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No.43349 : Anonymous [2016-07-16 23:12] [Report] 1468725179253.gif (473693 B, 300x400) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
473693 B

JB Fackelmayer.

He has a legendary bulge.


He sells videos. This is the longest I've found for free but I know he has some over 15min long. Anybody got his material or knows where to find it?

Videos teaser:

No.43350 : Anonymous [2016-07-16 23:13] [Report] 1468725216209.jpg (399517 B, 1080x1920) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.43379 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 06:06] [Report] []
No.43399 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 09:59] [Report] []

http://www.seancody [dot] com/tour/movie/1526/pete/trailer/

No.43424 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 12:57] [Report] 1468774634214.jpg (524879 B, 1280x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
524879 B

He looks way hotter now than he did for that shoot at seancody.

I hope someone would share any full-length vid!

No.43354 : Anonymous [2016-07-16 23:47] [Report] 1468727266535.jpg (18136 B, 225x400) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
18136 B

Anyone have stuff on thehenrybravo?

1 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.43375 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 05:09] [Report] []

He's hot

No.46624 : Anonymous [2016-08-13 18:44] [Report] []

Any links to videos of his shows that are free to watch?

No.46625 : Anonymous [2016-08-13 18:45] [Report] []

Preferably links to streams please!

No.48586 : Anonymous [2016-09-25 15:45] [Report] []

anyone have anything?

No.48944 : jay_mega [2016-11-10 22:22] [Report] []
No.50188 : Anonymous [2017-03-11 00:49] [Report] []

Anything new?

No.43358 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 00:56] [Report] 1468731364949.png (1362275 B, 977x1171) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1362275 B

anything on victor?
is twitter is victor_go
insta victorgo

No.43380 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 06:21] [Report] 1468750860913.png (1121510 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1121510 B

Anyone got nudes of him

No.43387 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 07:20] [Report] 1468754425783.jpg (2830696 B, 5312x2988) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
2830696 B

Anyone seen this guys face or know if he still performs? He use to be a Chaturbate model under "John1mmm". His Reddit is John1m1 and there are more pictures of him. But I haven't seen anything new in a year of him. He has an amazing body.

No.43388 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 07:21] [Report] 1468754503646.jpg (250990 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
250990 B


No.43389 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 07:22] [Report] 1468754531928.jpg (391155 B, 1920x1080) [YIS] [GIS] []
391155 B

and another

No.43743 : Anonymous [2016-07-20 07:38] [Report] []

he is straight too... great ass

No.43408 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 11:36] [Report] 1468769804755.png (529515 B, 800x600) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
529515 B

Anything on this guy?

J u i c y 7 6 5 4 on cam4 (no spaces)

No.43409 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 11:37] [Report] 1468769829085.png (482574 B, 800x598) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.43617 : Anonymous [2016-07-19 10:59] [Report] []

He's friends with Paddy Pass, appears on his snapchat every so often.

Not as open as Paddy, don't think he's ever shown off on Cam4, strictly private shows

No.43427 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 13:40] [Report] 1468777212610.jpg (45743 B, 900x757) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
45743 B

anyone know the source? google image-d it but it only brought up reposts. trying to find a name and/or username

No.43531 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 13:30] [Report] []

thank you so much ;_;

No.43429 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 13:52] [Report] 1468777960536.png (573230 B, 720x1234) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
573230 B

Who is this? Found his short video on tumblr. Any more?

No.43430 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 13:57] [Report] [] any more of this guy? what's his insta?

No.43433 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 14:09] [Report] []

Lance Hart. Pornstar.

No.43437 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 15:00] [Report] []

Ew what the hell googled him. He turned out to be ugly

No.43432 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 13:58] [Report] 1468778336876.png (475003 B, 422x750) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
475003 B

Does anybody have anything from Zach Rance from Big Brother? I know he sent out nudes to a few people or teases~ at least.

Nice shower gif of him:

No.43658 : Anonymous [2016-07-19 18:36] [Report] []

BUMP I've wanted this for so long

closed No.43436 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 14:59] [Report] 1468781992016.jpg (0 B, 500x489) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No thumbnail

anyone have anything on ta1989

No.43464 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 17:58] [Report] 1468792706324.jpg (0 B, 560x864) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

I've got a few, but would have never seen full nudes of him. Anyone got anything else?

No.43465 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 17:58] [Report] 1468792734065.jpg (0 B, 577x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.43466 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 17:59] [Report] 1468792759627.jpg (0 B, 577x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.43438 : August [2016-07-17 15:04] [Report] 1468782273111.jpg (44467 B, 343x621) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
44467 B

Anyone know who this guy is?
Found it on tumblr
He's so hot

No.50553 : Anonymous [2017-04-29 01:35] [Report] []

His porn name is Sunny Colucci

No.43467 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 17:59] [Report] 1468792783460.jpg (155675 B, 1024x576) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
155675 B

Anybody have any nudes of this guy or his boyfriend?

2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.43625 : Anonymous [2016-07-19 13:01] [Report] []

i'm on twitter and there's drama involving him and his bf where they both deny that they're in an open relationship and cheating BUT several people on twitter claimed that they sent them nudes without the other knowing lol

also, their nudes are on tumblr, from what i'm told lol

No.43630 : Anonymous [2016-07-19 13:32] [Report] []

I want to see these nudes

No.43719 : Anonymous [2016-07-19 23:20] [Report] []

Bump causes he's sexy

No.43905 : Anonymous [2016-07-21 17:15] [Report] []

Anyone have anything?

No.44022 : Anonymous [2016-07-23 02:20] [Report] 1469254807439.png (1059542 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
1059542 B

They cheat on each other all the time. They both have sent me nudes on snapchat and deny ever doing so on Twitter.

No.44123 : Anonymous [2016-07-24 00:58] [Report] []

Bump I want to see more nudes his dick is hot

No.43481 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 20:26] [Report] 1468801582272.jpg (138288 B, 721x749) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
138288 B

Anyone have any full nudes of this guy? He always posts really naughty pics on social media yet I can't seem to find any showing him completely naked. He's called Lucas Sam Taylor and his Instagram is mr_inkcredible

No.43483 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 20:48] [Report] 1468802908503.jpg (54754 B, 562x749) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
54754 B

Does anyone have anything more on this guy?

isle_k on instagram & twitter, aislek on snapchat

No.43490 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 23:33] [Report] []

Is he gay?

No.43565 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 19:15] [Report] []

Yes. Lives in the DC area.

No.43489 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 23:08] [Report] 1468811326356.gif (1038339 B, 450x340) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1038339 B

Anyone has the name of this guy and has the original video?
Here's the original tumblr post:


I really need it for a science project

No.43509 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 04:36] [Report] []

Found it myself, darn you guys are lame researchers

No.43493 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 00:11] [Report] 1468815085760.png (65692 B, 486x399) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
65692 B

Does anyone have videos of exc0 from cam4?

No.43494 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 00:25] [Report] 1468815912237.gif (1459671 B, 245x250) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1459671 B

Whose ass is this?! I'd love to see the video and see more

No.43498 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 01:54] [Report] 1468821277689.png (230509 B, 506x508) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
230509 B

Does anyone have any nudes of this guy? Brian Jordan Alvarez. He is an actor for some stuff on Logo, but mainly does YouTube work.

His Insta has some shirtless pics.


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