Archive/Dongs 2017

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No.86711 : Anonymous [2017-04-26 02:45] [Report] 1493189153428.png (1040128 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1040128 B

Can anyone have nudes or catfish him? He's so hot.

No.86814 : Anonymous [2017-04-26 18:13] [Report] []

bump he's cute

No.86730 : Anonymous [2017-04-26 07:13] [Report] 1493205216235.png (1123107 B, 1242x2208) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1123107 B

Anything on Charley Taylor from AUS?

No.86740 : Anonymous [2017-04-26 09:12] [Report] 1493212336964.jpg (929618 B, 2988x5312) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
929618 B

this guy used to go by thereddukeofarrakis and a few other names on reddit, every now and then he makes a new account, posts on lbgw and deletes after a few days but I was wondering if anybody knows of any of his other social media? or if he has more pics or videos out there?

No.86758 : Anonymous [2017-04-26 11:33] [Report] 1493220800855.jpg (92968 B, 736x736) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
92968 B

shaun hurley anyone?

No.86765 : Anonymous [2017-04-26 11:57] [Report] 1493222235407.jpg (77106 B, 456x750) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
77106 B

does anyone know who this is

No.86766 : Anonymous [2017-04-26 11:57] [Report] 1493222256211.jpg (78704 B, 456x750) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.86998 : Anonymous [2017-04-27 13:25] [Report] []


No.86774 : Anonymous [2017-04-26 13:13] [Report] 1493226823714.jpg (128886 B, 1200x1200) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
128886 B

Found Justin from that Fire Island shows nudes

No.86777 : carson aldridge [2017-04-26 13:40] [Report] 1493228439820.jpg (250898 B, 1500x1127) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
250898 B

anyone have nudes leaked of him ?

No.86779 : Anonymous [2017-04-26 13:55] [Report] 1493229317203.png (1911310 B, 1140x1448) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1911310 B

Anyone having anything on this guy? Goes by and @_____kirby on instagram

4 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.86886 : Anonymous [2017-04-26 23:43] [Report] []

>>86867 How do you know? Do you have pics?

No.86888 : Anonymous [2017-04-26 23:50] [Report] []

Why those people keep liar about that nude content... IN many post !

No.86895 : Anonymous [2017-04-27 00:17] [Report] 1493266642777.png (1386932 B, 734x1300) [YIS] [GIS] []
1386932 B

not a nude but I found this shot

No.86904 : Anonymous [2017-04-27 01:00] [Report] []

I've seen them but as I said was a one time thing and I lost everything. I know that's lame but figured I'd respond with that. Also I've never posted nudes that anyone has ever sent me and he's a good guy. Just a hypocritical lurker.

No.86906 : Anonymous [2017-04-27 01:28] [Report] 1493270926647.jpg (467658 B, 1080x1920) [YIS] [GIS] []
467658 B

Dick bulge from his tumblr

No.87067 : Anonymous [2017-04-27 19:38] [Report] 1493336329072.png (3444653 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
3444653 B

Looking sexy at the beach today

No.86801 : hawaii808 [2017-04-26 16:14] [Report] 1493237650539.png (2926684 B, 2208x1242) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
2926684 B

Does anyone have videos on this guy he used to be on Chaturbate but don't remember his username any videos would be appreciated

No.86853 : hawaii808 [2017-04-26 21:42] [Report] []

>>86842 thanks so u know of anymore

No.86941 : Anonymous [2017-04-27 06:56] [Report] []

His cb name was jackmeoff009.

No.86997 : Hawaii808 [2017-04-27 13:07] [Report] []


No.86817 : Anonymous [2017-04-26 18:25] [Report] 1493245541092.jpg (156678 B, 960x1280) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
156678 B

Can anybody catfish this guy? His Instagram is and his snapchat is @onikandrei. He's turning 20 btw. Thanks.

No.86892 : Anonymous [2017-04-27 00:14] [Report] 1493266485921.jpg (45466 B, 540x960) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
45466 B

I found pics of this guy on He goes by the name Erick Delgado. Anyone have more of him?

2 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.86917 : Anonymous [2017-04-27 02:49] [Report] 1493275769895.png (185572 B, 338x600) [YIS] [GIS] []
185572 B

here you go

No.87490 : Anonymous [2017-04-30 05:49] [Report] []

Anybody have videos?

No.87502 : yummie [2017-04-30 07:59] [Report] 1493553559407.png (191398 B, 338x600) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.87503 : yummie [2017-04-30 07:59] [Report] 1493553585899.png (451954 B, 540x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.87532 : Anonymous [2017-04-30 10:14] [Report] []

Can he be found anywhere else?

No.86911 : Bald Muscle Hunk [2017-04-27 01:49] [Report] 1493272166596.png (115841 B, 320x258) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
115841 B

Hey can you guys ID this porn star? I've got one video where he bottoms and it is hot AF.

No.86916 : Bald Muscle Hunk [2017-04-27 02:46] [Report] 1493275591405.png (127016 B, 320x258) [YIS] [GIS] []
127016 B

Here's another picture.

No.87003 : Bald Muscle Hunk [2017-04-27 14:05] [Report] 1493316357459.png (117243 B, 320x258) [YIS] [GIS] []
117243 B

Here's a 3rd pic

No.87085 : Bald Muscle Hunk [2017-04-27 20:43] [Report] 1493340191443.png (104723 B, 320x258) [YIS] [GIS] []
104723 B

A clearer pic of his face. Nothing, guys?

No.87091 : Anonymous [2017-04-27 21:41] [Report] []

I know his real name but don't remember his porn name. However, if I remember correctly, he did a couple videos for Michael Lucas. If you search his site I'm sure you'll find him.

No.87092 : Anonymous [2017-04-27 21:45] [Report] []
No.87094 : Anonymous [2017-04-27 21:53] [Report] 1493344409254.jpg (56568 B, 314x450) [YIS] [GIS] []
56568 B

His name is Jack Bond

No.86931 : Anonymous [2017-04-27 04:55] [Report] 1493283320392.jpg (33349 B, 450x600) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
33349 B

Can anyone please idea this N2N model? Thanks

No.87026 : Anonymous [2017-04-27 16:40] [Report] []

Brazilian Model Bruno Endler , has a bunch of back shots online

No.87095 : Anonymous [2017-04-27 21:53] [Report] []

Thanks! There's a few seethrough shots & VPL's in the N2N stuff, but is there any full nudes of him out there?

No.87259 : Anonymous [2017-04-28 22:04] [Report] []

bump for full nudes

No.86932 : Anonymous [2017-04-27 05:25] [Report] 1493285101220.jpg (60931 B, 500x621) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
60931 B

So this Dustin thread isn't bumping anymore. Let's pick it up here...

26 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.87814 : Anonymous [2017-05-01 18:15] [Report] []

Bump for the new clips!!!

No.87833 : Anonymous [2017-05-01 19:29] [Report] []

Some vids are being uploaded to his thread on LPSG but for some shitty reason I can't download them. If someone gets them and uploads them on wetransfer or so I would be eternally grateful.

No.87852 : Anonymous [2017-05-01 22:31] [Report] []

>>87833 just right click on them and save -.- / don't use the button on the player/ <3

No.87909 : Anonymous [2017-05-02 07:10] [Report] []
No.87936 : Anonymous [2017-05-02 11:47] [Report] []

It is nice to see him realised only porn will give him money.

No.87962 : Anonymous [2017-05-02 16:02] [Report] []

The new cum video with his face is not on his connect pal because I joined. That honestly seems like a leak from a photographer

No.86948 : Anonymous [2017-04-27 07:57] [Report] 1493294257368.jpg (81376 B, 600x800) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
81376 B

Kirk Norcross "Just Bumming Around" Posted Today On His Snapchat.

No.86966 : Anonymous [2017-04-27 11:05] [Report] 1493305545615.png (1232849 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1232849 B

does anyone have anymore stuff on CB's fredrikconti?

No.86967 : Anonymous [2017-04-27 11:06] [Report] 1493305565556.png (649626 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.86968 : Anonymous [2017-04-27 11:06] [Report] 1493305585377.png (633328 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.86983 : MRN [2017-04-27 12:35] [Report] 1493310955012.jpg (51883 B, 720x960) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
51883 B

Does anyone have more pictures or videos Jeangens, the French guy with this twitter: luckpetit

He loves to tease

5 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.86991 : MRN [2017-04-27 12:39] [Report] 1493311141660.jpg (61354 B, 500x500) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.86992 : MRN [2017-04-27 12:39] [Report] 1493311160514.jpg (75666 B, 500x667) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.86993 : MRN [2017-04-27 12:39] [Report] 1493311182829.gif (1058852 B, 360x360) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.86995 : MRN [2017-04-27 13:02] [Report] 1493312540261.jpg (43428 B, 676x902) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.87137 : Anonymous [2017-04-28 05:05] [Report] 1493370311021.jpg (7819 B, 236x315) [YIS] [GIS] []
7819 B

He's hot!

No.87167 : yummie [2017-04-28 10:40] [Report] 1493390438243.jpg (77933 B, 540x540) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.86994 : Anonymous [2017-04-27 12:59] [Report] 1493312371472.jpg (92499 B, 564x927) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
92499 B

Someone have nudes of Anthony Pecoraro ? :D

No.87063 : Anonymous [2017-04-27 18:47] [Report] []

Sweet. Thanks

No.87500 : Anonymous [2017-04-30 07:39] [Report] []

no one ?


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