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No.43239 : Anonymous [2016-07-15 16:23] [Report] 1468614237277.jpg (107476 B, 750x829) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
107476 B

Who's got stuff of this guy?

No.43314 : Anonymous [2016-07-16 13:32] [Report] []

damn he's hot

No.43242 : Anonymous [2016-07-15 16:43] [Report] 1468615434548.png (1037497 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1037497 B

Anything from reynee lawson? He's so cute

No.43250 : Anonymous [2016-07-15 19:28] [Report] []

So hot!

No.44417 : Anonymous [2016-07-27 02:23] [Report] 1469600610519.jpg (259827 B, 800x1200) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.43261 : Anonymous [2016-07-16 00:19] [Report] 1468642753473.jpg (70165 B, 360x480) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
70165 B

Does anyone remember elkingsize? He had a tumblr blog and Flickr page a few years ago posting an assortment of pics of his phat Latino booty. If anyone has other pics of him feel free to share :)

No.43298 : Anonymous [2016-07-16 10:51] [Report] 1468680713497.jpg (69378 B, 500x545) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.43266 : Anonymous [2016-07-16 02:10] [Report] 1468649454201.jpg (202977 B, 1400x1680) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
202977 B

Joe L*ocicero anyone?

No.43277 : Anonymous [2016-07-16 07:05] [Report] 1468667132769.jpg (494882 B, 1242x1375) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
494882 B

Anything on this guy?

No.43428 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 13:45] [Report] []


No.43603 : Anonymous [2016-07-19 05:45] [Report] []


No.45839 : Anonymous [2016-08-08 12:57] [Report] 1470675436163.jpg (173881 B, 1239x1230) [YIS] [GIS] []
173881 B


No.43286 : whoever [2016-07-16 09:48] [Report] 1468676904189.jpg (140153 B, 1080x720) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
140153 B

Anybody know who this is? Comes from tumblr and I'm pretty sure it was on lxscivious but I can't remember his username.

No.43426 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 13:38] [Report] []


No.43288 : Anonymous [2016-07-16 09:57] [Report] 1468677467053.gif (1746687 B, 245x163) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1746687 B

Anybody know who are the guys in these gifs or what movie they are from?

No.43289 : Anonymous [2016-07-16 09:58] [Report] 1468677522228.gif (1118963 B, 245x163) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.43290 : Anonymous [2016-07-16 09:59] [Report] 1468677580954.gif (1546994 B, 245x163) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.43291 : Anonymous [2016-07-16 10:00] [Report] 1468677628569.gif (1562325 B, 245x163) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.43312 : Anonymous [2016-07-16 13:09] [Report] []

his name is jonny pitt from g4yhoopla.

No.43329 : K [2016-07-16 16:36] [Report] []

His name is Johnny Pitt from the site Gayhoopla
and You can watch and download his 2 videos here
a solo video of him jerking off and a video of him fucking a chick.

You're welcome! :)

No.43303 : Anonymous [2016-07-16 11:55] [Report] 1468684514505.jpg (134948 B, 570x1050) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
134948 B

Does anyone have any nude videos or pics of Dafnis Garcia. He posts some hot tease videos on his YouTube accounts, but I am eager to see more of him. Thanks.

No.43308 : Anonymous [2016-07-16 12:30] [Report] 1468686644460.jpg (18511 B, 350x225) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
18511 B

I saw an image file in one of my folders and I can't remember this guy's username in CB. Would anyone identify him? And also share videos of him playing with other guys. Thanks. I would really appreciate it.

1 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.43405 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 10:52] [Report] []


As I've said this image file (actually a thumbnail image file sadly) is taken from a folder in my PC which I happen to save from a website during early 2015. I can't remember the name of the cammer. I even use reverse image search for it but to no avail. If I can read what was written on the top corner of that image file, I won't ask it here. And I would straight away ask for any videos from these cammers instead.

I'm hoping someone here would recognize them.

No.43512 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 06:56] [Report] []

He is brokeguy18, I would really love to see some videos of him too!

No.43609 : Anonymous [2016-07-19 07:32] [Report] []

Right that's the guy. Thanks for the info. I haven't seen him in a long time probably almost 2 years now and I even forgot his username because of it. Down to my next request, are there any videos of him available where he is with another guy? Please share any links available please. Thanks in advance.

No.50066 : Anonymous [2017-02-22 20:30] [Report] []

I remember brokeguy18 in cb and it has been 2 years since the last time I saw him. Anybody who would like to share any vids of him especially those where he is with a guy in a ticket show. I'm sure many would appreciate it including me. =)

No.50197 : Anonymous [2017-03-12 05:36] [Report] []

I know this is an old thread, but wondering if anyone has/knows something about him

No.50713 : Anonymous [2017-05-17 15:02] [Report] []

Anything from him? Especially the duo shows.

No.43309 : Anonymous [2016-07-16 12:50] [Report] 1468687846607.jpg (82010 B, 444x750) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
82010 B

Any more nudes of model Sam Lawson out there?

No.50253 : Anonymous [2017-03-19 17:29] [Report] []

That's from a set he did with Nasty Nick, so yeah, more exist. The hard part is getting them.

No.50255 : Anonymous [2017-03-19 18:52] [Report] []

OMFGG. I have had the hots for this lad since I saw him on Hotel of Mum and Dad. He did a photoshoot on Youtube where he showed his bum and it was sooo effin hot. Did he do any guy on guy stuff on the main website (EL)?

No.50544 : Anonymous [2017-04-28 06:11] [Report] 1493374281679.jpg (91299 B, 614x767) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.43313 : Anonymous [2016-07-16 13:17] [Report] 1468689432624.jpg (42510 B, 700x526) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
42510 B

Any of y'all have videos of Jbunny43 (the longhaired guy) from voyeurb0ys? He has done some pretty steamy stuff with another guy...

No.43318 : Anonymous [2016-07-16 14:02] [Report] 1468692157976.jpg (90095 B, 439x439) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
90095 B

He has A Lots of videos& pics out there, I found a gif but please share is anyone has more pics& videos

No.43319 : Anonymous [2016-07-16 14:03] [Report] 1468692215944.jpg (87347 B, 500x667) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.43337 : Anonymous [2016-07-16 19:34] [Report] []

Instagram: hi.joshy

No.43348 : Anonymous [2016-07-16 22:28] [Report] []

pretty slutty, some gif (w/ dildo etc) on tumblr but anyone has videos?

No.43383 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 06:46] [Report] []

BUMP he has a nice ass

No.43421 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 12:51] [Report] []

found this gif, anyone actually saved his videos on vine or have a way to view them?

No.43422 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 12:51] [Report] 1468774300531.gif (1626689 B, 360x360) [YIS] [GIS] []
1626689 B

found this gif, anyone actually saved his videos on vine or have a way to view them?

No.43328 : Anonymous [2016-07-16 15:58] [Report] 1468699136029.jpg (81193 B, 640x474) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
81193 B

Anything on this guy?Really hot and in the Navy.

1 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.43530 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 13:17] [Report] 1468862229786.jpg (125816 B, 769x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.43589 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 22:56] [Report] []

Anymore of his nudes?

No.43598 : Anonymous [2016-07-19 02:01] [Report] []

bump he's hot af

No.44056 : Anonymous [2016-07-23 12:29] [Report] []


No.44073 : Anonymous [2016-07-23 15:53] [Report] []

Omg he's fat. To people who advertise themselves on this site, please just stop

No.44122 : Anonymous [2016-07-24 00:57] [Report] []

Anyone got his nudez?

No.43330 : Anonymous [2016-07-16 17:34] [Report] 1468704850072.gif (1022270 B, 160x160) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1022270 B

Anyone know the source of this?

No.43444 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 16:23] [Report] []

Hes a porn star. He goes by the name 'Vance Crawford'. Hes ok looking but has a small dick and cant take no dicking at all..

No.43331 : thecrazybitch18 [2016-07-16 18:18] [Report] 1468707539803.jpg (80661 B, 640x640) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
80661 B

Any nudes on this cute lad
Instagram : thecrazybitch18

No.43332 : thecrazybitch18 [2016-07-16 18:20] [Report] 1468707600401.jpg (38705 B, 750x750) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.43333 : thecrazybitch18 [2016-07-16 18:20] [Report] 1468707624551.jpg (48524 B, 640x640) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.43336 : Anonymous [2016-07-16 19:16] [Report] 1468710960800.jpg (85438 B, 750x743) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.43397 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 09:17] [Report] 1468761444425.jpg (70116 B, 758x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.43782 : Anonymous [2016-07-20 13:04] [Report] []

any more of him?

No.43342 : Anonymous [2016-07-16 21:45] [Report] 1468719906193.jpg (90640 B, 1080x1080) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
90640 B

Please tell more about this hottie

No.43441 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 15:37] [Report] 1468784221474.jpg (190026 B, 750x1277) [YIS] [GIS] []
190026 B

Anyone? Bump

No.43343 : Anonymous [2016-07-16 21:51] [Report] 1468720260591.jpg (187789 B, 800x800) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
187789 B

Any nudes of singer/model Dylan Seymour?

No.43346 : Anonymous [2016-07-16 22:19] [Report] 1468721941982.jpg (51774 B, 600x800) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
51774 B

Instagram/Twitter: Jerkful
his name is Yan Vostrikov, kinda famous on social media and word has it he has some nudes floating around. please share!

No.43347 : Anonymous [2016-07-16 22:21] [Report] 1468722078557.jpg (86564 B, 600x666) [YIS] [GIS] []
86564 B

he's steaming hot

No.43365 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 01:58] [Report] []

who else wants his thick cock

No.43384 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 06:48] [Report] []

one of few hot internet famous out there lol

No.43402 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 10:28] [Report] 1468765737364.jpg (40330 B, 512x800) [YIS] [GIS] []
40330 B

OMG BUMP! He's sooo HOT!!

No.44967 : Anonymous [2016-08-01 01:07] [Report] []

Looks hot........someone must have his nudes..........

No.45625 : Anonymous [2016-08-06 04:39] [Report] []

Nah I know this kid. He's fairly normal and modest other than a few shirtless pics. I don't think there's enough narcissism to have nudes floating around out there. But of course I'd love to be proven wrong.


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