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No.74443 : Anonymous [2017-02-17 14:28] [Report] 1487359699641.jpg (43762 B, 320x240) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
43762 B

Looking for more vids of this former chaturbate model theasiannerd. I've gotten 5 or 6 videos but there must be more out there. On Instagram he's rainistagram but he only does fashion and style stuff on YouTube no more cam shows

No.74444 : Anonymous [2017-02-17 14:29] [Report] 1487359744270.jpg (128760 B, 750x936) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
128760 B

Mikechabotfit? anyone has anything?

1 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.74490 : Anonymous [2017-02-17 19:47] [Report] []

hell yeah !!
he keeps talking about his butt and what not haha

No.74588 : Anonymous [2017-02-18 10:37] [Report] []

Bump for nudes

No.74731 : Anonymous [2017-02-19 08:58] [Report] []


No.74938 : Anonymous [2017-02-20 09:09] [Report] []

Bump to the top

No.74978 : Anonymous [2017-02-20 13:09] [Report] []

Someone must have something.

No.75096 : Anonymous [2017-02-20 22:34] [Report] []

Bump! Someone must have him nude.

No.74460 : Anonymous [2017-02-17 16:29] [Report] 1487366977700.png (1537293 B, 1080x1856) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1537293 B

Any nudes of fer9o?

No.74461 : Marc Boy [2017-02-17 16:32] [Report] 1487367132585.jpg (35687 B, 698x489) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
35687 B

Look for more on these guys. It looks like they could be brothers. They have one hot video that I've seen.

Thanks in advance

No.74535 : Anonymous [2017-02-18 01:54] [Report] []

do you have the said first vid?

No.74548 : Anonymous [2017-02-18 03:15] [Report] []

they are friends_sex on cam4, theres loads of vids if u google

No.74558 : Anonymous [2017-02-18 05:49] [Report] []

Think they are called Friends-sex from cam4

No.74462 : Anonymous [2017-02-17 16:38] [Report] 1487367533037.jpg (47183 B, 317x500) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
47183 B

does someone have the videos Andrew Sauston made?

No.74464 : Cam [2017-02-17 17:15] [Report] 1487369751304.jpg (14656 B, 480x480) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
14656 B

Can someone catfish this guy?

Bi, 18, Michigan.
Really cute twinkie guy. Snapchat = brucedouglas55

No.74858 : Jake [2017-02-19 22:17] [Report] 1487560661955.png (652681 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
652681 B


Catfished for you. You're welcome.

No.74964 : Key [2017-02-20 11:58] [Report] []

Gross. Known bi player. Plays both men and woman and uses them like a sextoy then blocks them. Names Bruce Douglas and lives in Jackson MI.

No.75142 : Anonymous [2017-02-21 01:37] [Report] []

>>74858 that is one of the ugliest pics I've ever seen

No.74471 : Anonymous [2017-02-17 18:11] [Report] 1487373119388.png (744272 B, 1076x1725) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
744272 B

Sooo sexy. There must be more of ocramarco


No.74552 : Anonymous [2017-02-18 03:47] [Report] 1487407654790.png (1914336 B, 1080x1920) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.74472 : Anonymous [2017-02-17 18:14] [Report] 1487373266893.png (641204 B, 594x593) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
641204 B

Is there any nudes of Keegan Whicker IG: klwhick
He is literally the hottest man!

11 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.74586 : Anonymous [2017-02-18 10:10] [Report] []

I'm not, but as you're even getting into an argument over this. grow the F up.

No.74587 : Anonymous [2017-02-18 10:14] [Report] []

>>74586 your butthurt over it proves it

No.79880 : Anonymous [2017-03-19 03:22] [Report] []

So there's this... but I'm pretty sure that someone is just using his photos and possibly their own dick pic or maybe one from the internet... cuz his isn't actually that thick... just take my word for it.

No.79891 : SSCC [2017-03-19 04:50] [Report] []

this guys is thhe same as all the rest.. catalogue one foot in front of the other squinty eye chin forward posing

same same same

his cock is going to be average or small because only guys insecure about their cocks have instagram and wear caps back to front with catalogue posing

No.80024 : Anonymous [2017-03-19 16:14] [Report] []

If he has a scruff or grindr anybody knows of I could possibly get him...

No.80194 : Anonymous [2017-03-20 16:54] [Report] []

>>80181 quit lying stupid bitch

Also when he started posting about his dumb new cats, major turn off and unfollowed.

No.74482 : Anonymous [2017-02-17 19:11] [Report] 1487376694043.jpg (168489 B, 1080x1349) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
168489 B

Can we try again? There's gotta be something on Nathan or Marcel

No.74483 : Anonymous [2017-02-17 19:11] [Report] 1487376711508.jpg (216434 B, 1194x952) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.74484 : Anonymous [2017-02-17 19:12] [Report] 1487376733944.jpg (127771 B, 1080x1349) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.74488 : Anonymous [2017-02-17 19:41] [Report] 1487378462370.jpg (169647 B, 1080x1349) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.74493 : Anonymous [2017-02-17 19:54] [Report] 1487379270641.jpg (31227 B, 238x299) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
31227 B

Anyone got anything on Tom Davies - TomDLondon on twitter/insta/probably-everything-else and ex bf of Sam Morris, ex - X-factor UK contestant ?

closed No.74497 : Anonymous [2017-02-17 20:04] [Report] 1487379862685.jpg (0 B, 600x800) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No thumbnail

Anyone got anything of Jamie Platt? He likes showing off on dating/hookup apps!

21 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.87832 : Anonymous [2017-05-01 19:20] [Report] []

Not sure if he's deleted his Hornet account or just blocked me lol
Anyone got any more of him?

No.87846 : Anonymous [2017-05-01 21:31] [Report] []

What's his instagram / Snapchat?

No.87917 : Anonymous [2017-05-02 09:50] [Report] []

His Insta is Jamieplatt1 (and his Twitter) - don't know if he has Snap or not

No.88035 : Anonymous [2017-05-03 01:20] [Report] []


No.88232 : Anonymous [2017-05-03 21:04] [Report] []

He just posted a pic of himself and mates on Insta with the hashtags 'iwannafuck' and 'idontfucklosers' ....classy!

No.89571 : Anonymous [2017-05-08 19:39] [Report] []

anyone else got any others? He's pretty cute (although the hashtags make him sound a bit of a douche)

No.74499 : Anonymous [2017-02-17 20:26] [Report] 1487381213966.jpg (251717 B, 1000x752) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
251717 B

Can anyone download the upstore and make it available on the mega ??

No.74568 : Anonymous [2017-02-18 08:17] [Report] []

please guys!!!

No.74749 : Anonymous [2017-02-19 11:13] [Report] []

Can someone please help me?

No.74833 : Anonymous [2017-02-19 20:32] [Report] []


No.75312 : Anonymous [2017-02-21 19:27] [Report] []

OMG please!!

No.75415 : Anonymous [2017-02-22 08:38] [Report] []

Come on guys!!

No.76041 : Anonymous [2017-02-25 16:23] [Report] []

Could someone download this please?

No.74503 : Anonymous [2017-02-17 21:27] [Report] 1487384825693.jpg (216310 B, 1100x800) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
216310 B

anyone know who this is?

No.74516 : Anonymous [2017-02-17 23:20] [Report] 1487391651012.jpg (311127 B, 720x900) [YIS] [GIS] []
311127 B

this is another from what I assume is a set

No.74554 : Anonymous [2017-02-18 04:00] [Report] []

i've wondered his name for ages. It's from photographer erosadonis

No.74786 : Anonymous [2017-02-19 14:47] [Report] []

Anyone find out who this is yet?

No.74860 : Anonymous [2017-02-19 22:29] [Report] 1487561387298.jpg (593699 B, 720x900) [YIS] [GIS] []
593699 B

I think based off the Tattoo this is the same guy but still no name

No.74865 : Anonymous [2017-02-19 23:12] [Report] 1487563933116.png (894628 B, 693x1056) [YIS] [GIS] []
894628 B

1 more

No.74513 : Anonymous [2017-02-17 22:58] [Report] 1487390295891.png (481597 B, 456x810) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
481597 B

Maybe a longshot, but does anybody know who this is? He logs into the Lagunasex snapchat account once a week usually. I have never seen him post any identifying info when he logs in. Not looking for more pics/videos, just wondering if anybody knows who he is and if he has any social accounts to follow

No.75252 : [2017-02-21 15:37] [Report] []

He looks fuckin hot.

No.76281 : Anonymous [2017-02-27 09:15] [Report] []

bump, i still wanna find out who this is!

No.77318 : Anonymous [2017-03-05 16:32] [Report] []

Bumping. Really hoping somebody knows something

No.86570 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 11:21] [Report] []

So is the Lagunasex Snapchat account run by a group of different guys? Do they make money off it? Just wondering, since that guy in the pic is the one who shows up most often but I did actually wonder why there guys would pop up too.

No.74521 : Anonymous [2017-02-17 23:56] [Report] 1487393794622.jpg (79831 B, 720x707) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
79831 B

Does any body know who these guys are? I believe they are from Cam4.

1 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.74549 : Anonymous [2017-02-18 03:17] [Report] []


No.74637 : Anonymous [2017-02-18 16:37] [Report] []

Is there any other videos of them floating around? They are almost untraceable on the internet.

No.74896 : Anonymous [2017-02-20 01:54] [Report] []

I only have one video of them which is screencapped by OP. They were on July 2014 and I'm not aware if they broadcasted more than once. Cam4 vids before the recording sites opened are really hard to find. We really should start a best of C4 vids group.

No.74979 : Anonymous [2017-02-20 13:23] [Report] []

Is the video you have about 20 mins long?

No.75379 : Anonymous [2017-02-22 02:01] [Report] []

My copy is a live recording of their broadcast. It's longer but the extra time is pretty much just the top trying to get his dick in the bottom.

No.75429 : Anonymous [2017-02-22 10:12] [Report] []

These boys are so hot i'll take anything. Would you upload it?

No.74532 : Anonymous [2017-02-18 01:24] [Report] 1487399066000.jpg (106903 B, 734x554) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
106903 B

Anyone know that other guy who cams with fit_derek? he looks abit like liam payne

No.74677 : Anonymous [2017-02-18 22:31] [Report] 1487475089627.jpg (675750 B, 1710x1370) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.74537 : Anonymous [2017-02-18 02:02] [Report] 1487401374724.jpg (67885 B, 455x810) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
67885 B

more of him? can only find these two

No.74538 : Anonymous [2017-02-18 02:03] [Report] 1487401418143.jpg (69832 B, 421x750) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.74783 : SSGOC [2017-02-19 14:32] [Report] []

He is hot as fuck.

No.74788 : Anonymous [2017-02-19 14:55] [Report] []


No.76180 : Anonymous [2017-02-26 16:18] [Report] []

anyone know who he is?

No.83259 : Anonymous [2017-04-07 02:12] [Report] []


No.74543 : Anonymous [2017-02-18 03:02] [Report] 1487404979773.jpg (97727 B, 749x920) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
97727 B

Anyone have luke rallings nudes? Melbourne gay

No.74573 : Anonymous [2017-02-18 08:47] [Report] []

I second this request

No.74773 : Anonymous [2017-02-19 13:27] [Report] []

Does he have IG? I know he has a tumblr but I can't find it anymore


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