Archive/Dongs 2017

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No.41661 : Anonymous [2016-07-01 00:04] [Report] 1467345854477.jpg (311900 B, 1280x1796) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
311900 B

Tumblr user
His name is Thomas Johnson and I'm in love with him! Does anyone have anything on him?

No.41699 : Anonymous [2016-07-01 11:59] [Report] []


No.41672 : Anonymous [2016-07-01 02:45] [Report] 1467355549725.png (355436 B, 407x577) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
355436 B

Anyvidt jbow who is this god?

4 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.41700 : Anonymous [2016-07-01 12:00] [Report] 1467388830305.jpg (133638 B, 742x732) [YIS] [GIS] []
133638 B

He was Wesley in Chaosmen. He looks way hotter nowadays like in the first pic with the scruff and more tattoos IMO. One of those rare guys that the trashier he gets the better.

No.41702 : Anonymous [2016-07-01 12:01] [Report] 1467388871085.jpg (72156 B, 612x612) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.41703 : Anonymous [2016-07-01 12:02] [Report] []

People on this site are stupid. Don't just post pics. What's his fucking porn name?

No.41730 : Anonymous [2016-07-01 16:18] [Report] []

wesley from chaosm3n goddamnit

No.41803 : Anonymous [2016-07-02 15:53] [Report] []

What's his real name? Does he have IG?

No.42231 : Anonymous [2016-07-05 22:05] [Report] []

Can someone share the video of him getting a blowjob? Mega would be great thanks!!!!!

No.41682 : Anonymous [2016-07-01 05:05] [Report] 1467363925750.jpg (137888 B, 567x850) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
137888 B

more nudes of Michael Tempesta?

14 posts and 9 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.44694 : Anonymous [2016-07-29 12:17] [Report] []

Anything new?

No.44746 : Anonymous [2016-07-29 23:12] [Report] 1469848340202.jpg (202065 B, 1024x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.44747 : Anonymous [2016-07-29 23:14] [Report] 1469848451412.jpg (93076 B, 1023x767) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.44748 : Anonymous [2016-07-29 23:14] [Report] []

he used to be on Dudesnude but I can't find him anymore

No.44781 : Anonymous [2016-07-30 08:32] [Report] []


Do you remeber his username?

No.50723 : Anonymous [2017-05-19 01:45] [Report] []

bump want to see the sexy cam4 anyone have it?

No.41705 : Anonymous [2016-07-01 12:14] [Report] 1467389666328.jpg (115340 B, 960x960) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
115340 B

Anyone got anything on Damen Griffith?

No.41731 : Anonymous [2016-07-01 16:26] [Report] 1467404798368.png (1433745 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.50291 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 21:14] [Report] []

BUMP. Anyone come across his full frontal nudes?

No.41723 : Anonymous [2016-07-01 15:15] [Report] 1467400557159.jpg (632281 B, 1710x1373) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
632281 B

Does anybody has anything on bonez239 from chaturbate? he uses to cum several times on his shows and I was wondering if you guys can help me finding something. thanks!

4 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.41967 : manwee [2016-07-03 19:58] [Report] 1467590314290.jpg (9431 B, 320x240) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.41968 : manwee [2016-07-03 19:59] [Report] 1467590341600.jpg (8557 B, 320x240) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.42016 : Anonymous [2016-07-04 01:16] [Report] []

thank you so much! I appreciete it. thanks

No.44300 : Anonymous [2016-07-26 01:54] [Report] []

can somebody get / download any of these and share it please? i´ll try to give sth in return. thanks

No.44303 : Anonymous [2016-07-26 02:59] [Report] []

here you have like 1000 videos, I wish they were mine, at least a couple of them. he is so hot

No.41728 : Anonymous [2016-07-01 15:42] [Report] 1467402169497.jpg (76648 B, 596x597) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
76648 B

I need to see kylesspain (IG) naked

No.41729 : Anonymous [2016-07-01 15:47] [Report] 1467402463962.jpg (52250 B, 599x908) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
52250 B

anything on chandler @cm_handler on twitter? he's hot as fuck

No.41738 : Anonymous [2016-07-01 18:05] [Report] 1467410723181.jpg (65917 B, 750x545) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
65917 B

Who is this guy haha ??

3 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.41917 : Anonymous [2016-07-03 12:44] [Report] []

here it is. enjoy!

and I was wondering if you could help me get something from bonez239 (from chaturbate)


No.41984 : Anonymous [2016-07-03 21:26] [Report] []

Thank you; I appreciate it. Which one is it on rec-tube (.com)? How long is it? I should be able to get it

No.42062 : Anonymous [2016-07-04 11:04] [Report] []

yes it works. you are amazing!

No.42074 : Anonymous [2016-07-04 12:45] [Report] []

Only uploaded the first two.. if you're dying to see another... really dying, let me know :)

No.41741 : Anonymous [2016-07-01 19:04] [Report] 1467414252086.jpg (27386 B, 584x585) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
27386 B

Just found a video of Zac Thurston's on Twitter:

Anyone know where I can find the full video and more clips?

No.42030 : Anonymous [2016-07-04 02:47] [Report] 1467614867818.gif (1587358 B, 180x320) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.42031 : Anonymous [2016-07-04 02:48] [Report] 1467614904791.gif (1087952 B, 180x240) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.42032 : Anonymous [2016-07-04 02:50] [Report] 1467615042957.gif (1419195 B, 180x320) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.50233 : Anonymous [2017-03-17 03:10] [Report] []

>>41741 Anyone still have pics or videos of Zac nude, jerking? Video is deleted.

closed No.41750 : Anonymous [2016-07-01 22:17] [Report] 1467425845797.jpg (0 B, 600x899) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No thumbnail

Anybody got any vids from TeenHulk Franco? He used to have a website (now closed) with plenty of flexing clips for sale, also did skype camshows with the id ineedagoodsn. Now he has vids uploaded in this site:

but i don't know if they are new or it's the old ones reuploaded.

No.41751 : Anonymous [2016-07-01 22:17] [Report] 1467425873275.jpg (0 B, 480x320) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.41770 : Anonymous [2016-07-02 04:09] [Report] []

They're all new (weren't on his old site). He has his dick out in at least one of them, but doesn't do anything particularly sexual.

No.41778 : Anonymous [2016-07-02 07:47] [Report] []

>>41770 Do you have them? Could you share?

No.43306 : Anonymous [2016-07-16 12:10] [Report] 1468685455410.png (0 B, 460x259) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

His newest video contains dick and cumshot. Anyone bought it yet? I have other nude j/o vids of his I'd be willing to trade for this new one.

No.43360 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 01:19] [Report] 1468732754336.jpg (0 B, 1079x623) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

The video is around 10 mins long. He teases with some flexing and then spends most of the time jerking his cock from INSIDE the underwear. He pops it out for like a minute total where he gives you a close up of the front and jerks off briefly. The cumshot is DESPICABLE .. you only see like the head of his dick as he shoots some cum into a trash can.

Here is a tease!!

No.43948 : Anonymous [2016-07-22 05:25] [Report] []

Post he vid? Please

No.41753 : Anonymous [2016-07-01 23:27] [Report] 1467430049643.jpg (0 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No thumbnail

who's ass is this?

No.49500 : Anonymous [2016-12-31 21:47] [Report] []

Tegan Zayne i think

No.41754 : Anonymous [2016-07-01 23:28] [Report] 1467430108778.jpg (60331 B, 500x373) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
60331 B

does anyone know who this guy is?

No.41806 : Anonymous [2016-07-02 16:01] [Report] []

Nick Bennett/Nick Copper he's only got one video where he flashes the D that I know of but he's fine as hell.

No.41813 : Anonymous [2016-07-02 18:11] [Report] []

>>41806 link? I can't find it :/

No.41757 : Anonymous [2016-07-02 01:31] [Report] 1467437477838.jpg (12305 B, 320x240) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
12305 B

Does anyone know who this is?

No.41761 : Anonymous [2016-07-02 02:28] [Report] 1467440900631.jpg (31317 B, 500x390) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
31317 B

Any idea where this from?

No.41786 : Anonymous [2016-07-02 10:28] [Report] []

It kinda looks like it's from one of those Cadinot movies..

No.41800 : Anonymous [2016-07-02 14:58] [Report] []


that's because it is, it's from les minets sauvages

No.41768 : Anonymous [2016-07-02 03:49] [Report] 1467445745592.jpg (104963 B, 1024x768) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
104963 B

Does anybody know his username, please?

No.41772 : Anonymous [2016-07-02 06:04] [Report] 1467453853434.jpg (126555 B, 640x1136) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
126555 B

anything on hilloween from tumblr? one of the cutest guys in the world

No.41788 : Anonymous [2016-07-02 11:14] [Report] 1467472493002.gif (1104146 B, 400x250) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1104146 B

Does anyone know who this is?

No.41794 : Anonymous [2016-07-02 12:43] [Report] []

Guillaume at Keumgay and Frenchy at Homopunk

No.41804 : Anonymous [2016-07-02 15:59] [Report] 1467489586003.jpg (91605 B, 1920x1280) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
91605 B

Does anyone have any idea about what happened to The Black Spark?

I've been a fan ever since XTube, but then, all of a sudden, he disappeared..

1 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.41815 : Anonymous [2016-07-02 18:22] [Report] []

i had heard that bryan singer actually was behind producing blackspark. He wasnt in the videos but he filmed them and payed for the models. This was just a rumor on tumblr for a long time after he asked someone if they wanted to be in a video. and apparently one of his scandals is why he ended the production of blackspark.

No.41936 : Anonymous [2016-07-03 14:39] [Report] []

Wow, that's quite a theory

No.41948 : Anonymous [2016-07-03 18:06] [Report] []

The BlackSpark was from Wisconsin. The original model was on several sites under an alias with the last name Stark. From what I've heard BlackSpark was originally a college art project, and the models weren't paid to appear in the films. Supposedly he knocked up his girlfriend and had to stop filming.

No.41988 : Anonymous [2016-07-03 22:17] [Report] []

>>41948 He said he had a bf.

No.42011 : Anonymous [2016-07-04 00:55] [Report] []

He modeled for Corbin Fisher and College Dudes, I remember that in some interview he said that HE was the Black Spark, that he had a girlfriend but 'someday" he found that he likes boys. I remember too he said that he was giving the 'mantle' to other 'sparks' so they can continue his legacy (or something like that). He was really hot, but in the CF videos he looked really wasted.

No.42012 : Anonymous [2016-07-04 00:58] [Report] []

Oh, I forgot, and he did a movie on DickDorm too.


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