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No.58229 : Anonymous [2016-11-05 18:10] [Report] 1478383803697.jpg (92064 B, 667x1017) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
92064 B

Does anybody know what happened to this dude? He had a solo video on belami as Jeff Toibin, and then disappeared. Do you know if he did any other porn with a different name or somethin?

No.58236 : Anonymous [2016-11-05 19:25] [Report] 1478388345476.gif (1854652 B, 250x188) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1854652 B

Does anyone know his chaturbate name?

No.58248 : Anonymous [2016-11-05 21:01] [Report] []


No.58267 : Anonymous [2016-11-06 01:42] [Report] []


No.58245 : Anonymous [2016-11-05 20:30] [Report] 1478392226997.jpg (145458 B, 1197x960) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
145458 B

Anyone have anything on Anthony?

No.58332 : Anonymous [2016-11-06 14:48] [Report] []

seen him around NYC on Grindr but never chatted. Instagram looks like he's around Chicago

No.58246 : Anonymous [2016-11-05 20:53] [Report] 1478393629197.jpg (65722 B, 423x750) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
65722 B

Thomas Sanders thread, on the off chance someone actually does have something explicit of him.

No.58255 : Anonymous [2016-11-05 21:52] [Report] []

there have been a few threads, nothing ever pops up, people have claimed to have seen nudes of him before he became "famous" but nothing has leaked

No.58250 : Anonymous [2016-11-05 21:14] [Report] 1478394875481.jpg (31594 B, 500x750) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
31594 B

Anyone have hot shots of Brodie Gallant? He's done some hot shoots, but haven't seen any nudes, I know he did some "wrestling videos" under "Bro" before, but haven't been able to find anything...

No.58256 : Anonymous [2016-11-05 23:02] [Report] []

Any guesses on which studio the "wrestling" videos would be?

No.58914 : Anonymous [2016-11-12 21:08] [Report] []

Thunder's Arena

No.59502 : LB [2016-11-17 19:10] [Report] []

He's also known as Brodie Jammal. He did several full frontal photoshoots with photographer Tom Silk and some of the pictures were uploaded to ModelMayhem and even though his profile got deleted a long time ago I'm pretty sure those pictures are on Tumblr.

Good luck!

No.58258 : Anonymous [2016-11-05 23:35] [Report] 1478403329816.png (1005362 B, 1366x571) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1005362 B

Please!!! I need to know the name of this movie or the actors!!! Can't find them.

No.58273 : Anonymous [2016-11-06 02:30] [Report] []

The bottom is ken rodeo

No.58270 : Anonymous [2016-11-06 01:24] [Report] 1478413451095.png (2179453 B, 1098x1184) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
2179453 B

Anyone have anything on matthew crawford (the one on the left)?

insta: daddy_crawf
snap: Mvcrawf

9 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.58795 : Anonymous [2016-11-11 19:43] [Report] []

>>58774 please share!

No.58811 : Anonymous [2016-11-12 00:04] [Report] []

I remember Joey was on Chaturbate with a friend two or three years ago. He called him a "good/best friend" at the time, but I don't remember seeing them do much

No.58816 : Anonymous [2016-11-12 01:06] [Report] []

Why would you say you had them and not just post them lol

No.59043 : Anonymous [2016-11-14 01:18] [Report] []

I'd love to see joey

No.59185 : Anonymous [2016-11-15 07:53] [Report] []

Joey's Chaturbate name was "h0rnyguy22" and "h0rnyboy22" - both are banned now but they might be useful to someone. There might have been a third account of some variation of the usernames above, but this was a long time ago

No.59505 : Anonymous [2016-11-17 19:27] [Report] []

Anything on joey?

No.58275 : Anonymous [2016-11-06 03:23] [Report] 1478420613901.jpg (69654 B, 540x409) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
69654 B

I've been seeing this guy floating around tumblr. Any idea on who he is, or if there are any videos of him out there?

No.58327 : slamm [2016-11-06 14:04] [Report] []

Patrick Belaga aka unacclimated on Tumblr. Extensive thread here

No.58297 : Anonymous [2016-11-06 08:28] [Report] 1478438932023.jpg (57013 B, 640x640) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
57013 B

Anything more than underwear pics from "antonytran" on IG?

No.58351 : Anonymous [2016-11-06 17:48] [Report] []

Bump. He's such a hottie.

No.58299 : Anonymous [2016-11-06 08:44] [Report] 1478439852186.jpg (123409 B, 659x1171) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
123409 B


12 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.77215 : Anonymous [2017-03-05 01:35] [Report] []

fuck her insta story is hot. thanks for the heads up!

but i'm sure they were just messing around for attention

No.77239 : Anonymous [2017-03-05 03:51] [Report] []

>>77196 looks like a tranny to me ....

No.77292 : Anonymous [2017-03-05 13:13] [Report] []

The post with her are about inequality so I think you are correct. Where is that screen grab from?

No.77351 : Anonymous [2017-03-05 19:15] [Report] []

unf. what a beautiful guy

No.77514 : Anonymous [2017-03-06 19:39] [Report] []

>>77292 any new?

No.77522 : Anonymous [2017-03-06 20:28] [Report] []

Where's that last picture from?? 😍

No.58300 : Anonymous [2016-11-06 09:10] [Report] 1478441434453.jpg (29604 B, 320x320) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
29604 B

Anyone have nudes of Jackson Doherty? He's such a hottie and loves showing his ass on snapchat...

1 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.58311 : Anonymous [2016-11-06 11:18] [Report] []

>>58307 depends on the region. Queensland still mutilate.

No.58320 : Anonymous [2016-11-06 13:21] [Report] []

He's so sexy

No.58326 : Anonymous [2016-11-06 13:57] [Report] []

more please! loved aussies accents! love circumcised dicks!

No.58337 : Anonymous [2016-11-06 15:25] [Report] []

The fact that mutilating a dick makes it more attractive is a testament to just how gross uncut dicks are...yuck!

No.58353 : Anonymous [2016-11-06 18:04] [Report] []

Circumcision is grotesque. Not only as a practice but it's a scar on a dick is unatttactive.

No.58355 : Anonymous [2016-11-06 18:34] [Report] []

username? :O

No.58305 : Anonymous [2016-11-06 10:21] [Report] 1478445686982.jpg (137318 B, 741x737) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
137318 B

Anyone have any nudes from Adameow?

No.58904 : ANONYMOUS [2016-11-12 19:52] [Report] []


No.58317 : Anonymous [2016-11-06 12:21] [Report] 1478452865393.jpg (117093 B, 750x836) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
117093 B

Anyone got pics of this hot man?

No.58376 : Anonymous [2016-11-06 22:08] [Report] 1478488139866.jpg (49657 B, 1278x719) [YIS] [GIS] []
49657 B

Man, I've always wanted to see more of this stud. Found this from some bad gay horror movie he was in called "You're Killing Me" but there has to be more!

Name's James Cerne, by the way. DJ in LA.

No.60883 : Anonymous [2016-11-27 14:12] [Report] []


No.58325 : Anonymous [2016-11-06 13:47] [Report] 1478458050143.jpg (218046 B, 1536x1949) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
218046 B

Anyone know who these guys are?

No.58399 : AJ [2016-11-07 02:36] [Report] []

Guy on the left looks like Bryan Cole. Currently dating Eli Lewis

No.58423 : Anonymous [2016-11-07 11:10] [Report] []

Any idea who the other one is?

No.58328 : Anonymous [2016-11-06 14:11] [Report] 1478459460213.jpg (0 B, 640x1136) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No thumbnail

Anthony -gymnastkid

124 posts and 36 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.62241 : Anonymous [2016-12-06 08:19] [Report] []

bump for frontal

No.62242 : Anonymous [2016-12-06 08:20] [Report] []

bump for frontals

No.62244 : Anonymous [2016-12-06 08:21] [Report] []

want to see those frontals

No.62560 : Anonymous [2016-12-08 01:47] [Report] []

looks like this needs a new thread to keep bumping since this is now at the limit. but would definitely want to seem more frontals or even backside

No.73012 : Anonymous [2017-02-08 19:20] [Report] []

t'all the photo was on here before. it is him. there is michigan stuff in the room and the moles/freckles match

No.80702 : Anonymous [2017-03-23 06:38] [Report] []

Can y'all repost the pics got taken down got here late

No.58333 : Anonymous [2016-11-06 14:49] [Report] 1478461780820.jpg (48419 B, 648x864) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
48419 B

Any frontals of Brandon Cole Bailey? IG: itsreallyken

8 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.59001 : Anonymous [2016-11-13 20:06] [Report] 1479085582729.jpg (274691 B, 1080x1440) [YIS] [GIS] []
274691 B

deer in headlights. still hot tho.

No.59003 : Anonymous [2016-11-13 20:17] [Report] 1479086245502.jpg (99047 B, 631x950) [YIS] [GIS] []
99047 B

Based on this photo, I'd say he is cut. ;) Wonder how big it is. Love watching big dicked bottoms get fucked. Love how their cocks bounce around.

No.59008 : Anonymous [2016-11-13 20:57] [Report] 1479088622685.jpg (159483 B, 1050x700) [YIS] [GIS] []
159483 B

That's his ass in a jockstrap. The paint is weird.

No.59009 : Anonymous [2016-11-13 20:58] [Report] 1479088729843.jpg (131267 B, 1050x700) [YIS] [GIS] []
131267 B

That's his ass in a jockstrap. The paint is weird.

No.59010 : Anonymous [2016-11-13 21:00] [Report] 1479088810855.jpg (173991 B, 1050x700) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.59012 : Anonymous [2016-11-13 21:01] [Report] 1479088901407.jpg (394572 B, 1000x1534) [YIS] [GIS] []
394572 B

still hoping to see that cock

No.58334 : Anonymous [2016-11-06 15:08] [Report] 1478462911089.jpg (463014 B, 1242x1744) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
463014 B

Anything on Wade Smith?

No.58365 : Anonymous [2016-11-06 20:01] [Report] 1478480494135.jpg (301712 B, 960x1440) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
301712 B

Does anyone has this or other video where Ricky from Fratmen sucks or gets sucked?

No.58384 : Anonymous [2016-11-06 23:43] [Report] []

Bump for this
Rick is so hot#

No.58402 : Anonymous [2016-11-07 02:47] [Report] []

would love to see this. but I doubt he was really fucked


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