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No.43500 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 02:31] [Report] 1468823481625.png (1853541 B, 1440x1793) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1853541 B

Has anyone catfished James Junior in the UK? He basically posts nudes, but we need to see more!!

Does anyone have anything, can swap for the video of Jack Aston on Englishlads!

No.43558 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 17:38] [Report] []

hes hot! anyone?

No.43596 : Anonymous [2016-07-19 01:42] [Report] []


No.43734 : Anonymous [2016-07-20 02:00] [Report] []

his snap is jamesjuniorc

No.43503 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 03:21] [Report] 1468826466643.png (1928970 B, 1192x1180) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1928970 B

Anyone have anything of this guy from Sydney, Australia? His name is Craig Chrystie (@datshitcraaaaaig on instragram).

No.43504 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 03:34] [Report] 1468827284163.png (1461991 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1461991 B

Does anyone have anything on him?! Would love to see - his snap is mattfroese

No.43544 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 15:35] [Report] []

omg anyone ??? yes pleaseee!!

No.43790 : Anonymous [2016-07-20 16:05] [Report] []

bump!!! would love to see more of this hunk and his junk

No.43507 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 03:53] [Report] 1468828438140.jpg (82497 B, 500x640) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
82497 B

I can't find any uncensored photos while there must be tons?

No.43631 : Anonymous [2016-07-19 13:37] [Report] []

No luck? Damned press and censorship.

No.43643 : Anonymous [2016-07-19 16:03] [Report] []

there are uncensored videos on youtube :)

No.43511 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 06:42] [Report] 1468838534757.png (486627 B, 500x667) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
486627 B

Anyone know who this is? Image all over Tumblr

No.43532 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 13:34] [Report] []

not sure if he deleted or if he changed usernames, but he was acomplexsituation on tumblr a few years ago. here's a cached link to his old tagged/self

No.43513 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 07:20] [Report] 1468840801584.jpg (20410 B, 501x447) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
20410 B

does anyone know his cb name?
And did he show before?
I saw him on cb couple times,it was different accounts.
But never saw him show his body.

No.43522 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 10:21] [Report] []

yes i saw him too.. i think a year ago.
really cute and hot. he never show's in public.
bump up! anyone done private with him and recorded the video?

No.43573 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 20:13] [Report] []

>>43522 yep,he is cute. Although he just show for girls, he still shy.
Hope someone has his vid.
He often change his account. Hopely he showed in public at beginning

No.43703 : Anonymous [2016-07-19 21:26] [Report] []

so cute face

No.43761 : Anonymous [2016-07-20 09:34] [Report] []

he's hot! i remember him, he goes by the name of ariel ha. was able to add him in skype before but he never shows more if you don't have a cam, so i decided to remove him from skype. he is only interested with cam2cam and with girls.

No.43771 : Anonymous [2016-07-20 11:32] [Report] []

>>43761 that's too bad. Do u have his vid or pic?
And what's his skype, just curious

No.43874 : Anonymous [2016-07-21 07:57] [Report] []

>>43771 No, sorry but I do not record videos. I already forgot his skype from the time I deleted. Maybe you can search for ariel ha, lucky for you if same skype he is using, & if you get the chance to see more of him please share his video :) good luck!

No.43514 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 07:36] [Report] 1468841818257.png (510658 B, 493x750) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
510658 B

Anyone ever found his fuck video? His other pics and masturbating vids are all over Tumblr. I'm just looking for his fuck video. I can't get over his monster cock. It must be so amazing to watch it fucking a pussy

7 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.44035 : Anonymous [2016-07-23 07:56] [Report] []

Wow. The link you provided has a few videos in it btw. Open your eyes dear.

No.44051 : Anonymous [2016-07-23 11:04] [Report] []
No.44065 : Anonymous [2016-07-23 14:12] [Report] []

We're looking for sex vid, not cum vids

No.44099 : Anonymous [2016-07-23 20:56] [Report] []

Uh, yes. >> No.60074 asked for a masturbating vid.

No.44337 : Anonymous [2016-07-26 14:08] [Report] []

Is he posting any new stuff?

No.44367 : Anonymous [2016-07-26 17:29] [Report] []

I don't think that image of him fucking is part of a video? There seems to be a thought that the image is a screen shot from a fuck video or something but it doesn't look to be. I think it's probably just a photo he took for his tumblr

No.43523 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 10:41] [Report] 1468852914615.jpg (116061 B, 1074x675) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
116061 B

where is this from or who is he?

No.43606 : Anonymous [2016-07-19 06:43] [Report] []
No.43612 : Anonymous [2016-07-19 09:49] [Report] 1468936170099.jpg (59860 B, 600x848) [YIS] [GIS] []
59860 B

That's Nick Wolanski, nowadays a DJ. He's hot but a weirdo, a couple years ago he really got into the whole hindu/budhist mysticism.

He also ran for years an escort profile in planetromeo where he offered himself for a ridiculous amount of money (like 10k$ for a night or something like that) saying he was only there for the most exclusive and discerning gentlemen yada yada. I wonder if someone ever paid that money for him.

No.43524 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 11:15] [Report] 1468854938273.png (287652 B, 720x647) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
287652 B

I swear I saw his pics everywhere. Who is he? Was he in porn?

No.43525 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 12:25] [Report] 1468859116166.jpg (130126 B, 850x1273) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
130126 B

anyone know who this is? he's absolutely beautiful!

No.43550 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 16:19] [Report] []

>>43534 THANK YOU!

No.43528 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 13:14] [Report] 1468862050530.jpg (33684 B, 500x277) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No.43549 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 15:59] [Report] []

johnnydarkside @ chaturbate

No.43535 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 13:56] [Report] 1468864580760.jpg (121163 B, 1280x853) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]

No.43536 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 14:32] [Report] 1468866736497.jpg (79850 B, 379x1024) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
79850 B

Anyone got anything on this guy ? His name is Derek, he's straight, his Twitter is @DerekFerch and his Instagram is @derekferch.

No.43548 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 15:51] [Report] 1468871488004.jpg (192420 B, 750x936) [YIS] [GIS] []
192420 B

anyone got anything? can someone catfish him or post anything you can find? thanks

No.43553 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 16:21] [Report] 1468873306702.jpg (141489 B, 538x980) [YIS] [GIS] []
141489 B

And his Facebook is derek.ferch.3

No.43584 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 22:29] [Report] []

Can someone try finding something? Catfish him or something

No.43537 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 14:35] [Report] 1468866903817.jpg (215142 B, 887x599) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
215142 B

Anything on Matthew Camp?

No.43676 : Anonymous [2016-07-19 19:32] [Report] []

is that really his dick?

No.43813 : Anonymous [2016-07-20 18:21] [Report] []

I don't think that's his dick, but I still don't understand how there aren't nudes of him out there. Soooo many half-nude photos of him - and even teaser shots of silhouettes of (supposedly) his dick - but not a single full-frontal shot.

I don't get it. And it makes me very sad.

No.43856 : Anonymous [2016-07-21 00:24] [Report] 1469075082075.jpg (111501 B, 683x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.43539 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 14:57] [Report] 1468868231159.jpg (0 B, 244x750) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No thumbnail

Does anyone have Tom Daley's boyfriend, Dustin Lance Black's sex tape ?

No.49274 : Anonymous [2016-12-16 21:52] [Report] []

This would be an epic find ;) Anyone?

No.49312 : budapest [2016-12-21 06:51] [Report] []

Bumping this

No.49318 : Anonymous [2016-12-21 22:43] [Report] []

Yes, ppl are delivering Christmas gifts left and right...someone has gotta have this!

No.49779 : Anonymous [2017-01-21 07:32] [Report] []

Does anybody have this? ?

No.49780 : Anonymous [2017-01-21 11:34] [Report] []

the sex vid from this leak probably doesn't exist in digital format. the leak was from i think 2005-2006? long before phones could take video.

but i'm sure there are pics or vids from now, you know that him and daley are not monogamous. i think DLB is trashy but i'm here to find out what's in those tiny speedos tom wears

No.43543 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 15:23] [Report] 1468869821984.jpg (71223 B, 480x360) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
71223 B

Anyone have any rare videos of Joshjodie aka JakeChev?
He used to do shows with Cam4. Alot of them consisted of him sitting behind a computer just smoking and typing but occasionally he would have friends with him (Most were hot) and occasionally they would fool around.

I have videos of 3 guys but these are easily accessible on tube sites and nothing really happens with any of them, so I was wondering if anyone had anything else with him with some other guys.


No.43552 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 16:20] [Report] []

I've seen 2 videos with 2 guys, kissing and stuff. Where's the third?

No.43578 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 20:31] [Report] []

He is Josh Chevolleau on facebook

No.43619 : Anonymous [2016-07-19 11:48] [Report] 1468943328274.jpg (94359 B, 700x565) [YIS] [GIS] []
94359 B

Anything from this guy? nude pics or vids? He's housebate from Chaturbate

No.46578 : Musucoc [2016-08-13 10:00] [Report] []

>>43543 I have some HD vids I got off him, one of him showering and another two of him wanking and cumming over himself in his bed. I'd have to charge you for them as I paid for them too.

No.47636 : Musucoc [2016-08-19 16:38] [Report] []

If anyone wants a HD film of Josh showering and the ones of him naked on a bed jacking off and cumming (he's a big cummer) email me for price and payment details to

No.49483 : Anonymous [2016-12-30 21:42] [Report] []

Does anyone have any more pictures or videos they would like to share of georgeous josh

No.43546 : jakespearow [2016-07-18 15:43] [Report] 1468871005332.jpg (597208 B, 1024x811) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
597208 B

Anything from this guy? nude pics or vids? He's absolutely gorgeous, but I can't seem to find anything from him.

No.43638 : Anonymous [2016-07-19 15:03] [Report] []

he's nick from chaturbate is "duuuel". anyone?

No.43555 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 16:58] [Report] 1468875539274.jpg (460730 B, 800x1333) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
460730 B

Anyone know the name of the pornstar that's from Realitydudes in the black hat??

No.43648 : Anonymous [2016-07-19 17:21] [Report] []

People on another blog were calling him "Ken".

The only other place I've seen him is in FraternityX videos, but only as a top.


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