Archive/Dongs 2017

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No.56043 : Anonymous [2016-10-15 23:50] [Report] 1476589857723.jpg (148689 B, 1080x1080) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
148689 B

Any nudes of Carl Seeno? Goes by carlseeno on IG and theqahwa on Tumblr. Lives in the DC area.

6 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.83092 : Anonymous [2017-04-06 00:50] [Report] []

He is gorgeous...

No.83208 : Anonymous [2017-04-06 18:42] [Report] []

He's been on scruff for a while, but I sure do hope someone can tease a few nudes out of him!

No.84276 : Anonymous [2017-04-12 16:09] [Report] []


No.84486 : Anonymous [2017-04-14 00:22] [Report] []

Seems you have to be local to get a response out of him. Chatted with him a bit while in DC on business, but wouldn't give me the time of day once I left town.

No.85212 : Anonymous [2017-04-17 20:00] [Report] 1492473639028.png (2043031 B, 1440x2560) [YIS] [GIS] []
2043031 B

Desperately seeking more!

No.89456 : Anonymous [2017-05-08 11:18] [Report] 1494256706647.jpg (66148 B, 743x489) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.56047 : Anonymous [2016-10-16 00:08] [Report] 1476590939027.jpg (19538 B, 310x459) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]

No.56064 : Anonymous [2016-10-16 02:51] [Report] 1476600715843.png (536821 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
536821 B

anyone have anything of miles alexander on snapchat. his snapchat is

this isnt much bc he hardly posts selfies. just lots of revealing vids. he has shown his penis but it was soft. he always shows his ass. hes actually charging 50 bucks for ppl to pay to see him have sex with a girl. not sure he knows how gay for pay works. he complains a lot about guys talking to him or sending him dick pics.

just wondering if anyone knows more about him or is able to have any better pics?

36 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.57824 : Anonymous [2016-11-02 02:48] [Report] []

First: Thank you for posting! This is what this board is about.

Secondly: Holy shit, now that is the kind of content Snap should be about!

Does this guy still do snaps like this? lol

No.59144 : Anonymous [2016-11-14 21:00] [Report] []

He talks about sex shows and people leaking his stuff but I never see anything other than teases on his snap account that is listed in OP. Does he have a private one?

No.59278 : Anonymous [2016-11-15 22:43] [Report] []

He posted on his public snap that he does have a private xxx snapchat account and right now he's doing a sex show on it. Anyone know what it is?

No.62551 : Anonymous [2016-12-08 00:27] [Report] []

Bump for sex video

No.62615 : Anonymous [2016-12-08 09:14] [Report] []

Is there any chance someone will share a sex vid?

No.62682 : Anonymous [2016-12-08 13:36] [Report] []

bump for some screen shots

No.56068 : Anonymous [2016-10-16 04:43] [Report] 1476607410420.jpg (86512 B, 750x829) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
86512 B

Can anyone ID this? From here

No.56085 : Anonymous [2016-10-16 12:09] [Report] []

Justin Matthews.

No.56069 : Anonymous [2016-10-16 05:16] [Report] 1476609414767.jpg (370527 B, 1280x1707) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
370527 B

Does anyone have anything on Shane Bainz? He's so hot and his snap always has a racy pic but nothing too revealing :(

5 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.56370 : Anonymous [2016-10-19 04:47] [Report] []

How did your talk with him go?

No.56371 : Anonymous [2016-10-19 05:00] [Report] []

Does anyone have anything on 'juhjonny' from tumblr? (http://juhjonny(dot)tumblr(dot)com/)

He is 'jonhmcgarry' on instagram, twitter and snapchat.

No.56378 : Anonymous [2016-10-19 07:51] [Report] 1476877861422.png (613900 B, 736x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.56379 : Anonymous [2016-10-19 07:51] [Report] 1476877894332.jpg (525826 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.56762 : Anonymous [2016-10-23 00:04] [Report] []

Anything new?

No.73762 : Anonymous [2017-02-13 17:24] [Report] []

ANYTHIng new on Bainzy?? Sometimes stuff in SC but maybe there's more! Ugh

No.56088 : Anonymous [2016-10-16 12:33] [Report] 1476635633438.jpg (999373 B, 854x1286) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
999373 B

Does anyone have anything on Dwain Leland?

No.56090 : Anonymous [2016-10-16 12:34] [Report] 1476635680005.gif (7434735 B, 400x400) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.56093 : Anonymous [2016-10-16 12:58] [Report] 1476637128499.jpg (37708 B, 500x333) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
37708 B

Old thread is archived, so can we make a new one for tumblr hottie mykicks (Mike)? Just posted another shirtless pic. Someone out there has to have an erect dick pic or hole pic!!

7 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.62864 : Anonymous [2016-12-09 21:34] [Report] []

we need more mike dick!!

No.63287 : Anonymous [2016-12-13 06:30] [Report] 1481628644243.png (1419695 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.66643 : Anonymous [2017-01-04 21:22] [Report] []

bumping for more dick pics

No.68272 : Anonymous [2017-01-14 12:43] [Report] []

He apparently is off Tumblr now so we wont get anymore thirst trap pics on there :(

No.80423 : Anonymous [2017-03-21 19:54] [Report] 1490140499071.jpg (137133 B, 1080x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
137133 B

he's back

No.80424 : Anonymous [2017-03-21 19:58] [Report] 1490140723057.png (791928 B, 719x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.56097 : Anonymous [2016-10-16 13:16] [Report] 1476638171584.jpg (404424 B, 1219x1708) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
404424 B

If anyone has anything on this beautiful guy I will be forever grateful!

No.79580 : Anonymous [2017-03-17 19:01] [Report] []

my god <3

No.85226 : Anonymous [2017-04-17 21:02] [Report] []

Good lord please let there be more!

No.85242 : Anonymous [2017-04-17 22:27] [Report] []

He Like flirting with girl...So any1 can bait this str8 dancer for us 🤔

No.56104 : Anonymous [2016-10-16 13:38] [Report] 1476639537655.jpg (47891 B, 540x960) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
47891 B

So jonny whettlock finally uploaded a nude, was wondering if anyone had anything else of him?

No.56111 : Anonymous [2016-10-16 15:41] [Report] 1476646892989.png (329373 B, 1080x723) [YIS] [GIS] []
329373 B

From a few years ago.

No.65337 : Anonymous [2016-12-27 16:45] [Report] []

If you contact him on kik Lil_jonnyy he sells naked
pics and videos of himself

No.56131 : Anonymous [2016-10-16 21:14] [Report] 1476666879641.jpg (239120 B, 853x1280) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
239120 B

Anyone got more of this guy? Think his name is James Garside

No.56403 : Anonymous [2016-10-19 16:33] [Report] []

I remember that there are nudes of him floating around on the old thread

No.56407 : Anonymous [2016-10-19 17:26] [Report] []

Oooh. That sounds good. Any idea where? There's lots of old posts to look through!

No.56409 : Anonymous [2016-10-19 17:35] [Report] []

Thanks to No.5665. But I can only find clothed pics on the other board. I'm looking for the other kind of pics...

No.56475 : Anonymous [2016-10-20 09:15] [Report] []

Yeah, someone is bound to have this guy's pics. Please!

No.56133 : Anonymous [2016-10-16 21:21] [Report] 1476667260619.jpg (187162 B, 400x590) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
187162 B

This guy is hot. Any naked pics? His bf is hot too. Tumble is: christoffferrr

No.56195 : Anonymous [2016-10-17 16:50] [Report] 1476737422413.jpg (81316 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.56196 : Anonymous [2016-10-17 16:51] [Report] 1476737479793.jpg (1937220 B, 1936x2592) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.56197 : Anonymous [2016-10-17 16:52] [Report] []

http://www.gayboystube com/video/475213/sexy-newcastle-lad

You are welcom

No.56289 : Anonymous [2016-10-18 16:28] [Report] 1476822514902.jpg (114688 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.56290 : Anonymous [2016-10-18 16:29] [Report] 1476822543244.jpg (110592 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.56140 : Anonymous [2016-10-16 22:03] [Report] 1476669813306.jpg (62837 B, 720x960) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
62837 B

Anyone got anything from Logan Sanchez or Logysanch on insta, he's 18 and has occasionally accidentally posted stuff apperently haha, doesn't seem shy and is a dick but he's hot

No.56168 : Anonymous [2016-10-17 08:01] [Report] []

his snapchat is Logysanch and he occasionally posts body pics on there

No.56142 : Anonymous [2016-10-16 22:21] [Report] 1476670916863.jpg (252662 B, 1122x1576) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
252662 B

Anyone have nudes of ig user @bad_boy_gugu? I know he's on tumblr as badboygugu but all I see is teases, no actual nudes. Anyone got em?

No.56145 : Anonymous [2016-10-16 22:46] [Report] 1476672401456.jpg (51634 B, 640x1136) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
51634 B

Please identify this gif. This is the link

No.56154 : Anonymous [2016-10-17 00:54] [Report] []

This si from CockyBoys. The Top is Ricky Roman, but I don't know the bottom...maybe Gabriel Clark. You should be able to find it from this though...

No.56149 : Anonymous [2016-10-16 23:13] [Report] 1476673993050.png (892409 B, 1014x624) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
892409 B

does anyone know who this guy is? looks like a webcam model

No.56151 : Anonymous [2016-10-17 00:11] [Report] 1476677461852.jpg (502910 B, 1241x1920) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
502910 B

does anyone have any idea who this is?

No.56153 : Anonymous [2016-10-17 00:53] [Report] 1476679999102.jpg (507498 B, 1280x1009) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.56152 : Anyone got Dickadence? [2016-10-17 00:26] [Report] 1476678394913.jpg (113276 B, 1080x720) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
113276 B

Dickadence / Travattic Tumblr.

No.56329 : Anonymous [2016-10-18 23:32] [Report] 1476847947398.jpg (206613 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
206613 B

Best I've got from tumblr. SC is Travattic

No.56386 : Anonymous [2016-10-19 09:46] [Report] []

Someone meowfish him ?

No.58379 : Anonymous [2016-11-06 22:42] [Report] []

Bump? He also claims to have done camshows before.

No.56159 : Anonymous [2016-10-17 03:55] [Report] 1476690945352.png (626229 B, 1198x673) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
626229 B

Does anyone have any links to tumblr's where the owner/guy posts photos and vids of himself and his sex life? I love those sites the most and I want to see more.


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