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No.61190 : Anonymous [2016-11-29 10:22] [Report] 1480432964242.jpg (51233 B, 507x637) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
51233 B

Does anybody know this guy? There are a few posts with pics on Tumblr but I can't find where they come from or whats his name. Thanks in advance!

No.61225 : Anonymous [2016-11-29 14:52] [Report] 1480449136646.png (7398187 B, 2048x2732) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
7398187 B

This guy is super sexy ive seen him on Grindr any one got anything ?

20 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.65862 : Anonymous [2016-12-31 01:03] [Report] []

so, nobody's gonna mention those clearly stuffed briefs in that last pic?

No.75240 : [2017-02-21 15:17] [Report] []

Any new nudes for this guy?

No.83179 : [2017-04-06 16:08] [Report] 1491509318130.png (1672851 B, 1400x2014) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.90630 : Anonymous [2017-05-13 17:00] [Report] 1494709221046.png (368972 B, 469x594) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.90666 : Anonymous [2017-05-13 20:11] [Report] 1494720696189.png (1964935 B, 1078x1437) [YIS] [GIS] []
1964935 B

sharing is caring

No.90705 : Anonymous [2017-05-13 23:50] [Report] []

MMmmm! thanks, anymore?!

No.61248 : ScallyJohn [2016-11-29 18:31] [Report] 1480462297433.png (360456 B, 827x671) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
360456 B

Guess who's back!? <3

No.61249 : ScallyJohn [2016-11-29 18:31] [Report] 1480462318819.png (20812 B, 258x77) [YIS] [GIS] []
20812 B


No.61250 : ScallyJohn [2016-11-29 18:32] [Report] 1480462333301.png (10940 B, 226x26) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.61251 : ScallyJohn [2016-11-29 18:32] [Report] 1480462356427.png (11196 B, 238x24) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.61803 : Anonymous [2016-12-03 17:05] [Report] []

very interesting!

has he been doing camming recently?

No.61252 : sscc66 [2016-11-29 18:35] [Report] 1480462549632.jpg (35918 B, 480x400) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
35918 B

Nick Wilcox from cam4
does anyone remember him? and did he ever get naked?

No.61255 : Anonymous [2016-11-29 19:33] [Report] 1480466009890.jpg (78182 B, 784x925) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
78182 B

Hello guys,
Could you please help me to find the username of this guy on Chaturbeat?

No.61329 : Anonymous [2016-11-30 09:57] [Report] []

fitcouple96 chaturbate
and marco mosconi on lms and flirt4free

No.61258 : Anonymous [2016-11-29 19:45] [Report] 1480466754866.png (1175773 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1175773 B

Does anyone know this guy's username on Chaturbate? Thanks!

No.61304 : Anonymous [2016-11-30 01:45] [Report] []

That looks like cummyway15.

No.61259 : Anonymous [2016-11-29 19:57] [Report] 1480467451837.png (318288 B, 500x750) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
318288 B

Whos this guy?

17 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.81288 : Anonymous [2017-03-26 06:24] [Report] []

can someone share the vids :)

No.81295 : Anonymous [2017-03-26 07:20] [Report] []

Can someone repost the videos? Links are down, please!

No.81371 : Anonymous [2017-03-26 16:03] [Report] []

So, there's nothing else of him? I'm even down for regular sfw pics.

No.81377 : Anonymous [2017-03-26 16:29] [Report] []

yes i he's so hot, the guy in the op should have used the b&w pic tho he looks so good in it. still no name or social media account? can someone reup the videos at least?

No.81458 : Anonymous [2017-03-27 05:27] [Report] []
No.81563 : Anonymous [2017-03-27 19:45] [Report] []

the links are broken for months now.

No.61263 : Anonymous [2016-11-29 20:35] [Report] 1480469703998.png (3799407 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
3799407 B

Anyone have this guy's stuff? I don't think he ever wears a shirt. Or other clothes.

No.61268 : Anonymous [2016-11-29 21:25] [Report] 1480472756581.jpg (141248 B, 745x736) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
141248 B

Anything new on Tyler Chrome?

No.61269 : Anonymous [2016-11-29 21:28] [Report] 1480472908798.jpg (161027 B, 750x852) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
161027 B

Does he have any nudes out there?

No.87251 : Anonymous [2017-04-28 20:16] [Report] []

bump in hopes someone has pic of his cock

No.61270 : Anonymous [2016-11-29 21:44] [Report] 1480473844105.jpg (17177 B, 272x223) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
17177 B

Does anyone know this porn actors name? Just want to be able to check out his work. NOt interested in anything but that

No.61276 : Anonymous [2016-11-29 23:25] [Report] []

Dalton Briggs

No.61278 : Anonymous [2016-11-29 23:34] [Report] 1480480489839.jpg (59295 B, 480x716) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
59295 B

curious if anyone's got anything on charlie williams? assuming it's a long shot.

No.61280 : Anonymous [2016-11-29 23:46] [Report] 1480481198969.png (1323737 B, 1440x2560) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1323737 B

Anything on this stud? Lives in the DC area.

No.61281 : Anonymous [2016-11-29 23:47] [Report] 1480481225147.png (2610713 B, 1440x1623) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.61282 : Anonymous [2016-11-29 23:47] [Report] 1480481244375.png (2770696 B, 1440x2560) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.67731 : Anonymous [2017-01-10 19:42] [Report] 1484095326412.png (1968400 B, 1440x2560) [YIS] [GIS] []
1968400 B

Still wishing to see more.

No.73646 : Anonymous [2017-02-12 22:05] [Report] []

Yes please! Been wanting to see more of this guy forever!

No.61292 : Anonymous [2016-11-30 00:54] [Report] 1480485298280.jpg (113788 B, 1080x720) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
113788 B

Anything on Felix Biederman? He's a cohost of the Chapo Trap House podcast. I don't think there are naked pics but some shirtless stuff would be nice too.

8 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.82066 : Anonymous [2017-03-30 19:31] [Report] 1490916683990.png (1330826 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.86278 : Anonymous [2017-04-23 22:27] [Report] 1493000871894.jpg (138010 B, 750x1150) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.87450 : Anonymous [2017-04-29 23:49] [Report] 1493524180550.jpg (135916 B, 750x1009) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.87477 : Anonymous [2017-04-30 02:54] [Report] []

I don't think he is handsome at all but he is fit and I like his politics so im rooting for this thread to someday deliver dickpics lol.

No.87649 : Anonymous [2017-04-30 22:18] [Report] 1493605080980.jpg (129495 B, 750x1188) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.87662 : Anonymous [2017-04-30 23:02] [Report] []

>>87477 there's something about straight(?) fit guys who lift/bodybuild and aren't the typical meat heads who support Trump unconditionally but are instead liberal/progressive to the core. It turns me on. It's like a rare breed.

Basically brain + body can outweigh an ugly face IMO. Even though I don't think he's so bad in the face to begin with.

No.61295 : Anonymous [2016-11-30 01:29] [Report] 1480487343937.jpg (926477 B, 1780x1423) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
926477 B

anyone have any vids of seewhathappens622 cumming or showing off his ass?

No.61299 : Anonymous [2016-11-30 01:42] [Report] 1480488179939.jpg (372293 B, 1932x2576) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
372293 B

Anyone have anything on b@djense? I keep hoping he'll show it all but he's such a huge tease. :(

5 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.61609 : Anonymous [2016-12-02 07:35] [Report] []

bump for more info

No.61746 : Anonymous [2016-12-03 04:32] [Report] []

bump for dick! snapchat?

No.64932 : Anonymous [2016-12-24 14:59] [Report] []

Bumping for info...

No.64947 : Anonymous [2016-12-24 18:26] [Report] []

He's a huge cocktease -_-

No.65022 : Anonymous [2016-12-25 07:05] [Report] []

Need to see his dick so badly! Hope he's cut!

No.65050 : Anonymous [2016-12-25 15:12] [Report] []

anyone know his snapchat / insta?

No.61322 : Anonymous [2016-11-30 07:27] [Report] 1480508854670.jpg (91853 B, 500x667) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
91853 B

Any nudes on Jordan D Robson? His tumblr is jordandrobson

No.61339 : Anonymous [2016-11-30 12:10] [Report] 1480525816578.jpg (72895 B, 612x612) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.61364 : Anonymous [2016-11-30 17:41] [Report] []

Bump! He's a fittie, I'm sure there must be pics out there

No.61326 : Anonymous [2016-11-30 08:16] [Report] 1480511769252.jpg (130226 B, 750x978) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
130226 B

Anything on Adrian? He's in Los Angeles and San Fran. Had some funny parody videos out there too.


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