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Anyone willing to share their stuff again/anything new? Videos were shared but threads all gone.
>>494163 are we just supposed to guess who the fuck this is?
>>494170 Their names are banned I think, they were popular here.. in the good old days years ago, when there were really great leaks here.I remember the blonde/ginger one has a huge perfect dick.
Glad the OP brought them back, post screencaps with their instagram IDs.
I really hope there's something new by chance or some gay shares the videos they didn't want to share before.
This is so old... Here's a current pic
>>494163 Totally bump, boys. The redhead's D is delish.
can someone type their names in that @nnoy!ng way so we can know who this is
>>494268 d z3l!b0r, j@r377 o77
>>494163 bump. I know someone here must still have those fuck vids
>>494403 I need to see DZ in action
Yes please!