Archive/Dongs 2017

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No.54001 : Anonymous [2016-09-24 18:09] [Report] 1474754966465.jpg (73154 B, 800x600) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
73154 B

Anyone have any vids of this guy, bennnyboi from Cam4

No.54121 : Anonymous [2016-09-26 12:31] [Report] []

There are a few videos on chaturbatemales but nothing really showing much.

No.54414 : Anonymous [2016-09-29 12:31] [Report] []


No.55659 : Anonymous [2016-10-11 15:04] [Report] []

He seems to jack off a bit in this video:
Anyone happen to have it?

No.81492 : Anonymous [2017-03-27 12:43] [Report] []

He's hot, anyone got anything on him?

No.81612 : Anonymous [2017-03-28 05:02] [Report] 1490691753712.jpg (55460 B, 500x500) [YIS] [GIS] []
55460 B

He's on tumblr under the name Frodofaggis

No.81664 : Anonymous [2017-03-28 12:54] [Report] []

Fit, anyone have any nudes of him or vids?

No.54009 : Anonymous [2016-09-24 20:42] [Report] 1474764137750.png (1845384 B, 1875x1204) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1845384 B

Any nudes of Thomas Morrison?

No.54046 : Anonymous [2016-09-25 14:01] [Report] []

ugh, hard pass

No.54014 : Anonymous [2016-09-25 00:43] [Report] 1474778595988.png (2327095 B, 1916x1428) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
2327095 B

Anybody know this guy's username?

No.54077 : Anonymous [2016-09-25 20:24] [Report] []



I haven't seen him for 2 years already.

No.54022 : Anonymous [2016-09-25 03:22] [Report] 1474788146315.jpg (162011 B, 720x540) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
162011 B

Does anyone have nudes of Nickoles Perez ?
His IG is @nickoles_alex

No.54038 : Anonymous [2016-09-25 11:56] [Report] []

He started doing porn for Randy Blue a while ago. He is under the porn name Scotty Marx now.

No.54023 : Anonymous [2016-09-25 05:12] [Report] 1474794777768.jpg (78327 B, 1344x1001) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No.54161 : Anonymous [2016-09-26 20:20] [Report] []


No.54168 : Anonymous [2016-09-26 23:07] [Report] []

i have it what will you trade for it?

No.54170 : Anonymous [2016-09-27 00:42] [Report] []

No need for trades -

No.54257 : Anonymous [2016-09-27 20:29] [Report] []

>>54170 Thank you!!!!

No.54266 : Anonymous [2016-09-27 22:02] [Report] []

>>54168 haha
>>54170 ty kind sir

No.54035 : Anonymous [2016-09-25 10:57] [Report] 1474815447363.png (600614 B, 798x798) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
600614 B

Does anyone have anything on YouTuber Calvin Bremer?

No.54235 : Anonymous [2016-09-27 16:49] [Report] []

bump, there has to be something

No.54328 : no chance [2016-09-28 13:04] [Report] []

He has a boyfriend and apparently was with Cameron Elder at some point or at least was trying really hard to get with him. He had a mini melt down on twitter when Cameron told him no. Calvin tweeted out that Cameron was a not so good guy because he gave out nudes on grindr like they were candy even though Calvin felt that they were an item. I mean I'd love to see it but I doubt it because these youtube types know better than to send out nudes like that. I kinda wanna see his ass because he's definitely a bottom and well, you know.

closed No.54039 : Anonymous [2016-09-25 12:14] [Report] 1474820098308.png (0 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No thumbnail

There was a thread on snapchat user raamboo but I can't find it but I have pics of him so here you go. If anyone else has anything else of him please post those too ;)

8 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.56276 : Anonymous [2016-10-18 13:28] [Report] 1476811699297.png (0 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail


No.56277 : Anonymous [2016-10-18 13:28] [Report] 1476811734377.png (0 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

Foreskin pulled back

No.56278 : Anonymous [2016-10-18 13:29] [Report] 1476811778839.png (0 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

Full body

No.56281 : Anonymous [2016-10-18 13:38] [Report] 1476812282978.png (0 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.56363 : Anonymous [2016-10-19 03:38] [Report] 1476862725764.png (0 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.56778 : Anonymous [2016-10-23 01:40] [Report] 1477201232095.png (0 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

Butthole again

No.54044 : Anonymous [2016-09-25 13:18] [Report] 1474823917637.jpg (29771 B, 480x360) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
29771 B

Any pics of videos of these guys (especially the one in the front), they were on cam4 together as Dylanaustin2 and the blond one had his own account crozi94

No.54213 : Anonymous [2016-09-27 13:06] [Report] []

He's cute ;)

No.55416 : Anonymous [2016-10-09 07:46] [Report] []


No.56187 : Anonymous [2016-10-17 13:41] [Report] []

The guy at the back was on Cam4 a wile ago with another lad.

No.66553 : Anonymous [2017-01-04 11:37] [Report] []


No.54047 : Anonymous [2016-09-25 14:39] [Report] 1474828789125.jpg (49842 B, 640x641) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
49842 B

Anything on this guy? He was dondaniels on streammate

No.54048 : Anonymous [2016-09-25 14:40] [Report] 1474828813527.jpg (41960 B, 640x641) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.54056 : Anonymous [2016-09-25 16:45] [Report] 1474836343197.jpg (700002 B, 1788x3286) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
700002 B

Someone has nudes or videos of worthykt? He used to cam on chaturbate.

3 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.54448 : Anonymous [2016-09-29 20:35] [Report] []

Wow thanks!

No.54776 : Anonymous [2016-10-02 20:30] [Report] []

Thanks for all the information. I would be very grateful if you could remember his cam4 name!

No.83565 : Anonymous [2017-04-08 18:50] [Report] []

He hasn't cammed for a good while now. Looks like he is gone :(!

No.83710 : jkr [2017-04-09 14:07] [Report] []

I remember this guy on cb. I checked his profile and he hadn't been around for 2 yrs and 2 mths now. Share anything to remember him by?

No.83865 : Anonymous [2017-04-10 08:39] [Report] []

i miss him. he was such a sweetheart

No.84272 : Anonymous [2017-04-12 15:54] [Report] []

most of his contents are gone.

No.54057 : Anonymous [2016-09-25 17:28] [Report] 1474838896753.jpg (455066 B, 601x965) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
455066 B

Any know who this guy is or have more pics? Or is this pic photoshopped?

No.54069 : Anonymous [2016-09-25 18:40] [Report] []

Looks pretty photoshopped to me, man.

No.54058 : Anonymous [2016-09-25 18:08] [Report] 1474841310825.jpg (353889 B, 854x1280) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
353889 B

can anyone help plz !! ID ??

No.54062 : Anonymous [2016-09-25 18:29] [Report] 1474842549706.jpg (80285 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
80285 B

Anybody have anything or know more about this guy? Used to be pikachuears on tumblr, but deactivated his account.

No.54063 : Anonymous [2016-09-25 18:29] [Report] 1474842595098.jpg (1256099 B, 1132x1625) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.54064 : Anonymous [2016-09-25 18:30] [Report] 1474842615491.jpg (383499 B, 1080x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.56690 : Anonymous [2016-10-22 17:10] [Report] []

goes by britneyspearow now

No.56848 : Anonymous [2016-10-23 17:46] [Report] 1477259213340.jpg (171031 B, 750x1000) [YIS] [GIS] []
171031 B

>>56690 Thanks for the update! He's still hot and still a tease. I'm still hoping there's more out there somewhere...

No.56866 : Anonymous [2016-10-23 20:36] [Report] 1477269413752.jpg (59081 B, 500x375) [YIS] [GIS] []
59081 B

right!? i hope so too.

No.54065 : Anonymous [2016-09-25 18:35] [Report] 1474842926200.jpg (358478 B, 1280x1020) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
358478 B

Anything on tumblr user oddinvention? Real name is Brian and I think he lives in Chicago.

No.54066 : Anonymous [2016-09-25 18:35] [Report] 1474842955607.jpg (204836 B, 1280x853) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.54067 : Anonymous [2016-09-25 18:36] [Report] 1474842976447.jpg (261502 B, 960x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.54070 : Anonymous [2016-09-25 18:55] [Report] 1474844139460.png (157156 B, 454x455) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
157156 B

Who is this?

No.54071 : Anonymous [2016-09-25 18:57] [Report] 1474844244998.jpg (67283 B, 346x493) [YIS] [GIS] []
67283 B

This is something

No.54073 : Anonymous [2016-09-25 19:41] [Report] 1474846879739.jpg (96368 B, 768x1024) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
96368 B

Anyone have his Snapchat?

No.54075 : Anonymous [2016-09-25 19:57] [Report] 1474847867358.jpg (245174 B, 1000x752) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]

No.54076 : Anonymous [2016-09-25 20:17] [Report] 1474849051749.png (125026 B, 265x271) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
125026 B

His name is Loveprobelive and lately he's only been doing crazyticket shows on chaturbate. Can someone download the video for me?


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