knows he jerked his cock on a gay porn site...
>>487423 I would love to know this. I was so enamored of his lean perfectly ripped body. It's too bad he didn't do more than a few vids.
what was his porn name?
>>487466 Shey-Sean Cody
>>487452 What a peach!
>>487469 That's literally the peach emoji in ass form lol
>>487412 where'd you get this picture
>>484540 All I know is his LinkedIn. What is D0m1n1c S@nt0s ( De$m0nd Bucc0l@) Instagram, TikTok, Twitter and Facebook?
>>487474 in the other thread. But there's no his name
>>487474 Here's another picture of him
>>487553 and i heard he was on the PBS series 'Carrier'
Who is the identity of Harley from Guys InSweatpants?
Anyone knows him? Andrew from SC
Who knows his name? He's AAB Dylan
Was Levi from All Austrian Boys ever found?
So hot watching that hot boy get his dick sucked by that guy
FB: luftyO2 (O=0)
>>487659 Wow, thanks! He still looks good. But he's typical MAGA dad, i think. hunting animals, super religious, bunch of Trump photos lol
anyone knows SC Byron? his scene with Jamie was so hot
>>487663 +yl3r W3$+ph@1 of St. Paul, MN. Here he is shooting his load into Jamie’s mouth.
>>487670 Man, you're the best! many thanks
what about rod? think he only did a solo but jesus was he hot
>>487663 It’s a shame Kyle/Jamie didn’t get his tongue in Tyler/Byron’s ass in that scene.
>>487670 Back when he posed, his family freaked out and had him see a shrink, fights ensued, he moved from IA to MN. He seems to be living a normal suburban life now.
>>487716 How do you know that?
>>487716 If I had been that shrink, I would have made him sit on my face before continuing with therapy.
>>487717 Oh, he posted it on FB (I think!) eons ago, but deleted. It seemed more of a "naughty" curiosity one-time thing (like many of the early sc guys who are living heteronormative lives and are totally satisfied -e.g., sc-Jake). I think he's moved on, so we should be happy for him. I guess...
>>487735 Thanks for the explanation. I'm sorry for what happened to him but he seems to be doing well, so yeah i'm happy for him haha
>>487641 I feel like it was? But k can't find the thread or anything on lpsg... he's hot af
>>487729 For real this is one hot smooth straight boy bussy
anyone knows CF C@mpb3ll? He was a friend of Scott
anyone know real names of these guys. they were elder hardt aka john hardt & elder miltmore aka colby harris
Looking for these CF models
Dylan IVJaceHarley
anyone know what's his name? he was Hunter at SC. blond guy
Elder Hardt aka Cole is hot
>>487988 Chris Nelsen. Got into body building and now he's all bulky.
>>483617 Reviving this thread on w_y_n_t36 (no underscores), a former user from Reddit. He also used the username Kev1nb_f1t (1=i) there before he disappeared. This pic is from 2020. Does anyone know who Kevin is?
>>487992 Thank you!! but oh god... too much steroids :(
CF Kevin anyone know? I think his porn name was kevin daniels
Does anyone know the real name/socials of this lawyer?
anyone know SC D0nny?
anyone remember SC Richard? he was so uncomfortable and it makes him hot lol. I wanna know his name!
>>487999He's cory from str8boyzseduced
Chr1s from SC?
>>488026 t0m b04rdm4n
>>488121 Thanks! but there's nothing, no facebook or insta. maybe he deleted? thank you though :)
>>485878>>485877 what are these guys porn names???
>>488128 I think he got married a few years ago
>>484241 jVst1n myn34r
>>479743 that sc Tommy’s name? Don’t see anything on him in Google
>>487445 i know! He's like a ghost. Since 2017 nothing has been heard about him. no other photos besides the ones on gayhoopla.
>>488147 So hot in his straight vid with HotGuysFuck. Shame he never did any gay scenes.
IG e@tcle@nlifthe@vy
CF Cameron is a trump loving bigot who goes on about how America is so woke and how he would raise his kids right if he had any.
Anyone know SC Payton?
>>488187cyl3 b4lleng3r
>>488200 How could you find it lol Thanks a lot!!!
Sigh... so many people getting found and nothing of T@ylor :(
Still nothing on William from CF?
anyone know CF Zeke??
I'm looling for CF Noah. I heard he's a professional photographer in Indiana and total MAGA homophobe.
>>488287 CF N0ah= J0n R33d of Valparaiso, Indiana. "Proud MAGA conservative" with the always-classy Russian Flag.
>>488292 Wow, he's truly a piece of shit
>>488292 Found his IG: @j0nr33dph0t0graphy. I hope his porn past would be revealed in public :)
>>488292Guy is batshit crazy. Mocking trans and Hunter B but he CFd like almost 20 vids??? lol WTF?
>>488287 "Proud MAGA conservative" enjoying bottoming LOL
Any updates on levi from all Austrian boys? There was a thread on him a few Yeats ago but nothing came about
Hoping to find out about the hot Hungarian M@rcos @costa from GH/HGF.
>>488298This hypocritical asshole deserves to be exposed
there is a thread on him on lpsg. He used to escort, had an only fans, Twitter and insta but all are deleted. Marcos acosta was so hot and had a juicy dick... hopefully someone has updates
Did anybody ever find this Ethan from Sean Cody? Always thought he was cute af
>>488298 someone needs to make one of those collages and expose this homophobe for the big ol closeted gay bottom he is
Anything on BeefCakeHunter Jason? His orgasms are intense.
>>488439 Totally agree. Jason is one of my fav guys from BCH. I jerk off to his scenes often. LOL
found elder hardt pic on other site just didnt list his real name. anyone know (not his porn names) or if he has social media
>>488483 What site is this from??
>>488491 it was from LPSG.
Happy 34th birthday Russ!
Nice hole! Love how there’s a ring around it.
>>488573 I call that a bussy ring lol
>>488601 Call me blind, but I still don't recognize this guy among all the pretty faces on this page. Who is he again?
A bit of a change of pace for this thread but anyone know who this handsome Onlyfans creator is? I can't find anything about him by searching so any help would be appreciated!
His account handle is /fitandbig
>>488632 from Texas according to his ID in this pic
>>477362S3rgio got married in 2018He lost few of his family members in the last few years and has been trying to recover from addictionLet's not disturb him
>>487941C@mpbell was a model by the name A4ron Kl3in
>>488705 Thanks!
>>488701 Yes, I noticed that. Sadly doesn't really help in identifying him...
>>488632 He's hot. Looked him up on facecheck and there weren't any results that really looked like him. Have any more face pics?
>>488728 Only this, his Onlyfans header
anyone with pimeyes can please help to search and locate which website link this came from? thanks
vinny/clyde/rexhe was exposed on tumblr once. anyone knows him?
>>488735 Why does he look like Mario Lopez here lmao
So managed to find the real ID of the hot Onlyfans guy on my own.
Saul Gonzalo Cano is his name and from a thread on him at LP$Gee, seems a piece of work.
Would still let him rail my boy pussy tho
>>488704 If you're not going to name him can you at least elaborate more about your post? Addiction from what? Who did lose? Any kids? Where city/state is he from?
No intention of distubing him, btw, he was just my physical type.>>488704
Yes, no one wants to disturb anyone here. We just want to know what old faves are up to.
Anyone got anything on him?
First Lieutenant Ch@$e H@ug1@nd (aka Josh from SC) is back home with his wife and all 5 kids after his deployment. I'm sure this horny swinger is fucking all the MILF's in town to make up for lost time. Who knows how many kids he's sired...
He doesn't post on Tw!tter anymore and wiped out all his image posts but "s@dnfun" (replace the @ with the appropriate letter) is Sutt3r Colb0rn. He works for !ntel and lives around Chandler or Phoenix.
3 is E and 0 is obviously o. He's from some butt fuck egypt town in Minnesota and ran track.
Also an old one I remember from was aar0n31o8 was C0nn0r S@nvik.
Nice body, meh face. His bf looks middle of the road.
8/10 bods with 3/10 butter faces
He has such a cute face yum
Anyone got nudes with Aaron’s face in it?
>>489009 who’s got his full nudes with face?
He doesn't do anything for me but I think it's the overly conservative hairstyle, although it's a lot better than what most gay guys have these days.
I've always been curious what he and his bf logan sound like, but knowing how these things turn out they both likely sound very gay which is a turn off for me personally.
Hey can anyone find anything on Danny B…it seems like he had a really short career and just stopped fir some reason (like many 00’s pornstars seem to do lol)
>>489189what was his porn name?
>>489203 sean cody grant iii aka travis langham. You can find him on insta and Facebook. He works for boeing?
That slut is on Reddit too - Iflyvny1023. Don’t mention his SC days. He hates that.
>>489207 his reddit seems pretty gay, is he tho?
>>489209 Of course lol
>>489210 Well... good then.
>>489189 How many flight attendants have done this to Tr@v!$ L@ngh@m?
>>483617 >>487994 Still haven't found anything about w_y_n_t36 (no underscores), a former user from Reddit. He also used the username Kev1nb_f1t (1=i) there before he disappeared. His pics are from 2020. Does anyone know who Kevin is?
>>488483 A google reverse search of the photo you posted of E1der H@rdt comes up with M@rsh@11 Wo11er, a straight guy in Colorado. He is an artist, composer, engineer, etc. His personal instagram account is set to private, but his other instagram account has his artwork, and one of his followers is P@tri@rch Smith using his real name, who is also an artist.
Can someone find William from corbin fisher real name or info?
>>489207lol looks like he deleted his reddit
Nothing of GH T@yl0r Sh!ft?Such a hot guy. I need him bad :(
Anyone got info of what this guy's real name is?His straight scenes were so hot though.
His stage name is
L@n3 4xt0n in TutorHim / Corbin FisherandLuk@ J4y in Chaosmen
>>488287 >>488292 >>488293>>488294 >>488296 >>488297 >>488298 N0ah has a mugshot for DUI, that was posted on pornstar mughots blog.
https://rent. men/ DuncanVegasIII
Any details on Jeff III from Se@nC0dy? He's such a cute hung bottom. :P
Help ID jack from Corbin fisher - what his IG or other socials?
Help Id Oakley From CF - what his IG?
This Kevin Bready from Dream Boy Bondege - pls ID him - What his IG or other socials?
Anyone knows anything about the first guy on the left? he used to perform on cb with the safadohunks
>>489417 his rentmn text: "I don’t top or bottom" ?
I'm looking for this hairy hunk.
>>488000 @dam Br@uner
Was Colby's from corbin fisher real name ever found?
>>489659 Colby from Corbin Fisher is J@c0b Ament@
Anybody knows this Colby from Corbin fisher , real name ?
>>489440What about his real name??
Happy 36th birthday to M@tthew $@muel B@$$i aka $h@w from $e@n C0dy!
>>489791 One of my favorite models at SC. I get off many times to his bottoming scene with Brandon.
>>489813 He sure was a hungry bottom bitch for being a "straight" guy that's for sure!
>>489791He was a cop. I wanna see him in uniform. Fuck!!
anyone know SC Ramiro?
>>489835 C@rl0$ T@r@ng0-$@nchez. He's married and is an electric engineer in Phoenix, AZ. Enjoy his uncut chorizo on the far right. Happy Cinco de Mayo!>>489835
>>489827 He was? Receipts?
>>489846Just Google his name. He was fired before he modeled for SeanCody.
Fratmen Maddox is Will Hall from Emerald Coast, Florida.
Insta: willhallfitness
>>489866 I think that might be a different Matt Bassi
What about Oakley From CF?? Somone know his socials??
What about sexy jack 3 from cf ? Anyone know his socials?
Anyone knows Canelo Ment from GH?
Canelo Ment from GH? I heard him join the army and got married?
anyone know Erik Andrews?
carlson from sc? he gets some hits on pimeyes but don't subscribe
>>490004 @ndrew Ch@rle$ $@n$ing. Married and works as a consultant in Birmingham, AL.
does anyone have the full video of this that they can share?
>>489929instagram / j@son_hall_21/facebook / j@son.u.hall
>>490004 I've searched for this guys porn under the name Carlson and haven't come up with the thing. Are we sure that's the spelling of his name?
>>490144 No, it was Carlton. Specifically Carlton II.
>>490004 had it incorrect.
Does anyone know @$her h@wk s real name
>>489439Pls info about him
>>489441Pls some info about sexy kevin
Mitch M@tthews/Link Iam Laithreach was in the news again and is apparently out of jail for trying to sodomize a 12 year old in a pedo sting in Missouri. He's still living in Chicago. Y'all seen him around town?
I saw children in the background of th news photo. How is he out of jail and able to be around minors after what he did? It's bizarre he's not on the sex offender registry.
>>489888No, it’s Shaw. How many M@tt B@$$i’s do you think there are? He’s the only one in Texas and there are fewer than 10 in the entire country. He got a DUI and was decertified as a law enforcement officer and placed on the Brady List right before working for SC. All this is easily found online if you take the time to do a search.
>>490360 Damn I wonder what he did to get fired. If he had started doing this with his fellow officers he's still be in that field.
>>490363 Officer Bussy interrogating a perp
Sc Joey
>>490390 fucking love ian
>>490363Uhhh…he got a DUI? Maybe getting drunk enough to keep all his fellow officers satisfied!
>>476845 something on cole from str8chaser?
>>490484 - Looks like he's a Real Estate agent now.
With access to all those empty houses and open-ended free time, I wonder just how far he'll go to close adeal.
>>490486 cole has other porn and cam namemenofporn blog/2017/05/john-culver-aka-cole-is-also-known-as-warrior_44 html (space with .)
>>490497Yeah he’s been one for a few years now, started with a medical support job right after SC but I think Covid messed that up along with a lot of other medical jobs so he switched.
Totally get the free time and empty house thing—had an enthusiastic realtor myself at one time!
Anybody have info on SC Kurtis?
John Culver
What a babe!
>>488704 At least provide details if you're not going to tell us his real name?>>488704
Does anybody know the guy from this video called "so hot cum sol0"? I came across this video recently. The body of the guy in insanely hot. Does anybody know him or if he made more videos? Help me! "0" in "sol0" is a real zero)
Does anyone know the real name of this belam1 guy D@n Collins?
He's on facecheck....
....and p1meyes
Meanwhile Dayton from Seancody posts this on
>>490772" I will say I’ve fucked this Olympian and so good and took it like a champ had this leather cock with gold C smiles!!!!"
>>488365 The man with the perfect thighs is D@n!e1 @1@n Hym@n Jr, originally from Rochetser, NY now DJ lives in Fort Myers and works in shipping. Sure do wish he had come back and gotten his cute ass fucked, those big thighs would have looked great wrapped around a rippling hot torso!
>>486189 would face fuck the hell out of him and blow a nasty load in his mouth
>>490845Who is this Olympian?
>>4910834l3ss10 B0gg14tt0
>>491043 his social?
Jordan Blake from Gayhoopla (who did a solo and had straight sex only) real ID is Dalton Boatright.
I didn't really care to share until I saw his was a Trump cultist so fuck him. His IG name in the picture provided.
Anyone know who Fr4tm3n Sal actually is? I found his photo on some hot sauce review with the name censored as r****t.
>>486985 bump
Please help ID'ing following names. Vincent O'Reilly, Brock Kniles, Kyle Fletcher, Derek Kage, Colt Spence
>>491351I thought Kyle was id'd somewhere here as G@rr3t L@ngst0n. Vincent uses an Irish name that is similar to his actual name, 0'L3@ry, first name @nthony
>>490156K3v1n Gr@nt
>>491365 Thank You!
Bit of a weird one today but one of the hidden F¥M models called M4rcus S1lv1u, is this guy, Fl4vius Mar1an.
He's done mutiple shoots getting his Romanian cock nice and erect but no cum shot.
Help with ID'ing Isaac X please
>>491412 can you just type out the name....
>>491440 No because this guy is anal and tries hard to cover up th fact he does nude photography. He had an Onlyfans briefly and when somone made a thread about it on LSPG, he got both deleted.
Plus it's not hard deciphering his name, 4=a and 1=i.
May have been answered already but does anyone have the name of the SwCollege boys Carter Collins or Oliver Marks?
C@rter C0llins is Kyl3 3h3m@nn
does anyone know his name? he went by Elder Miltomore, Colby Harris & Bryant Ford
Another soloist who never returned. I'd love to find out about this sexy muscle man.
Does anyone know why Stefano Belotti's thread was locked?
Share the nudes!
>>491607 Finally!
>>491607 There are photos + video
>>489420 Yea, please. He was very hung and loved getting fucked. That tattoo was pretty distinctive.
Anyone got anything on Clayton Jasper?
>>491628 Omg 🤯
Yes, Clayton Jasper is fuckin' hot
Anyone know Dominic Phelps real name or social accounts?
>>491606>>491628 share please
is this from active duty? looks really familiar but i can't remember the scenes
Does anybody know who is this London escort?
Penna Zeusaudivit
anyone know's cha0smen's wil3y's real name and socials? someone shared a recent photo of his on a telegram group and he has become so fucking hot
>>492362Twitter and Insta: wil3yt3xx
He's so hot!!! Are there any more photos?
>>492429 bien sukh
>>492477oh wow, looks like theres a video of him getting railed
Anyone know GH new model J@ke L@ngf0rd?
Is there any more? Sexy body
Was Archie SC ever found?
Does anyone have pics from Misha Andriyuk?
Patrick Raposa
Got first name of Evan who worked at Deer Run Animal Hospital. Facecheck shows he has a LinkedIn and two Insta photos. Anyone with tokens wanna share his ig?
Still looking for these CF models
HarleyJaceKennedyIan II
Looking for info On Derek Kage, Clark Reid and Jake Preston.
Any info? did he do other stuff besides legendm3n?? blows quite a load!! lol
Anyone know the real name of hot stud porn actor
D4nny St3313
There are pics of his cock in other.thread here
Looking for Hudson over at CF. Facecheck shows him on Linkedin and Instagram but I don't know how to look further and refuse to pay, anybody know how to finish that job?
There are several models named Hudson at CF
>>489895 anything on Oakley CF
Archie SC please?
>>492477is there any more of this guy? Looks like a hot video
SC Nathan IV ?
anyone know anything about Dakota from the early 2000s?
Anyone remember Zale from CM?
Anyone know what happened to Vic Powers from Bromo? He was also Victor powers from nextdoor
>>493542 My type. So cute.
>>492691 bump
Also looking for Dylan
Does anyone know straight porn actor/director Fr@nk M@jor aka Fr@nck Vicomte real name?
H@iry_C@lv1n (one of the hottest OnlyFans there) is Tyl3r All@n Gr33n a.k.a. Gvs K3nw0rthy's current boyfriend.Recently he went private on Instagram.
Does anyone know who he is?
>>493660 It's him
Kennedy is Patrick Sullivan but socials are private.
>>493673 Hometown or state?
>>493633 reallly? Wooow
clayton foster? i know he’s from the indianapolis/indiana university area
Looking for Info on Ryder Owens and Lane Colten. Thanks!
>>493808 ⬆️ No.485759
Any hits on Dillon IV CF?
>>480404 z@cari m@son on Facebook. Same clef neck tattoo
Anyone knows who's Piter from Voyeur House?
>>477364 Did you find him?
>>489827 Wait what!? For real?
>>494131 Last person I expected to see here lol But yes, I would love to know who Piter is too. Loved the juicy, fat cock that he was blessed with.
>>489791 Shaw was one of the greatest performers in SC history. If he made a comeback I would cream my pants.
Does anyone know Carter Dane - Alex Mecum's husband's real name
Extremely morbid one here but i'm pretty sure one of Sean Codys hot, early, solo only models who went by the name Brennon is Jonathan Dominic Coons, a guy who was banged up a few years ago for bank fraud.
What's morbid you may ask, well bank fraud isn't his first run in with the law.When he was 16 he murdered his mother by stabbing her over 20 times. So Sean Cody hired a cold blooded killer to masturbate for us gays...YIKES!
BCH Kyle, please.
(And any other BCHs you may have lying around)
>>493563 Is he Latino?
>>489439What about his ID? Anyone know?
Any info on Palmer from corbin fisher, Thomas ii from codvin fisher (had a solo and a straight scene), gino mosca from bel ami online?On a separate note why does the verification to post is always broken
Palmer from corbin fisher (hairless twink) that had a solo
Anything kn Graham from corbin fisher?
I followed SC Jamie on TikTok, but he hasn’t posted since June 2023. He looked fine and had his kids with him a lot, but someone on Reddit said he was or maybe is addicted to meth, cheated on his wife multiple times with men, and was arrested for domestic abuse. I’ve seen a mugshot but don’t know what it was for. Anyone know the deal?
Looking for the real names of these H3lix models…
Ril3y Wh1teJ@mar W3stRy@n ChunCJ P@rkerKurt N1lesRyd3r R0ckwell
>>495936 Where’s the mugshot?
Anyone here knows the real name of
Tr0y from Br4ndtsB0y5?
>>495983 from an archived thread
Anyone got his ID?
>>495988 erg Troy is so hot!! Who is he??
>>495990 what a hot mugshot
Anything in Buck Daemon from CollegeDudes?
>>496459Real name: OsamaHooker name: AnonBttmMia/ AnonBttmAdv
Anyone knows Bridg3r w@tts’ real name?
>>495990 It's for cocaine possession. No domestic stuff on record.
>>496476 can't say the same about Jared Wayne Fagan (a.k.a. Plastic Surgery Cade) though.
>>495936 Can you link the reddit thread please?
Is there a new thread? This one's been dead for a while...
>>498024 oh no. how did it die? Did Jared Wayne Fagan bleed him to death from the butthole?
>>498127 What a weird thing to say. Also that's Cade Maddox for anyone wondering.
>>498154 Is it? I knew he looked familiar. That would make sense because Cade Maddox apparently makes videos of bottoms bleeding. It makes him feel manly or something.
>>498157 Someone needs to tell Jared to calm the fuck down.
>>498186 yes I agree completely. I'd also like to add that apparently Rari Marquese was only 17 when Cade made a pornographic movie with him.
>>498187 Who and how do you kno
>>496468 He was so beautiful
Anything on this one?
Shane Kely from F1tYougm3n is personal trainer Aaron J Denny, an Irish personal trainer.
His instagram is /aaronjdennyHis PT Instagram is /ajdfit_
His two photoshoots on that website are kinda meh, first set has lots of blurry dick. And the second one, the one where he cums in, the cumshot is so paltry, all I could think was his testicles are malformed lol. There's also visible faecal stains in some of those photos which is ewww...insert vomit emoji
Decent dick though I guess.
>>498759 Oh god yes please!
Have a few former stars who I use to have Real Names for, but have misplaced them. Hoping someone can help.
Drake ShooterEli HunterGabriel VanderlooKyler AshLuke Adams
Thanks for any and all help!
Any info on helmut huxley or gino mosca from bel ami online?
>>498759 trey (aka brandon), on right, still lives in northern Indiana. He does jiu jitsu now. He no longer does modeling from the last I know.
>>477362 Sexy, sexy guy.
anything on z@ch d0ugl@s from g@yh00pla or j@ck p@trick/ch!p from ch@osmen?
Anything on ActiveDuty's M1k3 J0hns0n?
>>499037 Zach Douglas J0shu@ N0rm@nn
>>499255 please don't ruin it we can still see his photos without him blocking us
Need to know his real name. He lives near Atlanta, used to be a stripper. Went by Jordan Cleary on porn.
FB: c@sey.g@yton
Todd haynes real name and socials? He has a huge cock and is very verbal. I think he did straight scenes as Troy
Still nothing on CF's William? :(
What's Alec Powers' name
Anyone know Scott Harbor's? I've been trying to figure it out for a longgg time.
How bout Rob Cryston. Another one from way back when. or Matt Skyler.
Any info on?corbin fisher williamCorbin fisher palmerCorbin fisher grahamGino mosca from bel ami onlineHelmut huxley from bel ami onlineVan wilder / james kickstand
Anyone got GH @rturo Torr3s?
Hoping to find the real names of...
Cl@rk R3idJ@ke Pr3stonCJ P@rkerCisc0 Silv@Z@ck D1cksonAd@m R3idSebasti@n CruzAust1n W@lkerR1ley Whit3C0le ChurchTyl3r T@nner
I've tried Facecheck in the past and nothing of value came up.
real names of: Michal R3n0k/G3n3 All3n
>>500171 Z@ck D1ckson real name is D@v1d St@r3.
>>500171 Cl@rk R3id is his real name.
Arturo's solo is hot. He fingered himself before jerking off.
Anyone know the real name of this guy? Goes by d@mnwhosth@t on SM.
>>500374 I'm curious about this one too.
Does anyone know the real name of S@ge R0ux?
Is this page done? Have we all moved on and created one for 2025?
share a link for it guys. Let's keep it rolling then.
The stupid verification has ruined it
>>501649what verification are you talking about? I haven't noticed anything different
>>501649 Honestly this site has gone down hill in a big way. It doesn't even give you an accurate count of who's on here and the verification codes don't work half the time. Does anyone know why this site sucks now?
>>501657i think cause there isn't any good free face id sites lol
>>500417 Alec Ward if I recall correctly
IG is 404.
Dracke is smokin' hot.
so is there a new thread for 2025? Link it here guys
Can anyone ID this guy? There are results of him in Pimeyes and Facecheck ID but I'm too poor for subscription.
He is a new model for BeefCakeHunter, his stage name there is
Lots of sites list C0lby from CF as J@c0b @ment@, but I've never seen any evidence, social media accounts, anything -- is there something out there?
>>502221 big dick?
How about Ben from the old Fratmen site. He also did a spread in Playgirl as Ben King
SC P3t3r
Anything on hugh from corbin fisher? He had 1 solo and straight scene
What about merrick from corbin fisher?
>>494934what the actual f
How can corbin fisher merrick be found when he only did 1 scene but others who done a lot more remain unfounded and have pics on pimeyes???
Corbin fisher aaron iv is alex ficachi
anything on Sean/Shane from bel ami? his chat profile seems to have insta like pics
>>503571 The one I want to see is CF Chet II. He did a solo and a straight scene then bounced.
Any of you kind souls know any of these? Pimeyes has been useless..
R@f@el Mour@ (pictured)AD Luc@SC T@teND @lex T@nnerRex Lim@
long shot but anyone got the name of @@r0n d1ck$0n from GH?
Jer0en M0ndrian anyone?
Anyone know J@ck @r13s by any chance?
https://www dot gofundme dot com /f/2sbfuzc4Rather you knew him as Shane from Sean Cody/Jacob Valdez from Next Door Male/Antonio Galvan from Randy Blue, I’m sure you’ll be sad to know that this cutie pie died a decade ago from an apparent suicide. Truly sad as it seems like Steven Gallegos was genuinely a nice guy.
someone please get this ripped hottie into some good porn studios!!0nlyfans .c0m/u458887672
>>5054430nlyfans .c0m/ u458887672
Anything new this 2025 about Taylor Shift?
>>505689 It always floored me that someone with such a prominent tattoo and hot body would remain so anonymous in 2025. Almost makes me wonder if he passed away or something. You would think PIMeyes would find him otherwise.