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No.83785 : Anonymous [2017-04-09 21:28] [Report] 1491787692449.png (2897710 B, 1242x2208) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
2897710 B

Anything on this fella in Seattle??

No.83975 : Anonymous [2017-04-10 23:27] [Report] []


No.83794 : Anonymous [2017-04-09 21:59] [Report] 1491789586426.jpg (53543 B, 620x857) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
53543 B

Anyone have anything on Wade Schaming? I used to have a full nude of him a couple years ago and lost it. He's got a really nice cock.

No.83867 : Anonymous [2017-04-10 09:07] [Report] []

He's hot

No.83799 : Anonymous [2017-04-09 23:09] [Report] 1491793789188.jpg (68440 B, 1200x675) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
68440 B

Are there any nudes out there for youtuber Michael Rizzi? His body is kinda insane.

No.83800 : Anonymous [2017-04-09 23:10] [Report] 1491793811944.jpg (166033 B, 1920x1080) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.83801 : Anonymous [2017-04-09 23:10] [Report] 1491793844083.jpg (62602 B, 1280x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.85230 : Anonymous [2017-04-17 21:18] [Report] []

bump look at that chest!

No.88366 : Anonymous [2017-05-04 06:37] [Report] []

I need nudes of him in my life

No.88569 : Anonymous [2017-05-05 00:11] [Report] []

>>88366 You're not the only one, honey!

No.83802 : Anonymous [2017-04-09 23:11] [Report] 1491793911234.jpg (305958 B, 1242x1348) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
305958 B

Does anyone have nudes of these guys? They're a hot couple

Snapchat: musclecubs

No.83804 : Anonymous [2017-04-09 23:12] [Report] 1491793964129.jpg (287891 B, 1242x1436) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.83805 : Anonymous [2017-04-09 23:13] [Report] 1491793986432.jpg (293552 B, 1242x1366) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.83818 : Anonymous [2017-04-10 00:34] [Report] []

Wow they're hot! Someone has to have something on them?

No.83803 : Anonymous [2017-04-09 23:12] [Report] 1491793937409.jpg (116034 B, 965x639) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
116034 B

Anything nude for actor and current Red Ranger William Shewfelt? He is hot as fuck.

No.83815 : Anonymous [2017-04-10 00:05] [Report] 1491797141875.jpg (97581 B, 500x750) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
97581 B

does anybody have the full frontals for Daniel Jensen? people have said they definitely exist but I havent found them.

2 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.83837 : Anonymous [2017-04-10 03:37] [Report] 1491809820230.jpg (71436 B, 620x723) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.83844 : Anonymous [2017-04-10 04:37] [Report] []

Can you share? Please?
Also I googled "Daniel Jensen" and "Daniel Jensen Model" he doesn't come up :/

No.83902 : Anonymous [2017-04-10 14:45] [Report] []
No.83904 : Anonymous [2017-04-10 15:05] [Report] []

>>83815 Levi on Corbin Fisher

No.84024 : Anonymous [2017-04-11 06:52] [Report] []

can someone link his solo in corbin fisher please

No.83832 : Anonymous [2017-04-10 03:07] [Report] 1491808060714.gif (5328218 B, 480x270) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
5328218 B

Anything on this asian hot dude in the latest pepsi commercial?

No.84003 : Anonymous [2017-04-11 01:51] [Report] []


No.83846 : Anonymous [2017-04-10 04:40] [Report] 1491813648475.jpg (593073 B, 1366x768) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
593073 B

anyone know who the bottom in this video is? (pic is a screencap)

No.83864 : Anonymous [2017-04-10 08:32] [Report] []

Carter Dane

No.83847 : Anonymous [2017-04-10 04:54] [Report] 1491814458739.jpg (42194 B, 502x286) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
42194 B

Does anyone have any vids of c@m4 and ch@turbate user j@ckbronson (change the @ back to a)? He shows dick in most of his shows but I've never seen him cum and he has the most amazing penis I'd love to see it shoot. Anyone?

No.83949 : Anonymous [2017-04-10 19:50] [Report] []

I was in his room yesterday. One of the regulars said he cums every Saturday. Let's wait and see LOL

No.83855 : Anonymous [2017-04-10 05:27] [Report] 1491816452231.jpg (159807 B, 600x325) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
159807 B

Hi! I've been looking everywhere for the M3n @t pl@y audition of Johnny B and can't find it. Does anyone please have it or any of his videos? Cheers!

No.83857 : Anonymous [2017-04-10 06:19] [Report] 1491819558528.jpg (196698 B, 750x1037) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
196698 B

Anything on James Robb?
Originally from Liverpool, now living in London.
Has a bit of a reputation for sleeping around so wondering if there's any pics or vids...?

No.83870 : Anonymous [2017-04-10 10:13] [Report] 1491833600406.jpg (90918 B, 750x951) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
90918 B

christiaan_rt on Instagram. He's from Oz. Any nudes?

No.83986 : Anonymous [2017-04-11 00:24] [Report] []

Bump! He's such a hottie and has a phat ass

No.85053 : Anonymous [2017-04-16 23:39] [Report] []

Anything? He's so thick and sexy

No.85293 : Anonymous [2017-04-18 04:34] [Report] []

He's always posting racy pics on instagram, I'm sure there's something out there

No.83876 : Anonymous [2017-04-10 11:35] [Report] 1491838539401.jpg (18573 B, 160x600) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
18573 B

anybody knows who this model is in this ad?

No.83947 : Anonymous [2017-04-10 19:26] [Report] []

>>83876 Bryant Wood but that picture looks fake as hell.

No.83877 : Anonymous [2017-04-10 11:38] [Report] 1491838739799.jpg (266598 B, 1242x1703) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
266598 B

Traveling the world and taking selfies seems to be his full time job. Plus he's got an amazing body. Anybody have more info or pics?


5 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.84523 : Anonymous [2017-04-14 06:10] [Report] []

Is he rich or is he a rentboy?

No.84568 : Anonymous [2017-04-14 13:32] [Report] []

Is he gay or straight, I really can't tell. Also someone get these nudes.

No.84575 : Anonymous [2017-04-14 15:08] [Report] []

He's gay af

No.84588 : Anonymous [2017-04-14 17:10] [Report] []

>>84523 i think rich...? never see pics of him with guys that could be paying. seems like he's flying solo.

No.84644 : Anonymous [2017-04-14 23:23] [Report] []

>>84588 could be, but then again if he was an escort, why would older, wealthy 'sugardaddies' want to get pictures taken with a teen-looking hustler in some exotic location?

No.84945 : Anonymous [2017-04-16 14:36] [Report] []

>>84644 good point.

anybody have more pics?

No.83887 : Anonymous [2017-04-10 12:33] [Report] 1491841996755.jpg (314784 B, 1536x1793) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
314784 B

Anyone got "B" from Chicago?

No.83955 : Anonymous [2017-04-10 21:04] [Report] []

Oh yesss I use to hook up with him when he was living in my city. Great bottom he looks good now I have a few pics of him somewhere ;)

No.83993 : Anonymous [2017-04-11 00:42] [Report] []

Post away!

No.84225 : Anonymous [2017-04-12 08:46] [Report] []

Post away

No.83889 : Anonymous [2017-04-10 12:57] [Report] 1491843466053.jpg (72470 B, 720x960) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
72470 B

Anyone has more on him???

No.83985 : Anonymous [2017-04-11 00:00] [Report] []

Hot! Whats his insta?

No.83900 : Anonymous [2017-04-10 14:33] [Report] 1491849201857.png (3592595 B, 1242x2208) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
3592595 B

Anything on YouTube singer, William Singe?

No.83958 : Anonymous [2017-04-10 21:24] [Report] []

Bump hot damn!

No.84850 : Anonymous [2017-04-16 01:27] [Report] []


No.85426 : Anonymous [2017-04-18 20:29] [Report] 1492561767013.png (2683112 B, 1242x2208) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.86663 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 21:57] [Report] 1493171844956.png (3701588 B, 1242x2208) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.83915 : Anonymous [2017-04-10 15:46] [Report] 1491853592421.jpg (120233 B, 750x1197) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
120233 B

Bairdaddy anyone?

No.83916 : Anonymous [2017-04-10 15:46] [Report] 1491853606267.jpg (136386 B, 750x1188) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.83917 : Anonymous [2017-04-10 15:47] [Report] 1491853620413.jpg (142396 B, 750x734) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.83946 : Anonymous [2017-04-10 19:17] [Report] []

Wow he is so hot, anyone have anything on him?

No.83968 : Anonymous [2017-04-10 22:23] [Report] []

No... He wasn't single ! I think he have bf tho !
Nude ? I still hope too 😅

No.84110 : Anonymous [2017-04-11 16:36] [Report] []

>>83946 I hope so! Would love to see


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