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No.81001 : Anonymous [2017-03-24 20:29] [Report] 1490401753559.png (794341 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
794341 B

Anybody have his nudes ?

His snapchat is benarmstrong1

Bait him and post them on here !!

No.83183 : Anonymous [2017-04-06 16:18] [Report] []

He looks hot.

No.83328 : Anonymous [2017-04-07 12:19] [Report] []

>>83183someone must have his nudes

No.88907 : Anonymous [2017-05-06 15:15] [Report] []

>>83328 anything?

No.81008 : Anonymous [2017-03-24 21:24] [Report] 1490405086306.jpg (167065 B, 750x854) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
167065 B

Zach Smith anyone? I mean look at that ass

No.81014 : Anonymous [2017-03-24 21:59] [Report] 1490407155260.jpg (115800 B, 750x866) [YIS] [GIS] []
115800 B

Second! Or his twin Josh

No.81151 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 15:06] [Report] []

Bump need more twink love on this site!

No.81013 : Anonymous [2017-03-24 21:47] [Report] 1490406474092.png (321036 B, 462x820) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
321036 B

Anyone has anything on mikeroulofitness??

1 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.81029 : Anonymous [2017-03-24 22:57] [Report] []

BUMP! The guys hot. I hope someone has nude pics of him

No.81033 : Anonymous [2017-03-24 23:44] [Report] []

Yes please

No.81054 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 01:14] [Report] []


No.81056 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 01:25] [Report] []

I tried catfishing him once and he was a pro at spotting it. Good luck bitches

No.81141 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 13:23] [Report] []

BUMP this someone must have something

No.81439 : Anonymous [2017-03-27 00:01] [Report] []

Someone must have him

No.81024 : Anonymous [2017-03-24 22:42] [Report] 1490409771373.png (2432129 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
2432129 B

Any nudes of this hot guy? Been dying to see his cock out of his sexy underwear.

No.81025 : Anonymous [2017-03-24 22:43] [Report] 1490409793314.png (2006556 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.81034 : Which porn is this from [2017-03-24 23:46] [Report] 1490413587310.jpg (127320 B, 640x550) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
127320 B

The guys look familiar. Anybody got the video?

No.81044 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 00:15] [Report] 1490415338869.jpg (20127 B, 252x335) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
20127 B

Long shot here. Anyone have a cock pic from Cam4 cammer jackflaz? Thanks.

No.81064 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 02:18] [Report] 1490422718182.jpg (178041 B, 1242x1530) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
178041 B

From this torso and dick, can anyone identify who this guy might be? His cumshot is INSANE:

No.81088 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 04:48] [Report] []

Asked before, but no answer.

No.81126 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 11:59] [Report] []

His name is Sam Cahn. He's a Broadway boy.

No.81083 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 04:29] [Report] 1490430541943.jpg (495507 B, 1242x2143) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
495507 B

Anything on Carson?

2 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.81846 : Anonymous [2017-03-29 10:31] [Report] []

did you keep any of the dirty talk that he sent you

No.81889 : Anonymous [2017-03-29 16:06] [Report] []

He's kind of a dick and always pretended to be straight on vine. If you hit on him he blocked you

Now he's all effeminate and shit, it's annoying lol

No.81904 : Anonymous [2017-03-29 17:55] [Report] []

>>81889 effeminate how so?

No.81912 : Anonymous [2017-03-29 19:09] [Report] 1490828989308.jpg (259492 B, 1242x1703) [YIS] [GIS] []
259492 B

Have you looked at his instagram lol?

No.81934 : Anonymous [2017-03-29 21:24] [Report] []

>>81912 I'm sure he was instructed to dress that way for a modeling gig.

No.81935 : Anonymous [2017-03-29 21:25] [Report] []

>>81889 Well he wasn't a dick to me, he was actually really nice and didn't blocked me, maybe you were just plain annoying lmao.

No.81092 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 06:32] [Report] 1490437956647.png (602819 B, 432x651) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
602819 B

Anybody knows who is this hottie? Name, IG...

No.81094 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 06:53] [Report] 1490439208423.jpg (56060 B, 638x640) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
56060 B

Could someone upload the Dan Lobb video? He's the only guy's video I can't find (without downloading from gaytorrent, anyway). Thanks in advance

No.81095 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 07:09] [Report] 1490440142808.jpg (31736 B, 640x640) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
31736 B

Where are the nudes of Craig Morton?!!

No.81096 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 07:09] [Report] 1490440176330.jpg (54636 B, 640x640) [YIS] [GIS] []
54636 B

like all bodybuilders, he looks all shaved, all the time

No.81097 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 07:09] [Report] 1490440194577.jpg (50553 B, 1080x947) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.81098 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 07:10] [Report] 1490440224584.jpg (77591 B, 750x937) [YIS] [GIS] []
77591 B

may not have a big dick.. but check this ass!!

No.81099 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 07:10] [Report] 1490440236331.jpg (145651 B, 1080x1080) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.81100 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 07:10] [Report] 1490440249239.jpg (150764 B, 1080x1080) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.81245 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 22:54] [Report] []

that is one amazing ass! are there nudes?

No.81101 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 07:49] [Report] 1490442595808.png (549647 B, 600x602) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
549647 B

Anybody know who the young guy is? Is this pic part of a set? Help plz!

No.81110 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 08:52] [Report] 1490446361071.jpg (86718 B, 700x932) [YIS] [GIS] []
86718 B

the pic is from the new yorker and the boy model is Jordan Ver Hoeve

No.81229 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 21:12] [Report] []

any nudes of him?

closed No.81102 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 07:51] [Report] 1490442714867.jpg (0 B, 612x612) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No thumbnail

Anything on Max Wyatt? IG @maxwyatt_ and @itismaxw

No.81103 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 07:52] [Report] 1490442755341.jpg (0 B, 2351x2351) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.81104 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 07:52] [Report] 1490442779600.jpg (0 B, 2576x2576) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.81105 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 07:53] [Report] 1490442790156.jpg (0 B, 1334x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.81106 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 07:53] [Report] 1490442808229.png (0 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.81121 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 11:15] [Report] 1490454915692.jpg (45765 B, 480x480) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
45765 B

can anyone id this guy?

No.81131 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 12:10] [Report] []

Daniel peyer, he has nudes out there but I saw them for sale only. Maybe someone here has them.

No.81142 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 13:37] [Report] []

Really? Who is selling them?

No.81123 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 11:35] [Report] 1490456114318.png (437213 B, 495x624) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
437213 B

anyone know where this is from?

No.81181 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 17:15] [Report] []

I think it's from last May's "Ladies' Home Journal", but I may be mistaken.

No.81276 : Anonymous [2017-03-26 02:52] [Report] []

Looks like a RandyBlue scene.

No.81138 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 12:41] [Report] 1490460089331.jpg (39048 B, 370x445) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
39048 B

Does anybody know who is the hot daddy this torso belongs to?

No.81139 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 12:41] [Report] 1490460107070.jpg (69763 B, 566x629) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.81150 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 15:02] [Report] 1490468548115.jpg (78490 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
78490 B

Anyone have the social media info of the LBGW user currently known as "TheAZballer2"?

He's also gone by "theAZballer", "PHXBaller97", "BigDickBaller2" and a few other names.

His Snap is "theazballer1"

No.81152 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 15:09] [Report] 1490468963833.jpg (155168 B, 716x1016) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
155168 B

Lets start a thread on the incredible Christian Jessen. Quite a few nice pics out there, but could always do with more!

1 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.81155 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 15:13] [Report] 1490469195546.jpg (101763 B, 711x1009) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.81156 : Anonymous [2017-03-25 15:13] [Report] 1490469236677.jpg (13356 B, 282x415) [YIS] [GIS] []
13356 B

Can anybody find a larger version of this?

No.81302 : Anonymous [2017-03-26 08:23] [Report] []

His hair transplant was so high quality. Goals AF

No.81317 : Anonymous [2017-03-26 11:00] [Report] []

can someone put the dick pics on here, they were on twitter a while back

No.81625 : Anonymous [2017-03-28 07:19] [Report] []

Yeah where are the nudes?? :)

No.81648 : Anonymous [2017-03-28 10:39] [Report] 1490711950549.jpg (44757 B, 450x800) [YIS] [GIS] []
44757 B

Here's the best one I could find


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