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No.58730 : Anonymous [2016-11-11 04:21] [Report] 1478856089748.jpg (241171 B, 683x1024) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
241171 B

I need to see more of mjm282

No.58731 : Anonymous [2016-11-11 04:57] [Report] 1478858220268.jpg (95043 B, 1080x1236) [YIS] [GIS] []
95043 B

where can i see vanvanr (IG) naked?

No.58748 : Anonymous [2016-11-11 08:48] [Report] []

I second this.

No.89564 : Anonymous [2017-05-08 19:20] [Report] 1494285638477.jpg (218750 B, 511x390) [YIS] [GIS] []
218750 B

mjm282 = Mitch

No.89565 : Anonymous [2017-05-08 19:21] [Report] 1494285717191.jpg (132266 B, 588x407) [YIS] [GIS] []
132266 B

Mitch cumming

No.58742 : Anonymous [2016-11-11 08:00] [Report] 1478869218693.jpg (22737 B, 500x374) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No.58823 : Anonymous [2016-11-12 05:21] [Report] []

>>58812 That's the new ones. Rec-Tube has been updated for a while.

No.58750 : Anonymous [2016-11-11 10:26] [Report] 1478877966147.png (1025826 B, 1009x631) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1025826 B

does anyone have the full video of this guy? i've been searching since time immemorial but never find the full video

12 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.78925 : Anonymous [2017-03-14 09:47] [Report] []

Does anyone know any good blogs that have posts like this with guys full names?
There used to be hotandexposed/exposedwhilehot, but now I can't seem to find any.

No.78959 : Anonymous [2017-03-14 14:28] [Report] []


no, because they get terminated fairly quickly from desperate queens contacting all the hot straight guys. That info needs to be traded privately

No.78986 : Anonymous [2017-03-14 15:48] [Report] []

there used to be a good site on pornhub.. had a few hundred names, but think it was taken down

No.79090 : Anonymous [2017-03-15 05:24] [Report] []

We'll tumblr lets them stay up for a long time - hotandexposed was going for over a year.

Oh, what was it called?

No.79091 : [2017-03-15 05:25] [Report] []

I've baited some guys directly and would be interested in trading if anyone has any of their own guys

No.79122 : Anonymous [2017-03-15 10:50] [Report] []

OMFG I know him irl

No.58752 : Anonymous [2016-11-11 11:26] [Report] 1478881561647.jpg (61796 B, 540x540) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
61796 B

Hi, does anyone know who this guy is? I forgot his name and just kept this pic. He lives in Vancouver and I believe he has had a thread here before, bunch of ass pics.

On another note, does anyone know where I could those shorts? lol

closed No.58757 : Anonymous [2016-11-11 11:48] [Report] 1478882902808.jpg (0 B, 600x900) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No thumbnail

Anything new on him?

No.58775 : Anonymous [2016-11-11 15:38] [Report] []

This is the lad who was jerking off when his mom knocked on his door, right? What's his name?

No.58808 : Anonymous [2016-11-11 23:28] [Report] []

>>58757 Tyler McCullagh

No.58776 : Anonymous [2016-11-11 16:15] [Report] 1478898951786.jpg (60851 B, 1192x894) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
60851 B

Anyone have anymore of Stonedwill? Used to go by 0utbreak and buhbilly

4 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.87566 : Anonymous [2017-04-30 13:02] [Report] []

>>58838 I have that pic, later I'll try to post it (the one where he's on his blue boxers) this guy was the hottest shit back in the day, I can't even remember how many times I've fapped to him. And for what I can see he's still hot. Hope something surfaces.

No.88140 : Anonymous [2017-05-03 15:06] [Report] 1493838363270.jpg (53950 B, 500x670) [YIS] [GIS] []
53950 B

Sorry for being late!

No.88141 : Anonymous [2017-05-03 15:07] [Report] 1493838422433.jpg (50672 B, 500x333) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.88142 : Anonymous [2017-05-03 15:09] [Report] 1493838545473.gif (929103 B, 500x375) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.88143 : Anonymous [2017-05-03 15:18] [Report] 1493839112226.jpg (45056 B, 500x375) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.88144 : Anonymous [2017-05-03 15:19] [Report] 1493839186127.jpg (53131 B, 500x375) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.58781 : dani [2016-11-11 17:56] [Report] 1478904969290.jpg (12706 B, 320x240) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
12706 B

Anybody got this Nick Youngquest video? Or more screencaps? I'd love to see this.

10 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.61253 : Anonymous [2016-11-29 19:19] [Report] []

thanks for the info

No.62070 : Anonymous [2016-12-05 10:34] [Report] []

bumping to see if anyone has it on their old hardrive!

No.65264 : Anonymous [2016-12-27 03:06] [Report] 1482825993999.jpg (14113 B, 320x240) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.67193 : Anonymous [2017-01-07 18:11] [Report] []

does this really not exist anymore :(

No.69928 : Anonymous [2017-01-21 17:47] [Report] []

I really wish someone still had this and could share it :(

No.69979 : Anonymous [2017-01-21 20:46] [Report] []

i still really want this too.

No.58783 : Anonymous [2016-11-11 18:02] [Report] 1478905332198.jpg (120436 B, 640x640) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
120436 B

Anything new on Mark and Ethan?

22 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.86862 : Anonymous [2017-04-26 22:25] [Report] []

Ugh, I just wanna see Mark in his bday suit

No.86868 : Anonymous [2017-04-26 22:46] [Report] []

>>86832 Honestly, there is nothing hotter than a guy so confident he gives no fucks about "cute underwear" and just rocks gotdamn grandpa boxers. FUUUUUUU

No.86869 : Anonymous [2017-04-26 22:50] [Report] 1493261445177.png (1782487 B, 1080x1350) [YIS] [GIS] []
1782487 B

>>86838 really stark contrast to his bf who wears superman briefs.

No.86879 : Anonymous [2017-04-26 23:19] [Report] []

Mark is such a bro. Fuck he's hot. Ethan isn't my type, but damn if Mark is. I wanna see his slong

No.86890 : Anonymous [2017-04-27 00:04] [Report] []

Hm..... I'm legit curious to see what would happen if someone tried to catfish(?) them for nudes...

No.88500 : Anonymous [2017-05-04 18:47] [Report] 1493938049296.gif (831354 B, 500x350) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.58784 : Anonymous [2016-11-11 18:02] [Report] 1478905344527.jpg (56087 B, 400x560) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
56087 B

Hopeful wishing here, but does anyone have nudes on Jesse Wellens? I've seen people post this request in the past, but never see anyone respond to them...

2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.58863 : Anonymous [2016-11-12 13:58] [Report] []

>>58851 Ahh gotcha, thanks for sharing :)

No.58871 : Anonymous [2016-11-12 14:32] [Report] []

Bump this! He's part of the Youtube channel prankvsprank and bfvsgf

No.58882 : Anonymous [2016-11-12 16:25] [Report] 1478985942224.jpg (134400 B, 719x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
134400 B

>>58799 Here's another one!

No.58886 : Anonymous [2016-11-12 17:11] [Report] []


Yeah.. that ones fake. (You can tell by his abs and his missing tattoo, also the freckle on his shoulder) So is the OP pics bulge, theres this one tumblr blog who likes to make fakes and enhancing his bulge on his pics and acting like its real.

Hope that Jesse will post more though ;(

No.58901 : Anonymous [2016-11-12 19:19] [Report] []

>>58886 You know your stuff lmao

No.58910 : Anonymous [2016-11-12 20:46] [Report] []

>>58901 haha i can just tell what a bad photoshop looks like

No.58792 : Anonymous [2016-11-11 18:41] [Report] 1478907712232.jpg (87277 B, 422x750) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
87277 B

His name's Jordan Colwill. He said on his tumblr (heliobullshit) that he did porn. Does anybody have any info on that?
IG: Neutranova
SC: itachi420

No.59529 : Anonymous [2016-11-17 23:32] [Report] []


No.81712 : Anonymous [2017-03-28 17:01] [Report] []

He is pretty hot.

No.58794 : Anonymous [2016-11-11 19:30] [Report] 1478910601497.jpg (82343 B, 500x666) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
82343 B

who's this?

No.58839 : Anonymous [2016-11-12 08:21] [Report] []

Can't remember his name now, but there is plenty of him, naked pics and wanking vids on tumblr.

No.58848 : Anonymous [2016-11-12 10:06] [Report] []

>>58839 Not to mention the porn movies he was in for Randy Blue?

No.58870 : Anonymous [2016-11-12 14:29] [Report] []

Gentlemen... say his name!

No.58897 : Anonymous [2016-11-12 18:55] [Report] []

Randy Dixon

No.58803 : Anonymous [2016-11-11 21:49] [Report] 1478918954640.jpg (105804 B, 640x853) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
105804 B

Does anyone know who this is and their social accounts? 'Cause damn.

7 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.58875 : Anonymous [2016-11-12 14:51] [Report] []

Wow. Had no idea! Just found her insta and snapchat. Mind=blown

No.58877 : Anonymous [2016-11-12 14:56] [Report] []

Buff Corey Haynes? What is it called? Would love to see that!

No.58881 : Anonymous [2016-11-12 16:25] [Report] []

Geez, I feel like so many of my favorite porn twinks turn out to be trans. I mean, good for them and all, I'm happy for them. But yeah.

No.58885 : Anonymous [2016-11-12 16:42] [Report] []

I'm so tired of this shit. First Matthew Keading, now Corey too. Ugh.

No.58887 : Anonymous [2016-11-12 17:12] [Report] []

i think it was called erodyts or something

and @8147 i'm sorry ppl's happiness gets in the way of your jerk off sessions

No.58902 : Anonymous [2016-11-12 19:21] [Report] []

Re: Matthew Keading, now goes by AVA and still does solo porn.

No.58805 : Anonymous [2016-11-11 22:24] [Report] 1478921088782.jpg (131583 B, 487x499) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
131583 B

Any nudes of @trentpotter

No.58806 : Anonymous [2016-11-11 22:53] [Report] 1478922800433.jpg (9063 B, 501x373) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
9063 B

Anything of this hottie his CB name is: davey_jones_

No.58906 : Anonymous [2016-11-12 20:10] [Report] []

>>58806 really hot....who ever has more to give..pls

No.58807 : Anonymous [2016-11-11 23:21] [Report] 1478924461906.jpg (388025 B, 600x5135) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
388025 B

His name is Levi (3) from Allaustralianboys. Anyone have his video ?

2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.89787 : Anonymous [2017-05-09 16:27] [Report] []

He's so hot, tried to watch it on some website but the videos were down already. Why do they keep putting that old man down there? Can they not find a suitable young asian?

No.89807 : Anonymous [2017-05-09 17:55] [Report] []

>>89787 a bigger problem is the camera work and direction. It's very shitty. Most times you barely get to see the dick because the old trolls just keep it in their mouth. They only use one handheld camera (coverage is awful), and sometimes the guy doesn't cum so they call it a day, and still release the vid with no cumshot. It's the only Aussie gporn site (with hot dudes) but it's so poorly produced :(

No.89832 : Anonymous [2017-05-09 19:29] [Report] []

Anyone knows his real name, social media, etc?

No.89846 : Anonymous [2017-05-09 20:57] [Report] []

Anybody know his real name or social media?

No.89903 : Anonymous [2017-05-10 03:18] [Report] []

I hope they could bring him back someday and do a "solo" solo

No.89996 : Anonymous [2017-05-10 12:16] [Report] []

He's gorgeous.
Full video is online. Beware of pop ups though.

No.58822 : Anonymous [2016-11-12 04:59] [Report] 1478944756657.jpg (115663 B, 640x982) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
115663 B

Anybody got anything of tsarbucks?

No.58842 : Anonymous [2016-11-12 08:49] [Report] []

that's the only public nude he's done but he has said that he's sent nudes before

No.58824 : Anonymous [2016-11-12 05:27] [Report] 1478946468711.png (328970 B, 569x319) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
328970 B

Anyone know who this is? I know he has some other videos with him smoking, and with him fucking another guy (I can't find this one anymore) but they have no name/nickname whatsoever.

No.58840 : Anonymous [2016-11-12 08:31] [Report] 1478957492438.jpg (39035 B, 800x450) [YIS] [GIS] []
39035 B

That is a pre-tattoos pic of Jake Kay, a notorious cumdumpy whore.

His most famous video is called "His time has come", where he gets tagteamed bareback by two black guys.

No.58841 : Anonymous [2016-11-12 08:32] [Report] 1478957525233.jpg (126796 B, 703x661) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.58879 : Anonymous [2016-11-12 15:24] [Report] []

Woah, didn't expect that much. Thanx.

No.58826 : Anonymous [2016-11-12 06:02] [Report] 1478948564834.jpg (160112 B, 1287x493) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
160112 B

Anyone know who this is?? He goes by Jacoval, in LA/Beverly Hills.

No.59020 : Anonymous [2016-11-13 22:14] [Report] []

Status positive? Good luck with that

No.59030 : Anonymous [2016-11-13 23:30] [Report] []

Pretty sure I've seen this guy several times in WeHo in the company of an older gent. Athletic tall and very good looking (him, the older guy was a troll lol).

Kind of sad to see he is such a mess, early twenties and already a poz cumdump jeez. Now I'm curious about him, would be nice to know a name or IG etc.

No.61836 : Anonymous [2016-12-03 23:55] [Report] []

Anybody know him or his IG?


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