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No.79154 : Anonymous [2017-03-15 14:09] [Report] 1489601382488.jpg (70801 B, 500x750) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
70801 B

Anything on Milutin Djekovic aka @milan1993serbia ? Dude is tall and so fine.

No.79570 : Anonymous [2017-03-17 18:39] [Report] []


No.79160 : J O S H O H L [2017-03-15 14:24] [Report] 1489602270965.jpg (138661 B, 650x975) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
138661 B

What ever happened to AAG model Josh Ohl?

It seems he vanished from the Internet

26 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.87032 : Anonymous [2017-04-27 17:43] [Report] []

That is not his body or sick lol

No.87073 : Anonymous [2017-04-27 20:07] [Report] []

this is his ass (the bee tattoo is his)

but i'm not 100% sure this is his cock

No.87084 : Anonymous [2017-04-27 20:42] [Report] []

>>87073 I know that's his tattoo. That pic was from a clip that was on AAG he did for heatseekers

No.87149 : Anonymous [2017-04-28 07:43] [Report] []

Anyone have his clips from temptationofeve?

No.87354 : Anonymous [2017-04-29 13:10] [Report] []

Bump for more of his stuff!

No.90660 : Anonymous [2017-05-13 19:43] [Report] []

What do you guys think the chance is that #2 is him?

On the temptationofeve page it says "You can never know. NEVER." Below the video

No.79161 : Anonymous [2017-03-15 14:24] [Report] 1489602287444.jpg (5278 B, 320x270) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
5278 B

Any recordings of kylehunter43? He's so hot.

No.79196 : Anonymous [2017-03-15 19:15] [Report] []


No.79162 : Anonymous [2017-03-15 14:26] [Report] 1489602373117.jpg (23792 B, 400x300) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
23792 B

Just caught this guy live on Chaturbate. His name is dreambound. Anyone got anything?

No.79180 : Anonymous [2017-03-15 16:40] [Report] 1489610420886.jpg (207873 B, 1242x1196) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
207873 B

Someone please tell me they have nudes of Snapchat user jamonteverdi. I'd love to see them! I can't get enough of his face and body

15 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.80148 : Anonymous [2017-03-20 11:00] [Report] []

>>80098 may I have the uncensored version? I've been dying to see what this guy has packing! I like all his posts on IG haha

No.80311 : Anonymous [2017-03-21 06:46] [Report] []


No.80398 : Anonymous [2017-03-21 17:28] [Report] []

Search for montever in this page:

http://machoscalientes DOT eu/?cat=7

No.80432 : Anonymous [2017-03-21 20:43] [Report] []

Whoomp there it is

No.80501 : Anonymous [2017-03-22 09:47] [Report] []

Here's 6 pics of him!!!!

No.80695 : Anonymous [2017-03-23 04:40] [Report] []

Fuck yes!

No.79200 : Anonymous [2017-03-15 19:46] [Report] 1489621598579.jpg (76681 B, 499x680) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
76681 B

Can anyone ID him for me?

No.79251 : Anonymous [2017-03-16 01:40] [Report] []

Judson Manor, he did some photos for AAG, easy to find on Google, never showed anything more than side butt in a couple of shots lying down on a sofa

No.79202 : Any12 [2017-03-15 20:15] [Report] 1489623300814.png (1206508 B, 1440x2560) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1206508 B

anyone got any nude of brenden hopkins, his ig is brenden_jenner his sn is brenmike16 and he is also on grindr..any nudes would help

No.82523 : Anonymous [2017-04-02 11:05] [Report] []

any help

No.82732 : Anonymous [2017-04-03 19:19] [Report] []

Thats a pic of Brandon Myers. Its a fake profile

No.82883 : Anonymous [2017-04-04 18:18] [Report] []

damn that sucks i was in philly when saw that profile....but i still need help on finding nudes of brenden hopkins

No.83525 : any12 [2017-04-08 14:52] [Report] 1491677546450.jpg (188701 B, 719x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
188701 B

some one please get nudes ..found this one pic of him

No.83526 : any12 [2017-04-08 14:53] [Report] 1491677586874.jpg (184027 B, 719x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
184027 B

and this was posted on his tumblr

No.84886 : Anonymous [2017-04-16 08:24] [Report] []

cam some oone gets of him..please please

No.79207 : Anonymous [2017-03-15 20:27] [Report] 1489624043099.jpg (90233 B, 607x820) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
90233 B

Anything from boredfrombrisbane on tumblr?

No.79215 : Anonymous [2017-03-15 22:20] [Report] 1489630856674.jpg (51545 B, 666x958) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
51545 B

Anyone got anything of Rafael Caparroso ? he was on Gran Hermano US, he loves to tease and got a far away frontal shots but nothing else

No.79220 : Rex and Ian [2017-03-15 22:45] [Report] 1489632359643.jpg (109463 B, 705x745) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
109463 B

Anyone have nudes of Rex Woodbury or Ian Spear?

No.79243 : Anonymous [2017-03-16 01:03] [Report] []

Ugh please Ian is so hot

No.79291 : Anonymous [2017-03-16 07:41] [Report] []

They're both a little plastic.

No.79874 : Alex [2017-03-19 02:46] [Report] []


^ yes true :) but id still like to sell a hard cock sliding in and out of their holes.

No.79875 : Alex [2017-03-19 02:47] [Report] []

oops i meant "see" a hard cock

No.79226 : Anonymous [2017-03-15 22:58] [Report] 1489633127902.png (889243 B, 1077x1030) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
889243 B

Anybody have anything on this guy. He's 18 and his username on Instagram is jb.maxwell

No.79237 : Anonymous [2017-03-15 23:56] [Report] 1489636591498.png (1119320 B, 983x1030) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.79277 : Anonymous [2017-03-16 05:37] [Report] []

Anyone? He shakes his ass a lot in videos he posts on his Instagram

No.79501 : Thank You [2017-03-17 11:41] [Report] []

I'm just here to remind yall that he only recently turned 18 so technically anything before earlier this month could be considered child porn and we all know how that turns out if the cops get you.
Also he might come off as slutty and stupid on social media but this kid is smart and he's gearing up to launch some kind of online social media whatever the fuck with his management.

No.79233 : a12 [2017-03-15 23:44] [Report] 1489635845744.png (1622535 B, 1067x1309) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1622535 B

anyone got pics of him ..brian szajdek, his from philly , his on grindr

No.79294 : a12 [2017-03-16 08:57] [Report] 1489669044010.png (2474265 B, 1440x2560) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.79295 : a12 [2017-03-16 08:58] [Report] 1489669099089.png (949565 B, 1440x2560) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.79236 : Anonymous [2017-03-15 23:51] [Report] 1489636283416.jpg (10354 B, 240x240) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
10354 B

weird request. Does anyone have anything on the ex-youtuber Cliffy119/zedzedsnook/thezedzedsnook he used those 3 youtube channels and uploaded videos of him blowing up balloons. weird right? well, in alot of his videos he actually got hardons while blowing them or in very few he got naked and fully showed his cock. he briefly mentioned about doing some porn but i haven't heard or seen anything relative to him. i know his from canada if that helps.

No.79238 : Anonymous [2017-03-16 00:07] [Report] 1489637234722.jpg (174580 B, 474x650) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
174580 B

Who wore the cock first? This guy?

No.79239 : Anonymous [2017-03-16 00:07] [Report] 1489637258271.jpg (98303 B, 500x685) [YIS] [GIS] []
98303 B

Or this guy?

No.79326 : Anonymous [2017-03-16 12:54] [Report] []

Photoshopped and there was a thread about him earlier this week. Forgot the name though

No.79257 : Anonymous [2017-03-16 03:23] [Report] 1489649009657.jpg (39332 B, 494x784) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
39332 B

Anyone know who this is, or if there's more of him?

No.79984 : Anonymous [2017-03-19 13:35] [Report] []

Drunksam on tumblr.

No.79278 : Anonymous [2017-03-16 05:46] [Report] 1489657609637.jpg (160448 B, 719x1280) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
160448 B

Any nudes of aoqaar on tumblr / alejandro.quesada on ig?

2 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.79410 : Anonymous [2017-03-16 22:08] [Report] 1489716489461.jpg (773459 B, 1280x1707) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.79590 : Anonymous [2017-03-17 20:47] [Report] []


No.79809 : Anonymous [2017-03-18 21:19] [Report] []

this guy is amazing. anyone have anything else?

No.81082 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 04:24] [Report] []

I doubt there are any actual nudes of him

No.81233 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 21:20] [Report] []


No.81234 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 21:26] [Report] []

Ale is really a sweet guy and we've snapped a few times, but we were both underage at the time. He's barely of age so I don't there are any nudes that are legal.

No.79279 : Anonymous [2017-03-16 05:52] [Report] 1489657932123.jpg (60882 B, 750x920) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
60882 B

Are there any nudes of Quinton Mulvey from instagram?

1 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.79591 : Anonymous [2017-03-17 20:48] [Report] []


No.90171 : Anonymous [2017-05-11 02:24] [Report] []

He has heaps of frontal nudes from photo shoots (soft). Can't remember where I saw them, I think on Tumblr. They exist

No.90205 : Anonymous [2017-05-11 09:53] [Report] 1494510824684.jpg (37205 B, 486x608) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.90352 : Anonymous [2017-05-11 23:45] [Report] []

anything else?

No.90370 : Anonymous [2017-05-12 02:40] [Report] []

don't be so selfish

No.90689 : Anonymous [2017-05-13 22:48] [Report] []

There's gotta be more out there

No.79281 : Anonymous [2017-03-16 06:14] [Report] 1489659267439.jpg (113068 B, 1024x997) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
113068 B

anyone know what young bulgarian bodybuilder Valeri Enchev may be up to on the side?

usually these bulgarian boys enjoy camplay/ escort.. would love to see him working his muscles!

No.79282 : Anonymous [2017-03-16 06:14] [Report] 1489659280744.jpg (77487 B, 1024x683) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.79283 : Anonymous [2017-03-16 06:14] [Report] 1489659292952.jpg (43532 B, 1024x681) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.79487 : Anonymous [2017-03-17 09:31] [Report] []

Fuck .. I would love to see that - he looks like a fuckboy alright.


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