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No.52474 : Anonymous [2016-09-09 17:36] [Report] 1473457003281.jpg (130093 B, 1514x1026) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
130093 B

Anybody got material on Brandon Richard? He did camshows many years as CoolDudeMuscle and brcamshows.

No.52478 : Anonymous [2016-09-09 18:28] [Report] 1473460124253.jpg (139261 B, 750x845) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
139261 B

This little slut is always showing off his amazing body but we need to see the rest. Cock & ass pics please. Bonus points if he's showing off his hole or getting pounded by a giant dick.

No.52479 : Anonymous [2016-09-09 18:46] [Report] 1473461199369.jpg (117663 B, 750x853) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.52480 : Anonymous [2016-09-09 18:47] [Report] 1473461222344.jpg (106175 B, 750x856) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.52491 : Anonymous [2016-09-09 20:58] [Report] []

He's got ass pics on his tumblr, which is listed at the very top of his instagram account

No.52482 : Anonymous [2016-09-09 19:32] [Report] 1473463937878.jpg (64768 B, 1080x720) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
64768 B

It's a long shot, but is there anything on Anthony Nguyen (anthonychori). He's from the youtube channel thecrazygorilla.

No.52484 : Anonymous [2016-09-09 19:58] [Report] 1473465529869.jpg (648046 B, 2265x1373) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
648046 B

can someone download this for me and reupload somewhere else please? <3

No.52500 : Anonymous [2016-09-09 22:23] [Report] 1473474206822.jpg (897351 B, 1272x1920) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
897351 B

Does anyone have more from this studio (name is on the photo)? NOT INTERESTED IN THE UNDERAGED ONES!!

No.52618 : Anonymous [2016-09-10 18:54] [Report] []


No.52619 : Anonymous [2016-09-10 19:01] [Report] []

The guy who took these photos pled guilty to child pornography charges. Don't even bother.

No.52503 : Anonymous [2016-09-09 22:41] [Report] 1473475282525.jpg (3837 B, 111x150) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
3837 B

Bringing forward the Apollo thread. Need to find more of this guy!

5 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.53490 : Anonymous [2016-09-18 17:07] [Report] []

>>53352 Searched, can't find it.

A link would be swell :)

No.53491 : Anonymous [2016-09-18 17:09] [Report] []


I couldn't find this torrent on

No.53499 : Anonymous [2016-09-18 18:35] [Report] []
No.53506 : Anonymous [2016-09-18 19:38] [Report] []

>>53499 That link you gave leads to with the message:

Error 404 - The Page you reached cannot be found

No.53511 : Anonymous [2016-09-18 21:24] [Report] 1474248265533.jpg (97706 B, 911x645) [YIS] [GIS] []
97706 B

It's there. You have to be logged in.

No.53519 : Anonymous [2016-09-18 23:22] [Report] []

>>53511 Oh right, no wonder it wasn't working for me.

Also...does he jerk off and cum in any of them?

No.52504 : Anonymous [2016-09-09 22:50] [Report] 1473475839407.jpg (40145 B, 600x650) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
40145 B

Does anyone have any videos of Jbunny43 (CB) from voyeurboys? He is soooo hot!!!

6 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.52702 : Anonymous [2016-09-11 08:16] [Report] []

He's hot! Please share more.

No.52808 : Anonymous [2016-09-12 04:42] [Report] []


No.52841 : Anonymous [2016-09-12 10:52] [Report] []

I agree he's hot, but does there really need to be

three >>52504
separate >>52809
threads >>52814

devoted to this dude?

No.52952 : Anonymous [2016-09-13 02:36] [Report] []

Anyone? Someone has to have something right?

No.53052 : Anonymous [2016-09-14 02:40] [Report] []


No.54180 : Anonymous [2016-09-27 01:58] [Report] []

bump! Does anyone have anything?

No.52510 : Anonymous [2016-09-09 23:38] [Report] 1473478681978.jpg (48307 B, 350x277) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
48307 B

can anyone download this link for me? Please!

No.52511 : Anonymous [2016-09-10 00:07] [Report] []
No.52516 : Anonymous [2016-09-10 00:41] [Report] []

Thank you sooo much!!

No.52518 : Anonymous [2016-09-10 01:44] [Report] []

Has anyone ever seen him cum?

No.52803 : Anonymous [2016-09-12 03:37] [Report] []

Actually, no...

No.52834 : Anonymous [2016-09-12 09:10] [Report] []

No.52521 : Anonymous [2016-09-10 02:27] [Report] 1473488830763.jpg (3908 B, 144x120) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
3908 B


Anyone know who this might be, or if there's anything out there where he, yknow, actually touches his dick?

No.53046 : Anonymous [2016-09-14 01:07] [Report] []


This would be gold to me because he very closely resembles someone I know personally.

No.52525 : Anonymous [2016-09-10 02:30] [Report] 1473489015819.jpg (283285 B, 719x1280) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
283285 B

There are many pictures of ericsaldivar (from tumblr), but I'm wondering if anyone has any more pics of him.

No.52526 : Anonymous [2016-09-10 02:30] [Report] 1473489034891.jpg (35362 B, 364x485) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.52527 : Anonymous [2016-09-10 02:30] [Report] 1473489049077.jpg (37296 B, 540x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.52529 : Anonymous [2016-09-10 02:31] [Report] 1473489082723.png (1263646 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.53758 : Anonymous [2016-09-21 18:12] [Report] 1474495934685.jpg (125303 B, 750x753) [YIS] [GIS] []
125303 B

Supposedly he's going to do a cam show soon...

No.52532 : JayStar [2016-09-10 04:57] [Report] 1473497820094.jpg (63095 B, 600x800) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
63095 B

Anyone have any nudes of Kian Lawley? Boy is gorgeous as fuck.

No.52534 : Anonymous [2016-09-10 05:05] [Report] 1473498341283.jpg (199179 B, 640x785) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
199179 B

Anyone have any naked pics of bjr on instagram? he's got snapchat too: bjrens

No.52535 : Anonymous [2016-09-10 05:41] [Report] 1473500490730.jpg (599920 B, 1600x1200) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
599920 B

Anyone knows where I can see this guy in action ?

No.52537 : Anonymous [2016-09-10 06:03] [Report] 1473501796861.jpg (199778 B, 1080x720) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
199778 B

Does anyone have anything more on Jared Keener (jaredsmonologue) I've heard there is a nude out there!

30 posts and 19 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.75721 : Anonymous [2017-02-23 21:19] [Report] []


No.77645 : Anonymous [2017-03-07 13:27] [Report] []

I would jump on it

No.80540 : Anonymous [2017-03-22 15:41] [Report] 1490211677317.jpg (136125 B, 900x1200) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.80541 : Anonymous [2017-03-22 15:42] [Report] 1490211732574.png (2122168 B, 1228x804) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.85609 : Anonymous [2017-04-19 21:28] [Report] 1492651711393.jpg (108482 B, 768x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.91190 : Anonymous [2017-05-16 07:56] [Report] 1494935763656.jpg (438604 B, 1638x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.52553 : Anonymous [2016-09-10 09:07] [Report] 1473512847997.jpg (780604 B, 1710x1373) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
780604 B

Does anyone remember these boys from chaturbate? They have the tightest jock asses. They go by "muscleboyz" and i think they suck, fuck, and cum in their ticket shows. Anyone have anything?

No.52700 : Anonymous [2016-09-11 07:21] [Report] []

dang! very hot. bump?

No.52754 : Anonymous [2016-09-11 17:26] [Report] []

The guy on the right has a solo page where he gets on from time to time. He goes by Jock_Butt.

No.52762 : Anonymous [2016-09-11 18:39] [Report] []

unfortunately this is the only 1 I caught.

No.52782 : Anonymous [2016-09-11 22:49] [Report] []

OMG 2024 you the real mpv

No.52554 : Anonymous [2016-09-10 09:57] [Report] 1473515845157.jpg (72534 B, 640x640) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
72534 B

Who he is?

No.52560 : Anonymous [2016-09-10 10:45] [Report] 1473518756009.jpg (103886 B, 1080x814) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
103886 B

Ok, it's time to dream big.

Who has Pietro Boselli's slutty vids? Word is he did some cam while studying for his bachelor's. There are a couple seconds-long clips around of a younger him flexing in a gym shower (either with a hardon or stuffed undies).

For those who don't know who he is... well just google the name. There's a billion pics/articles.

123 posts and 23 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.61082 : Anonymous [2016-11-28 17:38] [Report] []

y'all seriously in this thread trying to discredit this guy's smarts/degree and spead hearsay about how 'slutty' he is just because he's pretty in the face and has a body chiseled from marble? Get yourselves together, and pray for his nudes to leak plz. Gotdamn.

No.61083 : Anonymous [2016-11-28 17:44] [Report] []


No.61097 : Anonymous [2016-11-28 19:35] [Report] []

All of you guys are anonymous, show off your 10 inch dicks and PhDs

No.61854 : Anonymous [2016-12-04 02:53] [Report] 1480838012797.jpg (112210 B, 1080x810) [YIS] [GIS] []
112210 B

pic from pietros fb...

No.76504 : Anonymous [2017-02-28 18:07] [Report] []

I think his girlfriend is Ana Trifkovic. I've been following him for so long and he never liked and commented so many pictures of a girl before. And she's having them as her profile picture. But I understand why they hide it. From psychopaths you all of you

No.78628 : Anonymous [2017-03-12 15:18] [Report] [] look at the latest pic of her and pietro kissing. pietro is straight :)

No.52565 : Anonymous [2016-09-10 11:20] [Report] 1473520808660.jpg (11890 B, 264x196) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
11890 B

Can anyone PLEASE help me identify these two gorgeous boys? Pretty sure they are a cam couple. The guy with black hair has very distinctive tattoos, including two eyes on his torso! Thanks :)

2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.53035 : Anonymous [2016-09-13 23:15] [Report] 1473822910780.jpg (18384 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
18384 B

Does anyone have any of the shows they did with Colton (guy on the right)? I only ever found one.

No.53239 : Anonymous [2016-09-16 04:14] [Report] []

>>53035 second this, he's hot!
only found this one but nowhere to be seen except on that upstore site "cutemilitarycouple 14052014 115 Chaturbate" anyone who has it please share

No.53240 : Anonymous [2016-09-16 04:16] [Report] []

>>53035 theres this one as well cutemilitarycouple 12052014 2039 Chaturbate

No.54670 : Anonymous [2016-10-01 17:55] [Report] []

I have a chaturbate video of them from a couple of years ago. May not be the one you're looking for but i have it. If anyone wants it, i'll definitely upload it somewhere. Definitely would love more vids of them or just a solo one, something like this one.

No.54692 : Anonymous [2016-10-02 00:29] [Report] []

>>53035 thirded! Colton's hot af.


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