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No.90932 : Anonymous [2017-05-15 01:11] [Report] 1494825116405.jpg (261691 B, 1106x1804) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
261691 B

Freaking sexy! "Woof" on Scruff..
Anyone have more?

No.90936 : Anonymous [2017-05-15 01:25] [Report] 1494825957146.png (227146 B, 601x263) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
227146 B

anyone know the name of this old model of f4f? or have videos of him? I remember that he used to be a cam model long ago

No.90966 : Anonymous [2017-05-15 04:07] [Report] 1494835628614.png (306216 B, 451x800) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
306216 B

C@l3b Rumin3r anyone have his pics and videos?

No.90969 : Anonymous [2017-05-15 05:01] [Report] 1494838865630.jpg (205463 B, 1200x900) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
205463 B

CB Naughty_Cody
F4F Naughty_Corbin
Twitter Naughty_Corbin

Anything on this guy? I know his Twitter has a few pictures but is there anything else out there?

No.91085 : Anonymous [2017-05-15 19:22] [Report] 1494890570135.jpg (171322 B, 1024x768) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.91139 : Anonymous [2017-05-16 00:40] [Report] 1494909626772.jpg (128545 B, 960x1190) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.91277 : Anonymous [2017-05-16 19:53] [Report] 1494978833858.jpg (141458 B, 1200x900) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.91436 : Anonymous [2017-05-17 14:48] [Report] 1495046886661.jpg (127689 B, 768x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.91585 : Anonymous [2017-05-18 07:13] [Report] 1495106008489.jpg (85036 B, 960x548) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.91901 : Anonymous [2017-05-19 18:11] [Report] 1495231881642.jpg (7576 B, 200x150) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.90975 : Anonymous [2017-05-15 07:13] [Report] 1494846800192.gif (3103293 B, 250x499) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
3103293 B

Does anyone have this video of Dustin? He cums.

No.91049 : Anonymous [2017-05-15 15:48] [Report] []

I don't think anyone really knows what this is from

It's not on his connect pal. Looks like he just jerked off during a photoshoot and the photographer leaked it

No.91079 : Anonymous [2017-05-15 19:02] [Report] []

>>91049 is that common? Just suddenly release one during a photo shoot? I'm curious.

No.91135 : Anonymous [2017-05-16 00:11] [Report] []

No idea lol

No.91146 : Anonymous [2017-05-16 01:19] [Report] []

>>91079 it's pretty common in the male modelling world apparently. Photographers have male models do sexual things and photograph them for their own private collections. With promises of landing them gigs. And out of desperation these male models do whatever they need to. And DM seems pretty desperate as far as his career is concerned. And not to mention he's not really the sharpest tool in the shed.

No.91193 : Anonymous [2017-05-16 08:16] [Report] []

No.90981 : Anonymous [2017-05-15 08:31] [Report] 1494851511232.jpg (82260 B, 619x960) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
82260 B

He did porn once for some company (like Broke Straight Boys-esque) a few years ago, but I can't find anything on him. Anyone know who he is or what scene(s) he's been in?

No.90982 : Anonymous [2017-05-15 08:36] [Report] 1494851782788.jpg (169253 B, 958x958) [YIS] [GIS] []
169253 B

Here's another pic

No.90983 : Anonymous [2017-05-15 08:56] [Report] 1494852982457.png (146043 B, 480x384) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
146043 B

Quite a long shot, but anything on on Cam4 couple 2chicosdos? Their last performance was a few years back, but the Asian guy is so hot. :)

I managed to get two videos (files are kind of buggy, but better than nothing I guess):!0L5DgJSZ!DJ2P-kVZfSnxxDeft0UmBI7N2gVHUHVw5pvfs3O2i1E!1Wg1DQ4Q!L9pmEZkwWRMLhxIRfsyTDuGCBwBCOPTMSMtFoW0QiXc

Profile link:

No.90984 : Anonymous [2017-05-15 08:57] [Report] 1494853040802.png (143970 B, 480x384) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.90986 : Anonymous [2017-05-15 09:11] [Report] 1494853914369.png (152813 B, 480x384) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.91006 : Eric [2017-05-15 11:55] [Report] 1494863708732.jpg (63385 B, 600x750) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
63385 B

Anything on Danny jones fitness?

No.91010 : Anonymous [2017-05-15 12:21] [Report] []

I hope so. This man is so hot! Someone please ask his ex for his nudes lol

No.91111 : Anonymous [2017-05-15 22:00] [Report] []

mmph love that man. his legs are huge. well... HE's huge!!

No.91011 : Anonymous [2017-05-15 12:23] [Report] 1494865381505.jpg (85866 B, 640x790) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
85866 B

Does anyone have any new nudes from Eduardo Del Vechio? I wanted to see more of him.

No.91019 : Anonymous [2017-05-15 13:05] [Report] 1494867943375.jpg (31348 B, 384x576) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
31348 B

Alika Medeiros was the star of the first season of Dating Naked. I thought he looked familiar, and just realized he did porn.

Does anyone know if he was in anything else?

9 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.91163 : Anonymous [2017-05-16 04:22] [Report] []

He is a sex guru! I remember when the show aired I looked him up. You can get one of his sexual healing sessions I think the price was $200 for 30 minutes at that time.

No.91208 : Anonymous [2017-05-16 11:10] [Report] []

>>91156 can you post that video please?

No.91259 : Anonymous [2017-05-16 17:47] [Report] []


Are you fucking kidding?

No.91272 : Anonymous [2017-05-16 19:02] [Report] []

>>91259 I don't think he is :/

Seriously, these people can function enough to use the internet but can't read the damn first post lmao

No.91280 : Anonymous [2017-05-16 20:06] [Report] []

Sorry but, what is the point of a "sex guru" and what is he supposed to do? Isn't that just being a hustler fucking bored middle aged wifes in LA at their husbands' $ expense, all dressed in some oriental mysticism bs?

No.91370 : Anonymous [2017-05-17 08:16] [Report] []


That sounds accurate. Wonder if his clientele has ever been more diverse?

Would love to find some amateur gay stuff with him, he strikes me as a BaitBus or mid-2000's Chaosmen type. I just have a hunch something is out there.

No.91030 : hawaii808 [2017-05-15 13:41] [Report] 1494870080507.jpg (14256 B, 176x132) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
14256 B

Anyone have videos on shlomoshun?

No.91041 : Anonymous [2017-05-15 14:33] [Report] 1494873215280.png (2544585 B, 1242x2208) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
2544585 B

Any one have nudes or could catfish this model?
Maxx_hirsch on insta

No.91048 : Anonymous [2017-05-15 15:45] [Report] 1494877558029.png (1104854 B, 1334x750) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1104854 B

Does anyone have something from foreverjay @ chaturbate

No.91067 : Anonymous [2017-05-15 18:11] [Report] 1494886268001.jpg (33011 B, 591x610) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
33011 B

Any more of Connor Jon I've only seen 1 nude

No.91069 : Anonymous [2017-05-15 18:18] [Report] 1494886710119.jpg (96324 B, 640x720) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
96324 B

scotty sire????

7 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.91537 : Anonymous [2017-05-17 23:09] [Report] []

Please please share the pics

No.91547 : Anonymous [2017-05-18 00:22] [Report] []

Yess! PLease!! PLease share! We NEED to see this lol!

Do you still have them? the nudes?

No.91566 : Anonymous [2017-05-18 02:42] [Report] []

I don't have them, we talked through Vine DM's and I had no idea how to save the vids through it.

No.91749 : Anonymous [2017-05-19 02:12] [Report] []

Take some screenshots, then.

No.91927 : Anonymous [2017-05-19 20:19] [Report] []

Yes prove it :)

No.91932 : Anonymous [2017-05-19 20:25] [Report] []

Is he bi??

No.91075 : Anonymous [2017-05-15 18:54] [Report] 1494888892166.png (587601 B, 398x851) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
587601 B

anything on this guy? his ig is wegnerjoe

No.91076 : Anonymous [2017-05-15 18:55] [Report] 1494888951333.png (529660 B, 333x682) [YIS] [GIS] []
529660 B

or his friend jay?

No.91137 : Anonymous [2017-05-16 00:22] [Report] []

Joe is so hot! What are the chances that he has something out there? Would love to see what he's packin'!

No.91078 : Anonymous [2017-05-15 18:59] [Report] 1494889196232.jpg (127257 B, 1242x755) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
127257 B

Anyone have anything from this guy? He goes by chase homme and says he did porn. Only shares if you pay him. Can't find his stuff anywhere without his porn with... More curious to see his nudes or a video than anything.

No.91088 : Anonymous [2017-05-15 19:34] [Report] []

Sorry, I meant without his porn name.

No.91263 : Anonymous [2017-05-16 18:02] [Report] []

He's good looking, I'd love to see more !

No.91273 : Hpot [2017-05-16 19:10] [Report] []

If I break down and buy something from him, I'll post it here.

No.91080 : Anonymous [2017-05-15 19:06] [Report] 1494889573717.png (859883 B, 1124x611) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
859883 B

@mrcarters nudes anyone?

No.91082 : Anonymous [2017-05-15 19:06] [Report] 1494889589186.jpg (37372 B, 717x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
37372 B

His ass

No.91242 : Anonymous [2017-05-16 15:57] [Report] 1494964658668.jpg (71918 B, 960x640) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.91655 : Anonymous [2017-05-18 17:14] [Report] []

Someone has to have pics of this guys Dong!


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